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Wes Updates
Monday, 4 December 2006
Monday, December 4th
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update

Sister-in-law Becky just called (in tears) with GREAT NEWS!

Turns out that, according to Dr. Gaba, there was a "miscommunication" with the University of Iowa on Dad's most recent bone marrow biopsy...his "blasts" are actually LESS THAN 1%! That means his Leukemia IS in remission!!!

Brother Warren will be transporting him to Pelican tomorrow, then Dad will have another appointment with Dr. Gaba on 12/13 (and another biopsy). It will take 3-4 days after that for the results to come in, but if the "blast" count holds, he will start Consolidation Phase of his treatment shortly after that.

He also passed his Aspiration Test today, which should mean FOOD and DRINK (even if it is "post-tonsil-fare") is on the horizon!

He said he enjoyed his former teaching colleague, Leo Bedard, visiting today.

And when I talked with Dad over the phone, his spirits were high, he was viewing his new available diet of REAL food/drinks, and we said we'd plan a trip to either Reno or Vegas in January (figuring with his recent luck, we'd cash in at the casinos).

Thank you all for your support, thoughts, cards, emails, phone calls, prayers, and help. We've just witnessed another miracle!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 4:24 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 4 December 2006 7:38 PM CST
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Sunday, 3 December 2006
Sunday, December 3rd
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
Joel and I went pheasant hunting and moved the Goose Camp RV with lake friend Shawn yesterday, so no blog update for Saturday.

Dad's had no fever the past few days - good sign that he's recovering and healing internally! Still has discomfort with his feeding tube, but Verna made sure the nurses are checking for infection so they don't repeat the problems he had with the Hickman port during initial chemo treatment. Warren found out that they still have Dad on antibiotics, but his last anti-fungal dose is expected this afternoon. He still is low-energy and tires quickly, but they tell us that is a slow process that takes time. Being fed "beige protein-slush from a hanging sack" isn't helping, so maybe once he starts eating real food again, it'll help.

The Respiratory Therapist has schedule another swallowing evaluation (including a scope down the throat), so we're hoping that the aspiration problem is getting better. They reduced his inhaler from four to twice daily and he's showing progress in the breathing exercises.

His nurse the last couple of days, Amy, says that he's using the mouth swabs to kill/reduce bacteria build-up on the tongue, but really wants a Popsicle instead... maybe tomorrow!

Dad's been up and about a bit, has been reading a lot and using his laptop (including checking this blog page) from his recliner. So remember, you all can simply click on "Post Comment" under each days blog if you'd like to say something.

Still looks like a Tuesday or Wednesday release from the hospital, but won't know for sure until Dr. Gaba sees him on Monday.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 PM CST
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Friday, 1 December 2006
Friday, December 1st
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
Sister Verna was visiting today, along with brother Warren (who we're lucky works at Merit Care). Dad got a bath and has been busy with his respiratory exercises. He's tired and is complaining that his gastric feeding tube is uncomfortable. He is talking much better since they removed the tube from his nose! And once his broken partial is repaired next week, his speech should again improve.

Verna and Becky are busy pre-planning what personal items to bring to the nursing home for a cozy touch and convenience. Still looks like either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week he'll be released. We'll know more once Dr.Gaba returns Monday the 4th. Since they charge $3 per mile for transportation, it looks like we as a family will be drawing straws to see who gets to chauffeur him to Pelican.

Since Dad missed spending Thanksgiving with the relatives, Verna had promised him "a feast that will make Thanksgiving look small" upon his return. I'm not sure exactly what she has in mind, but will keep you all posted on her plans!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 3:24 PM CST
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Thursday, 30 November 2006
Thursday Night
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: From John
Topic: Update
Just got off the phone with Dr. Gaba, the oncologist... and it's not the news we'd hoped for. The results of Dad's bone marrow biopsy showed that the Leukemia is back. When Dad was first diagnosed, the immature cells (also known as "blasts") were at 60%, which is considered to be Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Acute is considered "blasts" over 20%. His high percentage was why they were so aggressive with his chemotherapy. Dr. Gaba said during his original diagnosis that he'd been in the Chronic stage (under 20% "blasts") for quite a while before anybody noticed the symptoms. Anyhow, when we got the results of his bone biopsy from two weeks ago we were elated that that "blasts" were at 0%. Anything under 5% is considered 'in remission.' The results today showed 10-12%.

So, he will have another biopsy in about 2 weeks - the hope is that the percentage does not climb and the Dr. Gaba can pronounce the Leukemia as Chronic. That's important because, in the Chronic Stage, we at least have some treatment options. Dad's adverse reaction to his first round of chemo (Induction Phase) limits his doctor's choices for treatment in the future.

If his "blasts" were under 5% in this last test, Dr. Gaba would have gone into what is called a Consolidation Phase of treatment, with a different chemo 'cocktail' in shorter batches over 2-3 months. If his health had improved over that time he most likely would have gone into a Maintenance Stage of treatment (lower doses spread even farther apart). Gaba said he would have been a candidate for a bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant at some point if all went well...

However, given that he has over 10% blasts, now all we can do is hope and pray that the percentage does not rise. In a nutshell, Dr. Gaba said "if it does progress back to the Acute Stage, I'm afraid we will have no more treatment options, given his reaction to the chemotherapy..." Dr. Gaba did share this news with Dad (with brother Al and sister-in-law Becky present), he took the news OK, and after a brief time of solitary reflection he was back to his jovial self. Gaba did seem to think that it would be best for Dad to go to the Pelican Valley Nursing Home (versus staying in Fargo at a rehab center) once he is released from the hospital.

We don't know what the outcome will be in two weeks, but I do know that, according to his sister Verna, he has shown a new, brighter outlook the past few days with his breathing and speech exercises. Becky said he is upbeat, positive and looking forward to being released next Tuesday.

Lastly, when my brother Joel and I consulted with Dr. Gaba after Dad's 8-day stint in the Intensive Care Unit, Gaba did tell us that "it is a miracle, and I don't use that word often. What Wes went through, his condition, the septic infection, and everything... people don't recover from that." Your prayers worked everyone! So, please don't give up, Dad, and please keep praying everybody...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:40 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 November 2006 9:33 PM CST
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Thursday, Novermber 30th
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
"Best night of sleep in a LONG time" according to both Dad and his nurses. They started feeding through the G-tube today, he had another X-ray of the chest/lung area, and his spirits are high. Still no results of the bone biopsy because Dr. Gaba sent the test off to the University of Iowa for them to look at and verify. No cause for concern, just a second layer of checking according to them. His vitals are good: blood work, nutrients, heart and pressure. However, he's still weak and tired. The best we can do is encourage him to follow his doctors and nurses orders (breathing exercises, speech exercises, no food/luquids via mouth, etc.) and remind him that "in order to get out of the hospital, you need to do what they say!" Yah, easier said than done.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:00 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:11 PM CST
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Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Wednesday, November 29th
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update
Wes returned from having his gastric tube installed about 10am today and has been sleeping since. They are resting his stomach and will not be starting feedings until tomorrow. He will be taken of "house arrest" (his term) at 3pm today and has been moved to Room # 750 directly across from the Nurse's Station so they can monitor him. His new phone number is (701) 234-5750. The results of his bone biopsy will be shared with him this afternoon by Dr. Gaba - look for another "blog post" after we hear the results.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:50 AM CST
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Tuesday, 28 November 2006
Tuesday, November 28th
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: From Son John
Topic: Update
Verna was there at about 5 pm when Dr. Gaba (Wes' oncologist) was visiting with Wes. His catheter was removed today. They also did another bone biopsy to check on the remission of the Leukemia, but the results will not be known until tomorrow. Tomorrow they will also be removing his feeding tube from his nose and re-routing it directly into his stomach. The spetic infection is gone and so is the fever, but he said he felt "clammy" today. We are still battling excess fluid build-up around his lings and heart. Wes is hoping to be released from the hospital sometime early next week and would like to check out the Pelican Valley Nursing Home for some convalescing time.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:53 PM CST
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