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Wes Updates
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Wednesday, November 29th
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update
Wes returned from having his gastric tube installed about 10am today and has been sleeping since. They are resting his stomach and will not be starting feedings until tomorrow. He will be taken of "house arrest" (his term) at 3pm today and has been moved to Room # 750 directly across from the Nurse's Station so they can monitor him. His new phone number is (701) 234-5750. The results of his bone biopsy will be shared with him this afternoon by Dr. Gaba - look for another "blog post" after we hear the results.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:50 AM CST
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Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Tuesday, November 28th
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update
Verna was there at about 5 pm when Dr. Gaba (Wes' oncologist) was visiting with Wes. His catheter was removed today. They also did another bone biopsy to check on the remission of the Leukemia, but the results will not be known until tomorrow. Tomorrow they will also be removing his feeding tube from his nose and re-routing it directly into his stomach. The spetic infection is gone and so is the fever, but he said he felt "clammy" today. We are still battling excess fluid build-up around his lings and heart. Wes is hoping to be released from the hospital sometime early next week and would like to check out the Pelican Valley Nursing Home for some convalescing time.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:53 PM CST
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