Dumbass Supervisors

How many bosses have you had in your life that don't suck? The ratio is probably like 10 tards for every 1 cool boss. Supervisors suck. They think they know what they are doing - they don't. They think they know how to bring in more money to the store - they don't. They stand around, talk with other managers and supervisors about red tape, and numbers, and employee moral (like we are soldiers or something). The higher up you go in supervision, the more retarded the ideas, and the less they care about you. They say anything they have to in order to keep customers "pleased" and employees just content enough to not bring a loaded gun to work.

No, they won't ever listen to you - in your word against the customer, the customer is ALWAYS right. Do you really need the business of someone obviously trying to scam so? I guess so! That's what my 2 year associates from junior college said! Duh, I better cut some more labor since I take up so much of it doing nothing! I'd also better make sure everyone works harder and brings in more money so a millionaire can be even richer!

If there's good news, 10 out of 1 retards that will be your boss will stay there, since they have nothing else going for them. This is it, to temporarily be your boss for a year in life when you are interning, or a part time job to pay for school. They will be there 10 years later, when you are already on to bigger and much better things. Well, I've always had a problem with authority in the workforce, especially at my first job in fast food. Don't remind me.

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