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Wes Updates
Monday, 26 March 2007
Weekend update
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: Same old, same old...
Topic: Update
White blood cell count rose to 0.7 as of yesterday.

Getting appetite back.

Sense of humor is alive and well.

Staff is referring to him as "the model patient."

He says he's got a daily 'routine' that's keeping him occupied and focused.

Do you realize it's been 18 days since he first checked into the hospital and 10 days since the transplant?

His room phone now has an answering machine hooked up to it, so feel free to call him sometime. If you do get the machine, it's because he's in the bathroom or on the treadmill. (612) 273-0214

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:33 AM CDT
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Saturday, 24 March 2007
News and Notes
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Last few days...
Al and Verna came to visit on Thursday. John and Joel both stopped in on Friday at different times. Ed Karels is coming to visit today - he's bringing grapefruit in hopes that it gets Dad's "system" back on track.

White blood cell count jumped from 0.1 to 0.4 in the last couple of days, which is a good sign. Got another platelet transfusion today. They started him on a Calorie Count yesterday in hopes that they can determine whether he's getting enough nutrition. Everything else looks good and on track.

He says he's not as energetic as he'd like to be.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:58 AM CDT
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Thursday, 22 March 2007
"How's your Dad?"
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Doing good so far...
Topic: Update
He's checking his emails.

He's getting some visitors and talking to people who call.

He's optimistic, positive, and upbeat.

His day consists of being poked and prodded by nurses (every four hours), reading the papers to stay up on current events (StarTrib, Pelican Rapids Press, etc.), checking the weather (on virtually every channel), picking apart his meals (literally and figuratively), and trying to maintain a sense of humor and independence.

Shaving and showering have become an every-other-day occurrence. Pajama pants and T-shirts are the most comfortable garb.

His is fighting a slight head cold - sinus headache, drippy nose, congestion - but they're not worried about it, unless he gets a fever.

He's at his absolute most vulnerable stage right now: white cell count non-existent (normal is 8.0, he's at 0.1), red cell and platelet transfusions are necessary as needed, doses of antibiotics dripping from bags into him, and the transfusion is trying to take hold. But his metabolic workup is good: potassium, chlorine, glucose, and other factors show that his body is performing normally.

He's not going stir-crazy... yet.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:22 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Recent Pictures at hospital and apartment
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Taken by Lynn Manning
Topic: Update

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:09 AM CDT
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Sunday, 18 March 2007
Weekend Update
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Bone Marrow Transplant
Topic: Update
They started putting the stem cells from Warren into Dad on Friday night and finished up on Saturday. Not much to now except wait. The mix of anti-rejection drugs, chemo and radiation usually takes its toll on recipients, but so far the doctors are optimistically surprised at Dad's lack of major side-effects and told him that, barring any set-backs, he could be released sooner rather than later. The nurses told him the record for shortest stay was 3 weeks - I think he's out to break it!

He's got a bit of reflux, tight abdomen, a lack of appetite and less energy, but said he didn't feel any different after the transplant. Kelly and Verna kidded him a bit, saying that he's starting to look, talk and act more like his twin brother...

The next few days should be uneventful, we hope. The biggest challenges with a BMT are outright rejection, Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD), and infections. We've been told that GVHD symptoms wouldn't appear for 7-10 days. Rejection could happen anytime up to 30 days. Infections could happen any time, but they are taking precautions and seem to know what they are doing. No straight-razors to shave with, only soft bristled toothbrushes, and no flossing are only a few the the precautions on the list.

What happens when they "suppress" the immune system for a BMT is that the three components of a person's blood all drop to dangerous levels. The white blood cells (which fight infection) are virtually non-existent, opening the chance of a minor cold turning into untreatable pneumonia. The platelets (which provide clotting) aren't able to do their job, so even an unnoticed mouth scratch could go undetected and cause a patient to bleed out internally. The red blood cells (which bring oxygen and nutrients throughout the body) are even hampered in their ability, so the nurses closely monitor every aspect of vital signs and blood hematology.

Leukemia is a cancer that affects a person's bone marrow from making the correct components in their blood, and the hope is that Dad's body will accept Warren's bone-marrow/stem-cell transfusion and these new cells will take hold in Dad's bone marrow, kick out the bad Leukemia cells, and start producing the correct blood components.

He's keeping a daily journal of his stay there, writing a bit in it each night. His penmanship has gotten sloppier as the days progress, but not sure if that's from lack of enthusiasm, needing new bifocals, or some other physical side-effect.

The girls and I visited him this afternoon. We scrubbed up, disinfected, checked in at the nurses station, put on masks, gloves, and gowns. It was slightly comical, but necessary as Dad's immune system is at its absolute lowest for the next week or so. He seems fine, almost jovial, given he's been confined to one room for 10 days. I can tell he's tired, but appreciated the visit.

Remember, if you do plan to visit him within the next couple of weeks, call ahead to the nurses station to get pre-approval. And if you try calling him and don't get an answer, he's either in the bathroom or trying to rest.

Or he's hooked up with the strolling hall-walker from Merit Care and they've escaped together, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's's Nest-style...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 1:49 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 March 2007 10:18 PM CDT
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Saturday, 17 March 2007
What's up, doc?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Friday re-cap
Topic: Update
I arrived at the hospital a little before 9 am on Friday and went straight to Dad's room, only to walk in and see a big white sheet pulled all the way up covering him from toe to head...

Turns out it was Wes' way of dealing with the chills and a post-radiation headache, not the stereotypical TV version of a "code-blue-stat!" gone bad.

After a quick how-de-do, I meandered over to the Phillips-Wangenstein building to find Warren tucked away in a room back in the bowels of the clinic's basement. He was sitting bare-chested in a dentist-like chair next to a machine that hummed from a large spinning cylindrical drum that was the 'separator' of his white blood stem cells. Even though he wouldn't admit it (to me or the nurse), he looked a bit apprehensive and slightly scared...

Not wanting to overstay my welcome in the donor room, I ambled back over to UMMC (University of Minnesota Medical Center) and happened into Verna who was finishing off her coffee in the main lobby. We then found our way, eventually, to the Mayo building to meet with the guy in charge of off-site housing arrangements. A long instruction list of "enter here, park there, do this, don't do that, have some, need some, read this, sign here please" and we were ushered off with the keys to Dad's new apartment.

We happened upon Jim & Lynn Manning (down from Barnsville to cheer on the girls basketball team), hooked up with cousin Kelly, and went off as a group to check out Dad's new college campus digs. Lynn took pictures of the fully-furnished and quasi-spacious apartment which I will post here once I receive them via email from her. We all agreed that it was better than we'd imagined, complete with major appliances, minor conveniences, laundry and workout facilities, and underground heated parking. Verna plans to ready the bedrooms next time she's down, Kelly said she's got some fake plants to liven up the place, and I will be taking the girls over there tomorrow with a load of wall-hangings and knick-knacks to make it feel more like home.

We then parted ways with the Mannings, grabbed a quick lunch, and waited for Warren to finish his donation session. He'd found out earlier that morning that it is often necessary for the donor to come back, often up to four times, in order for them to collect enough stem-cells for the transplant (especially with older donors). However, we wouldn't find out until later that evening after they'd gotten the results from their lab. Imagine yourself in the same uncomfortable position unable to move your outstretched arms even to itch your own nose without an alarm going off for five bladder-stretching monotonous hours and you'll get a vague understanding of what he went through...

I left Verna and Warren in Dad's room a little before 4 pm so that I'd have an opportunity to get ahead of the evening rush hour traffic. After picking up my girls, we joined Kelly & Rick, their kids Jake & Jessie, Warren and Verna for dinner at Hoolihan's in Richfield (thanks again Auntie, not necessary but much appreciated!). The lab called at some point to inform Warren that they'd need him back bright-n-early Saturday, but only for a couple hours not the full five again. He looked utterly exhausted, but seemed to cheer up a bit and take pride in them telling him his output was more indicative of a strapping 20-something than a grey-haired senior citizen!

Again, thank you Warren, for going through this. God bless you, your supportive family, and may He give you the strength and quick recovery you deserve.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:04 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 17 March 2007 9:25 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 March 2007
First day of side-effects...
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
Last batch of chemo was at 10am Wednesday morning...

It's the first day he hasn't really been himself, but what can you expect when they drip poison (chemo drugs) directly into your bloodstream?

He's feeling tired, but did use the treadmill a bit this morning. No appetite, but trying to eat 'cause they tell him he's gotta keep up his strength. He's had a couple of platelet transfusions the last few days. His voice is a bit weak, so if you call he may listen more than speak. Retaining water weight, so they're pushing Lasik into him which make you have to pee every 20 minutes. The itching has started again and even though the nurses offer to rub him down with moisturizer, it doesn't seem to do the trick. Tough to get a complete night's sleep with them checking vitals and waking him for this and that. The doctors did tell him that he's doing well, and since this is supposed to be a "reduced intensity" Bone Marrow Transplant, that he might not experience all the harsh, negative side-effects of the anti-rejection drugs.

I am impressed with the care, attitude, and professionalism of the staff at this hospital. Nothing against Merit Care in Fargo, but it's like flying Jet Blue versus Northwest Gold Club. They all seem to know his personal health history and are doing everything possible not to repeat what happened before. I do have to say that their maintenance staff leaves something to be desired though: full trash bins, broken coffee maker, dirty public bathrooms, etc. Maybe they'll offer Warren a job?

They put a new sign on his door that requires anybody who comes in contact with him to wear rubber gloves, a gown, and a mask.

Tomorrow is the Total Body Irradiation which, with the chemo, is supposed to suppress his immune system enough to make the transplant take hold.

Warren is even feeling the side-effects from his shots: achy all over with only Tylenol to help. He's scheduled for a 4-6 hour stint on Friday morning to donate. He and I did get a chance to walk over to the new apartment: 3 1/2 blocks away, underground parking, security access, furnished, and nice courtyard. So if any friends or family need a place to stay prior to Dad's release from the hospital, both Verna and I will have keys and directions...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 1:09 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 March 2007 1:26 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Email from Wes
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Off-site Housing Information
Topic: Update
It's nearly 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, & I got a call telling me an off-site apartment is available immediately, so I told the coordinator to "HOLD IT" for me & my family members.

It's 3 blocks from here, with shuttle-service & underground parking. It's # 1028, but I don't have an exact address yet? Electricity & phone are extra but he said electricity cost about $25/month.

Family members can use it immediately & I've ask John & Verna to view it to see what it has & what it needs?

I'm still doing quite well here in "lockup", but will leave my room (finally) Thursday for radiation!

Love, hugs, & thanks from me, Dad-Wes-Grandpa Wes

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:33 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 March 2007 8:37 PM CDT
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A haiku for you
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: This ain't yer momma's Keats...
Topic: Update
No news, window views.

Cannot poop, chicken soup.

All is well, bored as hell.

Bowel Movement Therapy.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 10:06 AM CDT
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Monday, 12 March 2007
Sunday Update
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Highlights
Topic: Update
Samantha and Cortnie joined me yesterday afternoon for a quick visit to see Dad. We got the laptop set up, tested the treadmill, used up the last of a roll of film, visited the weekend-depleted cafeteria, brought him a 'liquid-cookie' (caramel-flavored cappuccino), explored the fully-stocked patient/visitor kitchen, and got him a long-distance calling card.

Kelly, her two kids Jake and Jessie, and brother Warren stopped by as we were leaving. Combine all that with the multitude of phone calls, and I'm sure he had good company throughout the evening.

Warren starts his 'shots' today. He's supposed to go into the BMT clinic each morning for the next four days to get some sort of drug that 'tricks' his bone marrow into releasing extra stem-cells into his blood stream. Then, on Thursday, they'll hook him up to "The Machine" to collect what they need for the transplant. Sister Verna plans to come to the Cities then so she can be there for the Friday procedure.

So far, so good!

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 7:55 AM CDT
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Sunday, 11 March 2007
Saturday Recap
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Update
Visitor recap from yesterday: Paul Johnson (sister Verna's son) from Chicago; Joel and Dori; Kelly (brother Warren's oldest daughter) and her friend Karen Stremick (who works as a nurse on 6th floor); State Representative Bud Nornes from Fergus Falls; Jim Frazee (Mabel's son) and his daughter Brooke.

Dad says now that chemo started (slight headache initially that went away), they've told him he cannot leave his room. So, he's waiting for me to show up today and get his laptop set up. Plus, he's ordered a treadmill delivered to his room to help keep active. These next few weeks might test his stircraziness (is that an actual word?)...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:55 AM CST
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Friday, 9 March 2007
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Dad checks in
Topic: Update
Casa Schierman in Chaska hosted Uncle Al and Dad last night, as my wonderful girls put out the proverbial Red Carpet for our overnight guests. After unpacking and deciding on who stays in which kids' room, we meandered over to the new Ruby Tuesday for a bite to eat. Note to self: wait longer to visit a restaurant so wait staff and cooks don't use us a guinea pigs for training...

Arrived at the U of M on time (caravan style), got through their 'orientation' process (with an intake nurse who didn't fully appreciate our witty sense of wry humor), moved Dad's stuff up to his room (holy crap, how much stuff does one man need? does he think he's staying a month or something?!?), had lunch with State Rep Bud Nornes (whose wife was there recovering from surgery), and left him in good hands (and spirits).

His direct phone into his room: 612-273-0214

His Room #: 4-321

PLEASE NOTE, that if you do plan to visit him that the BMT floor has VERY strict rules and enforces them with very large Romanian nurses named Helga and Lars. Seriously, if you have a cold, don't go. If you have used FluMist, don't go. You must wash up upon entering the floor. You must wear a mask on the floor if you have been around kids who have had recent immunizations. You cannot bring in flowers or food. You cannot wear your coat into a patient's room. There are lockers in the Family Lounge to store your personal belongings rather than bringing them into the room. The floor is filled with people whose immune systems are either non-existent or slowly rebuilding - an open sore, a nagging cough, or even an eye sty could be enough to put any of these brave souls on death's door... Please err on the side of caution - even though Dad will appreciate visitors over the next month or so, be vigilant and don't put him in harms way - he's been through enough already, right? If you have specific questions or concerns about a visit, just call the nurses station (phone number listed in the previous blog posting).

Chemo starts tomorrow. Say a prayer...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 4:58 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 9 March 2007 11:08 PM CST
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Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: T-minus 3 days and counting...
Topic: Update
My Intake-Nurse called this afternoon to tell me I should report to the U of M hospital at 9:30 AM this Friday.

First order of business is a visit to the Radiology Department where I'll have (minor) surgery at 11:00 to have the "line" (a Hickman catheter-port) placed in my right shoulder.

I'll begin 5 days of chemotherapy on Saturday, 3/10, & finish Wednesday, Mar. 14, followed by full body radiation on Thursday. Brother Warren will report Monday, March 12 & continue each day until Friday, March 16 when they'll collect stem-cells from him. Shortly after wards, I'll receive his stem-cells through transfusion on Friday, & Warren should be released, unless they need to collect more, which is unlikely, we're told.

I can have up to 3 visitors at a time, if healthy, but NO plants, flowers or balloons allowed in my
room. Since my immune system might be near zero for a few days, I can't promise I'll be up to many phone calls and/or visitors during my second week in the hospital? I will not have my cell-phone in the hospital, as they're not allowed, but calls to my siblings or my sons will give you information on my status:

Al & Becky = 218/863-8112
Verna & Jerry = 218/736-4864
Warren & Lynn = 701/235-7063
John = 612/670-3958
Joel & Dori = 612/961-6857

My e-mail address ( can be used, as Becky will check it at my home, & I will try retrieve messages from my laptop, which will use the same e-mail address.

My room during recovery will be on PCU 4B, U of M Medical Center, Fairview Hospital, 500 Harvard Street SE, Minneapolis, MN, 55455

Hospital telephone: (612) 273-3042

Below each new blog is a "post your comment" as an easy way to respond also!

Thank you!


(After I'm discharged from the hospital I'll have an off-site mailing address & my own cell-phone (612/240-3934) will be available for making & receiving calls! When? A month?)

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:51 PM CST
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Monday, 5 March 2007
Mood:  cool
Topic: Update

I thought you'd like to see how I spent part of Sunday afternoon... Great weather: 32F & lots of new snow!!

Maybe the U of M will call me this week about admission date?

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 11:05 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 5 March 2007 11:37 AM CST
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Sunday, 4 March 2007
Copy of email from Wes
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Update
It's noon Saturday & new snow, but colder outside today! Al, Becky & Bonnie are picking me up in an hour to attend the 2:00 funeral for Helen in Fergus Falls. There's a gathering at Jerry's & Verna's home afterwards, so not sure what time I'll get home tonight? I might "do" church tomorrow, depending on weather & my alarm clock? We got at least a foot of snow here... over the 3 days!

Joel and Dori bought a new house in Faribault next to Legacy golf course. They close (and move) by April 15th, so will be busy with that and a trip to Cabo San Lucas.

If I hear something from the U of M nurse coordinator about the week ahead I'll let you know.

Love & hugs from me,
Dad :-)

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:39 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 4 March 2007 9:45 AM CST
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Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Email from Wes
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: News and notes...
Topic: Update
It's Wednesday afternoon/early evening. My checkup appointment at the local PR clinic today showed that my white cell count was near normal so my sinus infection was affected positively by the antibiotics I've been on since a week ago. My doctor was going to call the University of Minnesota BMT staff people to tell them I've "mended" enough to re-schedule the the transplant procedure again.

They had called a week ago to tell me to report last Thursday, but my sinus infection put that on hold. Whether I'm told to report before the weekend, or after this weekend depends on what their next telephone call says about availability, etc. With another snowstorm predicted for our area tonight, & through Friday may not allow me to travel very far from home, so I'll stay here trying to (completely) clear my nasal & throat passages.

Yes...I will update some of you on my status in regard to proceeding with the BMT.

Also, I wanted some of you to know that my brother-in-law's mother died early yesterday, at age 98, in a Fergus Falls nursing home. This would be Jerry's mom, & my sister Verna's mother-in-law, Helen Johnson. The past two weeks she had stopped eating, & not too responsive to either family members or staff. Today, my brother Al & I had lunch in PR with Verna, since she brought some of Helen's clothes to be given locally to a shop that sells used clothing. The funeral will be at 2:00 p.m. Saturday,
March 3, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls.

Jerry's & Verna's address is: 605 South Union Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537-2710 (Telephone = 218 / 736 - 4864)

My best, for now, Wes

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:32 PM CST
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Monday, 26 February 2007
Gettin' better...
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: By John
Topic: Update
Dad's sinus infection seems to be getting better. He'll know more after his Wednesday doctor's appointment in PR, but if he gets the 'green-light' that he's OK, he may head to the Cities for the BMT as early as Thursday. Of course, that depends on their schedule too.

Otherwise, he's just hanging out at home and spending time with friends and neighbors at the lake: wine-n-cheese parties, cooking family favorites (and freezing leftovers for us when we visit), playing cards, digging out from snow storms, etc.

More news Wednesday...

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 8:44 AM CST
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Thursday, 22 February 2007
Ready or not, here we don't come...
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Copy of Dad's email
Topic: Update

When she heard my voice (raspy) she said I didn't sound well. She told me to get in to see a local doctor and call her back after wards. I had an appointment at 1:30 and it's a sinus infection, so I'm on an antibiotic for a week. I should touch base with the nurse and the local doctor next Wednesday, Feb. 28, to see where I'm at health-wise. Maybe next week I'll get a BMT appointment?

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 12:01 AM CST
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Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Copy of email from Wes
Mood:  down
Topic: Update
I have a cold so won't stay UP very late tonight! I woke up Monday with sneezing and a runny nose, so am doing all I can to "cure" it.

I've attached my recent e-mail note to Joel so you can use some of it in the next blog. I have NOT heard from Kathy Hodgins or anyone else at the U of M hospital, so don't know what to think? There's snow for 3 days predicted here, starting Friday, so hope driving conditions are favorable, if I'm expected at the U on Friday. I think Al will take me down and we'll both stay over - whether he takes my van or his SUV will depend on the weather, I'm sure. If there are more "sporting activities" at the University, getting a motel room nearby might be difficult (again). I don't dare call the Days Inn 'til I know when I need it. I'm trying to get things ready here, but this cold is NOT conducive to many projects, I'm afraid.

Speaking of the hospital, my meeting last Friday morning with the infectious disease specialist went OK considering what might have been. She showed me the Cat-Scan "pictures" from both those done in Fargo on Jan. 19, and those at the University on Jan. 30, to illustrate some "spots" on the lungs and liver. She concluded that it was probably scar tissue left from the staph infection experienced
in November. She recommended I continue with the transplant procedures and mentioned something called Hysto-plasma which is common recently, so they took a urine sample, in addition to 4 vials of blood.

They said I've gained about 14 pounds since I weighed 161, and my heart, lungs, eyes, ears, throat, etc. seemed okay. I saw the same doctor John and I had met with two weeks ago (Dr. Majhail). He agreed with the findings of Dr. VanBurick, the specialist I met with earlier. The nurse coordinator told me she would call me as soon as there's available "openings" to begin the process. I told her I need to find a driver to get me to the University hospital so I will need more than a couple hours warning before I'm able to be there. She said she only has control over so much scheduling.

Posted by blog/wesupdates at 9:07 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 21 February 2007 9:08 AM CST
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Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Copy of email from Wes
Topic: Update
As many of you know, Mary helped to start the BITS AND PIECES Newsletter for Northwest Airline flight attendants. Here is a copy of the most recent email from Karen Schmit, who is now in charge it. I think Karen includes recent news about Dad in there also!

Dear BITS AND PIECES Subscribers:

Hopefully I've made some improvements to BITS AND PIECES.

First: I've found a way to send an e-mail alert to our large mailing list with the website link each month. Items I receive in between editions of the newsletter will be posted on the Bulletin Board Page of the website. The latest edition BITS AND PIECES Newsletter, February 12, 2007, has been published to the website. Also, new photos on 2007 Photo Page.


Second: If you are on a dial-up connection and are finding the download too slow, I have a 'work around' for you for the newsletter. Please let me know.

Third: I am very happy to inform you that Kay Kurtz will be our Back-up BITS AND PIECES Person (BBPP). Because it's a large and important list it will now be held in two places. The integrity of the list will be maintained, so please don't worry about your e-mail address being used without your permission. For all of you who have offered help, I thank you. I went in seniority order and Kay won!! Congratulations and THANK YOU, Kay.


Posted by blog/wesupdates at 6:08 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 February 2007 6:24 AM CST
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