Boys Meets World - When did it get so GAY?

My Theory:

It's not just me is it? When did Corey go from a likeable sixth grader to a meterosexual? Did anyone ever watch the college years? He always gets angry, but then suggests taking baths or remodeling the house or baking cakes… it is so gay.

It's not just me is it? When did Eric get so RETARDED? When did Eric go from a older brother figure to a brain-dead tard (also a borderline homosexual - dressing up in women's clothing, hugging his male friend Jack a lot)? He used to say stupid things that were at least amusing. In the college years, they are not amusing or funny, just completely random. Must be all that college drinking killing his brain cells.

It's not just me is it? When did Shawn become so sensitive? When did he go from girl to girl to being whipped by a black chick? Why does he always talk about feelings and colors?

It's not just me is it? When did Mr. Feeney become a stalker? When did he go from next door neighbor and elementary teacher to principle of Corey's high school as well as college professor? The friendly neighbor you ask for advice next door…yeah right - I watch the news. Not married either, eh? Little suspicious, Chester Molester.

It's not just me is it? When did Corey's sister become a brat? The writers just forgot about her in one season, and reveal that "she's been in her room a long time" in the next season. And she's a total be-otch now too.

It's not just me is it? When did Topanga become bitchy (and fat)? She used to be weird as hell and all about vegetables and art and stuff. Now, she doesn't do anything unique at all. She just bitches at Corey all day.

It's not just me is it? Well, I guess you could equate a lot of these changes to "character development" - but definitely not Corey or Eric or Mr. Feeney - these guys were just so poorly written in the later episodes, that they lost their demographic. Actually, I still watch the show, when it's the only thing on. I can't believe I used to watch it for FUN (well, I was like 8). But the college years do suck, just like Saved By the Bell's.

I am so awesome

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