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Hello I am the owner of the site. I live in Southern Ontario. I come from a family of eight siblings, three boys, five girls.

I graduated out of high school knowing no more then a grade four in math and reading skills. In my early twenties I have returned to school and got my grade twelve. I then went on to business college and the University of Windsor.

I grew up with a nervous disorder which prevented me from working. I was on disability pension since the age of eighteen years of age. I did not give up trying.I had many very short and part time jobs that did not work out, nor did I get paid well.

I got involved with many organizations. Dealing with health and social issues. It was in these times I have manage to have an article printed in a magazine. I have acted on stage, and I have been solo.

Life came crashing down when in two thousand one to two thousand two when there was five deaths in the family. Two Uncles, a cousin, grandmother,and mom passed away within a year time. Between two thousand two to two thousand five my sister ended up with cancer. Due to the cancer I got involved with a group about cancer. There I have learned to use Paint Shop Pro.

Two thousand five, in the month Of May my father in law passed away, my sister Rose died of small cell cancer in the lungs. Twenty hours later my brother Gary died of a heart attack, he was only thirty nine. Month of June my wife been sexually assaulted. I have kept my work with Paint Shop Pro going.

Now here is my site. I am proud of it. As I was building I was hoping others will visit the site, sign the guestbook and return. Moreover that they will share this with family and friends since this is a friendly site. Even though I got protection in my site no one becomes afraid of using it. You may find the site under construction a few times as I may update it. Do not worry if something goes down.

Thank you very much for visiting and taking the time to read and check it out. Many happy returns.

The Owner!