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Build Your Own Awsome Web Site FREE!

What You Need To Have A Sucessful Site!
  • Reliable Hosting
  • Html and JavaScript
  • Domain Name

    AngelFire for your base website
    1ASPHost for your pictures
    Yahoo for your downloads
    HTML esy to use scripts you cut and paste!
    JavaScript a little more difficult to use but very site enhancing.
    Background Music Script for adding sound to your site! or for free scripts to add games on your site. to spread the word about your site free!
    DotTK for your free domain name!
    see my tutorial pics!

    First off, you need a hosting service. Free of course! I recommend Angelfire. It's free, it's easy, and it's the best!

    You get 20 Megs of space. Good right? so you can just upload all your files and pics to that and people can see it! Wrong! Theres a little issue about free Angelfire hosting....very limited Bandwidth.
    Bandwidth example: a picture is 10 MB, it is viewed 10 times. 10 times 10 = 100Mb would be the Bandwidth.

    You will encounter many problems like this. But to every problem there is a solution! Put as much text on your Angelfire site as you want! Even JavaScript and HTML! (Dosn't take much Bandwidth at all!)

    You want pictures to go with your text of course? you will need to sign up on another free site (but still keep Angelfire as your primary site!) I recommend 1ASPHost. You can upload up to 100 Megs of pictures! AND there is no bandwidth limit! (it is metered but it will only go down every once in a while.)

    So you want video and other downloads? (like .exe files) use Yahoo Briefcase. It's free and holds up to 30 Megs, but you'll need to give out your password so others can access it. (that's the downside to free services). Just make sure it's a password you don't use for anything else.

    If you want animations or gifs, search the image you are looking for on google and just put it on your site with HTML.
    1. What you do if type it in, find an image, right click and go to 'properties'fill in your HTML with the properties given.


    2. Save the image to your hard drive, upload the image to 1ASPHost, and fill in the HTML for the address you created.
    Example: want a cat gif? type in "cat gif" or "aniamted cat" A gif is just another type of picture. (a moving picture)

    Ok, ok. So I've been going on about HTML and JavaScript. So what exactly is it? Well, basicaly, a script! It's a script of commands, and when typed in your Angelfire Webshell, it turns into a picture, sound, or anything! Here's a little HTML for ya! JavaScript is even better!

    You can add polls (free and easy with AngelFire!) dictonarys, translators, and much more! (all free! Just go to Google)

    You can also add games using JavaScript!

    Compiling it all together. So you have accounts with Angelfire, LiveGate, and 1ASPHost. Your main pages, music and pics. Now put it together!

    Example: In Angelfire Webshell, make a new page. Call it what ever you want. (at the end put .html) Let's call it go.html for example. Upload a picture on 1ASPHost. Let's say its called pic.jpg So the address for the picture would be In Angelfire, your page go.html go to edit and type HTML. What you would need for a photo would be < a href="" > with every HTML you type, you need to have <> enclosed around them. I just didn't use it there because it wouldn't show the text. So type < a href="" > And the picture will show up on your page!

    Wanna put sound on your site? Click here to get the script!

    Spread the word! Get an animated banner to put on your site or to give to banner exchanges. Go to and create your fast and easy banner free!

    And last, a domain name. You dont want people to type in everytime do ya? You can also get 5 E-mail fowarding. and it goes into your E-mail account! Just go to DotTK and get your free domain name! !!

    Need More Info Or Help On Building WebSite?E-Mail Me!

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