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Wes Updates
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Another 'procedure'
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Email from Wes
Topic: Update
Spent a good part of Tuesday afternoon at Meritcare with my (assigned) cardiologist, Dr. Wynne, a followup
to my Echogardiogram of two weeks ago. He determined that my "rate"
of pumping was still too low (ejection ratio?) so met with a Dr. Pierce who suggested having a Defibilator
inserted as "insurance" to help make my heart beat more regular.
Although it's not a pace-maker, it has one as part of it, & requires minor surger to insert it, with an overnight
hospital stay. I'm scheduled for the procedure Tuesday morning, April 28, & either
Verna or Al will drive me up and/or back the next day, if all goes well? I'm now off coumidin & on two baby
aspirin daily. Not to worry, as I should be okay, in spite of restrictions for 2 weeks afterwards (like no driving or
lifting my left arm above my shoulder. Need to return two weeks afterwards, it appears, for checkup, etc.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:47 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 April 2009 7:03 PM CDT
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Monday, 2 March 2009
Wes is home... finally!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Copy of Dad's email
Topic: Update
It's nearing 4:00 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 26, & after deleting many e-mails from the last 3-4 months, I decided to let you know that I was released from Eventide Nursing Home Tuesday
afternoon, following a morning class & test on how to drive using hand-controls in a vehicle. My CRV is getting outfitted today in Fargo & sometime, somehow, it will get returned to
me here at my Lake Lida home. My first driving will be accompanied by someone else (neighbor? relative? friend?) until I'm confident to drive it to Fergus Falls, 30 miles from here
to take a second test required by Minnesota. My brother, Al, & his wife, Becky, picked me up Tuesday, took me to the local drug store to get updated medications & then to Larry's
Supermarket in Pelican Rapids for groceries, amounting to $160, which wasn't bad considering I didn't recall what I had here in my pantry, refrigerator or freezer? They stayed long
enough to get all my things inside, unpacked & put away, continuing the process Wednesday morning, when a Home-Health nurse came to sign me up for therapy & other services.
Al & Becky left about 9:00 a.m. this morning for the first leg of their trip to Arizona, planning to be gone until the second week in April, so I'm relying on help from others until then?:-(
Yes...we're getting the snowstorm that most of the Dakotas & Minnesota are experiencing, so 3 people cancelled on me today (therapist, accesories delivery & cleaning person).
It was exactly 3 months from the day I entered the nursing home that I was discharged, with an OKAY from the therapists, nurses & social worker there. I will be using the services
of Home-Health for the next 4 weeks, it appears, which invloves an occupational & physical therapist, plus a person to help with my showers, etc, so inbetween I'm managing with
either my wheelchair or my prosthetics (artificial legs), depending on my needs & abilities. I use a walker and/or cane to get around my house when I'm wearing the prosthetics, &
know my own limits or endurance, which has me transfering to the wheelchair. It was 6 weeks ago that I started walking & have progressed through using stairs & maneuvering in
& around my home...carefully, I might add. Everything is "slow 'n' go" for me, so I don't always get to the telephone "in time" or answerig the doorbell, so should you plan to visit me
here, PLEASE CALL beforehand, thank you! I won't venture "out" alone for awhile & am restricted to going to church, barber or clinic while I'm under the care of Home-Health. I'm
looking forward to spring & the absence of snow or ice, but will have several walkers "handy" to help get to the garage or into other people's vehicles when it's necessary to leave.
I've had offers of help from several people already, which includes neighbors, church friends & family members, so am grateful for the blessing of being semi-independent again.:-)
I've received a multitude of cards before, during & after the Christmas holidays, which I appreciated, but until I get addresses updated, this means of communication will have to
suffice before I mail anything resembling a holiday card/update, which may be closer to Easter, it appears? I'm still amazed at the recovery progress I've experienced since my
amputation on Nov. 18, but being pain-free again makes it all worthwhile, thanks to the prayers, professional help & God's will for me to lead a near-normal life once again. If you
choose to respond to this e-mail, try to NOT "hit" REPLY as it also returns this update to me, & I try to print the responses I receive.:-) As for OTHER kinds of e-mails, I don't have
much extra time to read the jokes, etc., so even if your intentions are to cheer me up, I'd rather get a personal reply, for now! May you also be part of HIS blessings! Love, Wes

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:08 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 2 March 2009 11:10 AM CST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Light at the end of the tunnel...
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: TIME TO GO HOME
Topic: Update

Dad is scheduled to check out of Eventide on February 24th!


He's taking a class/test to learn how to drive his retro-fit car with hand controls...


He's stimulated the economy by spending a boatload at what he refers to as "the wheelchair and walker" store.


He's had health care aides visit his Lake Lida home to see what else he needs installed there to make it 'Lieutenant-Dan-friendly'


He will be counting on local friends and family to lend him a hand getting accustomed to being back at home 'sans legs' in lieu of hiring a home health care assistant...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:12 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 18 February 2009 8:14 AM CST
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Monday, 26 January 2009
Recent Pix
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: Joel visits Wes
Topic: Update

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:47 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 26 January 2009 7:50 AM CST
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Sunday, 18 January 2009
Copy of email from Wes
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Copy of email from Wes
Topic: Update

Sunday, Jan.19


It's now mid-Jan. & I'm writing this update, alot has happened since I became a resident here at Eventide. 

Occupational & physical therapy became part of my daily routine, helping me gain strength, to prepare for the

fitting & use of  my prosthetics.

So many get-well & Christmas cards received by me during the holidays were welcomed & appreciated, even

though I can't promise to respond anytime soon.  Several of you visited, called, sent or delivered gifts or

goodies at Christmas, for which I'm also grateful.  My family, including my sons, my siblings, and their

spouses, and my friends have


been my support system, my helpers, & to them I owe "Thanks" too, since it's

been impossible for me to do these tasks.

A set-back occurred on Dec.31, when an ambulance took me to Meritcare Hospital, after an EKG determined

I had suffered a heart attack!  A tightness in my chest twice that week gave nurses & the resident Dr. here

reason to suspect it was more than acid-reflux.  The staff in ER was so responsive, & the procedures showed

100% blockage in an artery & 3 stints to "Fix" the problem.  After 4 days/nights I came back to Eventide.  I will

see a cardiologist on Feb.6 for a follow up appointment.

As for my prostenetics, I've had sessions for the fitting of these custon-made legs/feet, plus training on how to

put them on & take them off, plus rise from sitting to standing.  I've walked several times, using the parallel

bars & will be using a "Walker" soon  as well.  It's challenging, but also encouraging for me to get

independent & return home.



Sincerely, Wes

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:20 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 18 January 2009 6:35 PM CST
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Sunday, 4 January 2009
Heart Attack
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: What else next...?
Topic: Update

Dad ended up back at Merit Care on Wednesday (12/31) afternoon. Turns out what felt like acid reflux was actually a heart attack!

They loaded him into an ambulance about 3 pm and by 4:30 or so they had him stabilized. A femural cath, 3 stints, and the 100% blockage was corrected.

He returned to Eventide Saturday afternoon and is preparing to get his prostetics sometime this week.

"Magic legs... Leuitenant Dan's got magic legs..."


Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:24 AM CST
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Thursday, 11 December 2008
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: How to POST a comment
Topic: Update

Like the blog?

Want to share your thoughts, prayers, or comments?

Simply 'click' on the POST COMMENT after each entry, and type away!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:45 AM CST
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Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Thanksgiving 2008
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Pictures to share...
Topic: Update


Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:51 PM CST
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Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Eventide: rehab
Topic: Update
Just talked to Dad a few minutes ago and he wanted me to pass on his address and phone number at Eventide.

c/o Wes Schierman
1405 7th St. S.
Moorhead, MN 56560-3497

Room # 111

Phone:  (218) 291-2370

Love, Joel & Dori

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:05 AM CST
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Thursday, 20 November 2008
From the proverbial horse's mouth...
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play...?
Topic: Update

Talked to Wes last night. He was in good spirits, all things considered...

He went for a wheelchair ride, met with physical therapy people, got poked and prodded. Figures he'll be released from the hospital on Monday and will then end up in one of a couple possible rehab facilities in Fargo.

Will update all you folks with an address and phone number at that point.




Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:30 AM CST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Quick Note
Topic: Update
Wes had surgery today to amputate both legs from below the knee.  The Dr. feels the surgery went very well.  Wes will be in the hospital for 4 - 5 days and then will be transfered to an aftercare unit somewhere in the Fargo-Moorhead area, we will let you know the address as soon as possible.  The aftercare will involve healing, rehab, and therapy.  The next step will be fitting, adjusting and therapy to successfully use the prosthesis.  If you would like to send cards  to his home address and personal e-mails (not jokes) until we can send  a  more permanent address we will be sure to get them to him.  We will do our best to keep you informed about his recovery and when he feels he will be ready for visitors and phone calls.  He did want you to have the following phone numbers:
Al & Becky  218 - 863 -8112
Verna  218 - 736 - 4864
Warren  701 - 235 - 7063
John ( cell)  612 - 670 - 3958
Joel & Dori (cell) 612 - 961 - 6857  (home)  507 - 332 - 7413
Thank you for your caring thoughts and prayers.  

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 AM CST
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Monday, 10 November 2008
Old Update
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Old email from Wes
Topic: Update
It's Monday night & I spent the afternoon with my Podiatrist, accompanied by Verna, Al, Becky & Warren. After looking at the changes in my feet, the doctor determined  that there appeared to be the beginning of some infections, etc., so any hope for healing was for naught. He contacted the Vascular Surgeons & I have a Friday afternoon meeting with them.
Time is of the essence here so any appointments with both the Mayo Clinic or the U of M would simply delay the urgency of what seems the inevitable, that is amputation below the knee on both legs. Right now I am accepting of this decision because it's been in the back of my mind for several weeks now. There will be months of healing & therapy, which may
be in the hospital & later in some rehab location? Am I afraid? Right now I am mostly interested in getting rid of the constant pain, so need to accept this as the only solution now.
Wednesday we take the cats for shots & grooming of Crystal. The lady who's interested in taking them came here Saturday & will return to get them this coming Saturday. 
  I also hope my heart is strong enough to get me through the surgery? Prayers
now are for successful amputation & recovery following it. Thanks for your friendship, concern, help & input through all of this. Love & hugs from me, Wes (in balmy MN for 5 days)

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 AM CST
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Thursday, 2 October 2008
New Developments...
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play...?
Topic: Update
It's Thursday night, Oct. 2, & I returned from a few days of tests & appointments with doctors in Fargo at the Meritcare sytem, catching rides from my brothers or sister the past few weeks. I haven't driven my car in nearly 2 weeks because of the extreme pain in my feet. When did all that start,some of you might be wondering? I first experienced leg or foot pain last December when I chose not to drive to Faribault for Christmas.
I kept appointments at the U of M BMT clinic through the winter months, but had to stop at every rest area to walk around, thinking it was restless legs? My time with my sons in Cabo San Lucas was challenging, but I managed to walk the beach & get some "color". Upon my return I saw my U of M oncologist & he detremined my Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) required me to me on Predisone ( a steriod), which I still take because they won't change my medications until they can see me.
By June I knew I couldn't mange the drive to the twin cities, & even with a driver I would probably suffer foot pain from being idle so long. Actually, I cancelled 3 appointments there &  chose to see my hemoatologist-oncologist in Fargo instead.After an exam of my feet & legs, she prescribed 3 types of pain medication, all of which causes some dizziness & my stomach is most affected by the pills adversely. I've seen my Fargo doctor 4 times & she suggested a Pain Clinic, which I assume is a way to "manage" pain? I asked about seeing a Podiatrist (foot doctor) & she did get me an appointment. He immediatley said my feet & legs were not the result of neuropathy (a nerve affliction), but from poor circulation. I suspected this when I saw my Cardiologist at the U of M last May, but he
actually told me any foot pain was not caused by my heart. It took me weeks before I decided that cirulation IS directly related to the heart, but I wasn't scheduled to see him again until December, so let it be.
Anyway, in the last 2-3 weeks I've seen my Fargo oncologist 4 times, the Podiatrist twice, &  a  Radiologist twice. The poditrist made an appointmnet for me with the vascular lab so saw them last Friday. The tests showed little or no blood flow , which I found out Wednesday when I had an appointment with the Interventional Radiologist again to do a procedure called a Aorto Femoral Arteriogram. My hope was that the solution of dye which they injected would tell them it was posible for blood to flow below my knees. No such luck, so after an afternoon of recovery from the angioplasty, I stayed another night with my brother Warren & Lynn in north Fargo.
Today I again saw the podiatrist & he saw the formation of ulcers under my feet, which alarmed him because without blood flow to the feet, healing is near impossible or not possible. The time with him was discouraging, to say the least, because he implied that amputation may be my only option. Before my brother & I left, he set up an appointment with A Vascular surgeon for Tuesday, Oct. 7 in Fargo. My
return home had mixed feelings about all my tests, consultations, & the diagnosis. My pain is such that I walk very slowly, take rests frequently & "cover" the pain with medications, as needed.
So... my prayer request to you is that whatever the outcome, I will be okay with it, even if it means prosthesis for the remainder of my life? My family is a great support system, for which I'm very grateful. Keep the faith for me!
(P.S.All my Fargo doctors have determined that the CAUSE of my affliction is the heart damage from the sepsis infection & the affects the several doses of chemotherapy had on my artieries dealing with leukemia)

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 9 April 2008
One year...
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: From Wes
Topic: Update
Another update on the first anniversary of my blood-cell transplant & the outcome of my appointments at the U of M Medical Center on Wednesday, March 26, 2008, if interested?
Since several of you had asked before my appointment or inquired about the outcome, I'll try to keep it brief, sharing the prognosis from my doctor that day. Beginning with a lower lip biopsy taken right after my return from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, on March 13, to confirm my doctor's suspicions about whether symptoms showed me to have Chronic Graft VS Host Disease, or not? GVHD is common in about 70% of
transplant patients & if it's early in recovery, it's labeled Acute GVHD, while later (within the first year or more), it's considered Chronic GVHD. I've had off & on side-effects since I left the twin cities last May, & the lab results confirmed it to be Chronic GVHD, including a 20-pound weight loss since my last visit at the BMT Clinic in early December. Although serious, & even deadly, if not treated, I left there with 2 new
prescriptions, one for PREDNISONE (a steriod) & the other for a new antibiotic, adding to my medications for heart problems, my immune system, swelling & joint pain. He told me my appetite should improve, to get me back to a normal weight, plus he recommended I continue with my supervised physical therapy sessions.
The vitals check, blood draws & bone-marrow biopsy #10 (where pieces of bone & fluids are taken from my hip), showed good results, for which I was grateful. After 12 days on Prednisone & the new antibiotic, I seem to feel better each day, with no swelling in my hands or feet, & minimal joint pain. I haven't noticed any increased appetite or weight gain yet, but try to eat healthy & normal throughout the day. I meet 2-3
times a week with the Pelican Rapids physical therapist, to gain strength, & practice some "at home" exercises in between the therapy sessions; he says he notices improvement as he checks pulse/heart rate. Although my night-time sleep is often interrupted, I get 8 hours of sleep & avoid naps, which I seemed to need previously. I return for a May 21 appointment, to find out what effects this treatment procedure has
produced, & may see my cardiologist at the U of M Medical Center also, to determine heart-related problems since December. There are numerous side-effects from taking Prednisone, but my doctor assured me that it's been used for over 50 years, & is the best way to counter GVHD, for which I'm hopeful, even if I eventually have a "puffy" look to my face?
After a Sunday snowfall here which gave us about 10 inches of heavy, wet stuff, I am catching up on my income taxes, necessary paperwork & correspondence this week. Even the local school was closed on Monday, so my neighbor, who is a teacher, cleared my driveway & walkways. Some of you may have read or watched TV reports of a tragedy that struck our community last Saturday, with a 16-year old girl killed as the result of a bus crash. The 80 students & chaperones were returning from a band trip to Chicago where they'd performed, when the lead charter bus left the freeway NW of Minnespolis & flipped over into the ditch, leaving several injurned, as well. Some are still hospitalized in twin city's hospitals & the community is "in shock" as prepartions are made for her funeral Friday afternoon at the high school here. Her father is my barber, & has been for 15+ years, while her mom is also a hair stylist in town. She had a sister who is a senior at PRHS & a brother who is in 6th grade at the elementary school. Brother Al & I plan to attend the prayer service at their church in town Thursday afternoon/evening. A parents' worst nightmare, to lose a child, but through it all the family expressed concern for others who were injured.
For you who have "stayed with my report", I appreciate your continuous concern, encouragement & prayers. Thank you! I wish time allowed me to respond in a more personal manner, but know how much it's meant to me during the past 18 months, whether in a hospital, the U of M apartment, or back here at my lake home. I'm looking forward to another meltdown... with warmer temperatures, a sunny sky & what I
hope will be a more normal spring & summer. THINK SPRING....and SUMMMER will certainly follow....
                                                                                                                                                       There's My best to all of you from Wes 

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:53 AM CDT
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Saturday, 15 March 2008
Clinic update
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Back home... finally.
Topic: Update

Got back from Cabo late Tuesday, stayed at John's place.

Left Wednesday morning for appointment with accountant, then off to Ed & Martha Karels' place.

Thursday morning 'tongue biopsy' at the U of M (results yet to be determined), then on the road north.

Spent Friday mostly unpacking and getting caught up on things after being away for two weeks. The cats seem to like me being back...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:15 AM CDT
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
Post-Cabo Rantings...
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Mexico Trip
Topic: Update

Sunday, March 2nd: arrived with son John - stayed in old, quaint hotel in downtown San Jose del Cabo, chatted with lots of friendly people from all over, art gallery visit, mostly took it easy.

Monday, March 3rd: met son Joel at airport - ran into Ann Dosch, shuttled to Finisterra, checked into room, unpacked, got acclimated, hung around the resort and pool remainder of the day.

Tuesday through Thursday: Cabo San Lucas - Lazy mornings, day trips to Marina and downtown, plenty of sun at the pool, dinners out, walking and shopping improving stamina, rest and relaxation.

Friday, March 7th: Joel goes home - time flies fast down here, got a massage, manicure and pedicure, packed way too much stuff.

Saturday and Sunday: more R & R - took a boat taxi to the main beach, explored more around town, met the Dos XX girls, lots of sun.

Monday, March 10th: tour other resorts - breakfast at Playa Grande turned into a fullscale presentation, by 3 pm was proud owner of a timeshare at Solmar.

Tuesday, March 11th: stayed at Solmar - after checking out of Finisterra yesterday, moved down the beach to Solmar, spent last two days there.

RECAP: What started with apprehension turned into a lovely, much-needed vacation.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:14 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Wednesday, February 13th
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: BMT Clinic Highlights
Topic: Update

Wes/Dad wants me to post, so that he doesn't have to repeat this over-n-over again...

Clinic visit went well! Described the symptoms I'm experiencing, answered doctor's questions, batted around a few theories. Those of you who got my belated Christmas letter know what I'm talking about... Doc and Kathy (Nurse Coordinator) both agreed I looked better (less purple), the rash was much better/gone in most places, and they were sympathetic to the request that 'I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired." Son John and my friend Ed Karels accompanied me - Connie (Malmquist) Vanderhulst also joined us for lunch while we waited for test results.

Blood work came back great. Vitals fine. Weight steady (sort of). Doc determined that I need a 'Minor Mouth Biospy' for him to determine once-and-for-all whether I have Chronic Graft-Versus-Host-Disease (GVHD). Told me they'd have known right away after the transplant if it was the acute version of GVHD, so good news there. Trying to schedule that test for pre-Cabo departure, but limited time available so will see...

They signed a referral for me to start Physical Therapy (PT) with Craig in Pelican Rapids. Stopped one of my perscriptions (a determining factor that I might have GVHD), re-started another (Bactrim). Talked about my diet and exercise routines. Found out I wasn't diabetic, suffering from depression, mixing the wrong medications, lacked calcium, or any of the other diagnoses people had been kicking around. They gave me the "Green Light" for a vacation to Cabo ("drink only bottled water, use sun screen, and what happens in Cabo stays in Cabo...").

My final one-year transplant follow-up visit is scheduled for mid-March. Another bone biopsy, more tests, with the ultimate goal of them saying "congrats, we don't need to see you again for another year, do the rest of your follow-ups in Fargo." If it turns out I do have GVHD, they will need to put me on limited steriod meds and I might need to have the clinic in Pelican do blood test more often, but we'll cross that bridge when/if we come to it...

All in all, feeling much better (mentally) about narrowing down whats been ailing me lately. Excited to start PT and get some strength/stamina back. Also excited to get out of Coldsville and bask in the warmth of Mexico...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 3:54 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 14 February 2008 8:15 AM CST
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Friday, 26 October 2007
Back by popular demand...
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: No gnus is good news?
Topic: Update

Got a new baby grand piano - taking first lesson this weekend.

Next BMT clinic appointment is November 8th - hoping they figure out swollen joints and listlessness.

Docks and lifts are out of the lake - puttering with other pre-winter chores.

Agreed to a March '08 vacation in Cabo with son John - had to apply for new passport.

Getting back into the swing of "regular" life - cancer support group, church choir, card parties, pantry engineering, etc.

Feel free to call Wes: (218) 863-8119 just to say "hi"

or email him:

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:33 AM CDT
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Sunday, 12 August 2007
Stop the presses!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Preview of Pelican Rapids Press article
Topic: Update
Twins Warren and Wes Schierman grew up in Pelican Rapids during the 50's. Warren (on left in main photo and in top small photo) lives in Fargo and works at MeritCare Center.
Wes lives on Lake Lida, retired after 30+ years as an art teacher in the Burnsville school system.Warren provided the needed stem cells for a transplant to his brother Wes during
his leukemia treatment in March at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.
Blood brothers   by Kelly Gorman
     Wes Schierman, rural Pelican Rapids, has really been through the ringer in the last ten months. Seemingly in perfect health last summer, the only sign that anything was wrong was that he was rejected as a
blood donor because his iron (red blood cell count) level was too low by just a point. He was advised to eat more foods rich in iron content, including liver, fish, etc. After stomaching more tuna than he would prefer,
his blood was rejected again for the same reason a few weeks later.
"Last September was a miserable month," he said. "I had pain and swelling in my joint areas and was very fatigued."
After a course of visits with the local clinic and then an appointment with a hemotologist/oncologist in Fargo, test results showed he had something in the leukemia family. The chemotherapy treatments that followed, including bone marrow biopsies and the eventual stem cell transplant, taught him several lessons.
"The message is not to ignore even minor signs of your health because something more serious might be wrong," Wes said.
He also expressed his sincere appreciation for the concern and support of the community he grew up in, and lives in now. Neighbors, friends, family and care-givers were there for him, and the bonds between his
siblings, his sons and other family brought everyone closer. Treatment for his leukemia in Fargo brought a new closeness between him and his fraternal twin, Warren. Although it was Warren who was selected,
Wes shared that his sister, Verna, and his brother, Al, also tested to be compatible donors, but Warren stepped forward and almost insisted that he be the donor.
"I'd do the same thing for anybody," said Warren.
In October, 2006, Wes had an appointment at the Roger Maris Cancer Center in Fargo in their oncology department. He was admitted to the hospital where he was given blood, stablized and ended up staying for
seven days of chemotherapy treatment. During the chemo infusion, he developed some complications from an infection, which also affected his heart. This required transfer to the Intensive Care Unit to stablize
him. Shortly after the resolution of some of the heart issues, he developed shortness of breath and was transferred to the Cardiac Care Unit at MeritCare. His time there was labeled by doctors as "turbulent" and
he had to make use of a ventilator, several I.V. infusions and was sedated for over a week. Eventually he had to make use of a feeding tube and undergo speech, swallowing and physical therapy.
A secondary diagnosis determined that chronic myelomonocytic leukemia was actually acute myeloid leukemia, a more advanced form of leukemia. Wes said the the doctors decided he would probably need a
bone marrow transplant from a donor, to get beyond the remission stage. That whole phase of transplantation treatment was presented to Wes and his son, John, during a consultation with the head oncologist at
the bone marrow clinic transplant clinic (BMT) at the University of Minnesota. The procedure required one to qualify as a candidate, and Wes was given little reason to believe it was a guaranteed success, even if a
donor "match" was available. Surprisingly, all three siblings qualified, which is preferable to a match from one's child, since all the genes are shared. Warren was selected because his "count" was extremely good
and because of his willingness to participate.
Wes acknowledged how little most people, including himself, knew little of leukemia conditions and treatments. He recalled getting cards from well-wishers asking when his surgery for the transplant would take
place. Bone marrow transplants are actually done with small instruments without any major operation involved. A tiny drill and syringe were used to extract the stem cells from Warren's blood. Over the course of
a day and a half, blood was drawn, separated and re-entered into Warren's blood stream. Having to lay perfectly still was the most difficult part, according to Warren. The collected stem cells were eventually put
into Wes through an I.V. while hospitalized, taking about 45 minutes.
He has lost his hair twice, lost weight and the ability to eat solid foods for awhile, but he appears to have gained some of it back. He faced life-threatening circumstances these past months, but as the recipient of
selfless love and care from family and friends, his recovery was described as miraculous by the medical staff. Throughout it all, Wes has drawn strength from his late wife, Mary, and from his belief that he's been
kept alive for some reason.
"I thought I was prepared for most anything, based on the year his wife battled her cancer, Mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer in the lining of the lungs, but this was all new to me," Wes said.
He lost Mary two years after her diagnosis in June, 2005, but her positive outlook, despite the inevitable outcome was encouraging to him and many others. "Because she accepted her own fate, it was hard for me
to stay in denial", Wes said.
Wes embraced the odds and the long process required to treat his form of leukemia by saying, "If you get me through his, God, you must want me to go must have a "plan" for me."
Warren repeated this sentiment saying that the family leaned on the power of prayer during the past weeks and months. He said there was one point where the doctors were doubtful Wes would make it through.
So far Wes's recovery, which is slated to take a full year following the March 16 transplant, is about half over, with his next clinic visit scheduled for mid-September. He commented on his different outlook on life,
which helps keep life's circumstances in perspective. "Sometimes I just have to say, you what, I don't care about some things that were once so important to me."
Day-to-day frustrations, several restrictions, schedules, the weather, bill-paying all come after the thought that he could just as easily not be here today.
"It's become easier to prioritze the important stuff, he said, and I want to stay positive and grateful in my attitude."
He had given up some foods and beverages that the doctors recommended in his diet, but he's also found a few tastes to his liking. His lifestyle is less restricted today, but he still needs to avoid direct sunlight,
and any chores that might cause an infection (bacterial or fungal), so lawn and garden work, plus filling bird-feeders are still not allowed. Because of his weight loss, he was instructed to eat more, and eat better!.
A lot of people would like to hear their doctor tell them to eat more, wouldn't they, he quipped.
As a foot-note to this article, Wes joined his wife at the monthly Cancer Support Group 3 years ago as a care-giving spouse of a cancer victim, that met every second Wednesday. It's "open" to all Pelican
Rapids area residents, and meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Social Room at Trinity Lutheran Church. It's an uplifting gathering of cancer survivors, people taking treatment, spouses or family members, so consider it
as a group someone might benefit from through the year, and invite them, or accompany them to the local Cancer Support Group the second Wednesday of each month

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:44 AM CDT
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Friday, 3 August 2007
Email from Wes
Mood:  happy
Topic: Update

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:27 AM CDT
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