Bumper Sticks

I hate these on so many levels. The only way they work is if they are on a beater car, that you know is a beater, and so does the person driving. But people who have these on their car suck. Why ruin a $2,000 to $30,000 piece of machinery with a $1 piece of plastic and glue? Who cares you climbed the highest point in the continental 48 states? Who cares you got 'crabs' (get it? A sexual disease) at a seafood restaurant? Who cares you like Pink Floyd? No one does, but I'll still tell everyone with this sticker!

The worst are the anti-abortion ones with baby fetuses. CHILDREN ARE NOT A CHOICE - ABORTION IS MURDER! Okay, well, that's a nice and hostile way to express yourself. I'll be sure to talk to you next time at the bar or library. If you are pro-life or anti-abortion, I don't care, but don't vandalize the back of your car to prove your point.

And the people WHO INSIST on keep on their Bush/Cheney or Kerry/Edwards signs. THE ELECTION IS OVER! It's been over! Bush fans, your guy won, be happy, tax the poor, fight the infidels in Iraq, and take down your goddamn sign! Kerry fans, the election is over, your guy lost, get over it - no conspiracy theories or Michael Moore documentaries are going to save you! Take down the bumper stickers. I don't care if you are too lazy or stupid. If you found time to read this, you have MORE than enough time to take care of this.

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