Dogs and I will never get along. I remember that I was scared of them for a long time growing up, but now that I'm bigger than 99% of the them, I just hate them.

I don't know whoever thought of the idea of having pets in the first place. Some caveman was like, hey, this wild animal seems pretty cool, maybe I'll just waste, I mean, give it a bunch of food so it will be friendly around me; this way, I can keep it in my house and make it wear embarrassing clothes and pet it?

Back then, I don't think hygiene was such a big issue. I doubt cavemen even showered, so no one cared that the animals were pissing and shitting all over the place. But it doesn't really work in today's world.

Some people get way too attached to their dogs, even cats. God, I hate it when they dress them up - rather TRY to dress them up in people clothes. Animals may be dumb, but they aren't brain dead. Especially cats, they know when your making an ass out of them and they won't take it. They'll slash your eyes out for trying.

What do dogs do? Well, besides going to the bathroom all over your home, they manage to compost the entire backyard with crap, leaving a minefield of shit behind. They consume pounds of food and water, they bark at birds and mailmen and sometimes nothing for no reason whatsoever. They never listen to their owners, especially at other people's houses. People think they have so much control over their animals - they'll be like. Quiet! or Stop! or Go Lay Down! etc, yet the dog will still stand there in the doorway, yelping its face off trying to get around their owner so it can try and bite me or sniff me, even worse, attempt to make love to my leg. Yeah, dogs are great.

Dogs also ruin a lot of things, such as cords to the computer or tiles or anything that even resembles anything close to being the size or shape of food. And they eat absolutely anything! Rocks, sticks, ham, band-aids, gum, money, paper, cords, apple cores, bones, pigeons, milk jugs, Kim Possible, butterflies, sand; absolutely anything. Then, they throw it all up a couple minutes later, only to eat the fresh vomit AGAIN right after.

They smell bad too. But it's not really the dog's fault. It's an animal! It's not a person, no matter how much you want it to be, and the sooner people start to realize that, the better.

Another annoying, loud, crappy machine is the microwave. Everyone has one, yet it is the most useless tool of our modern world. Sure, it's easier than lighting the oven, but does anything ever come out of the microwave better than when you put it in? It never cooks evenly, there are always super hot spots and spots that are ice cold only inches apart. Nothing taste better coming out the microwave either - it always comes out super soggy and chewy. Leftovers never taste right coming out the microwave.

So what can you put in the microwave? Popcorn. That's about it. A $200 dollar popcorn machine. Yet, everyone owns a cancer-causing, poorly manufactured, expensive microwave.

Now, a totally useless object would be a microwavable dog. Wait, that would be awesome.

I just offended like 300 million people who love their dogs. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Well, I don't think we should eat dogs like in Vietnam, but hey, they're certainly aren't for everyone.

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