Cleveland Sports Teams

Ha Ha! I love every fall and spring, since Clevelanders get together around the water cooler and talk shit about how great the Indians/Cavs/Browns are going to do this year. Yes, this is the year. Things will change this year! Ha Ha, no they won't! I love hating Cleveland teams! Sometimes, they get so close, but I don't get nervous, since THEY ALWAYS BLOW IT! Some of the best moments in Cleveland sports history:

I will add a written apology to this page if the Cavs/Browns/Indians win a title! But since that is never, ever going to happen in my lifetime, I don't have to worry about it! I also hate all those AM radio or post game discussions - these losers call up and think they are experts because they either watch the game everyday or actually attended a game once - therefore they are experts, much smarter than COACHES and PLAYERS WHO ARE PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO MAKE THESE PROFESSIONAL DESCIONS FOR A LIVING! Wow, I never thought of that before - Lets work on our pitching! Or let's focus more on defense than offense! Brilliant! Hey, you should replace the coach! You'll lead our team to victory for sure! Ha Ha. So hang on to your false sense of hope each season. I've already let go of mine years and years ago.

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