How to Drive like an asshole

Why do people suck so much at driving? I have got to be one of the best drivers on the face of the planet, so I will share my knowledge with you, so you don't end up like every other retarded drivers in the world.

First and foremost, drive at least ten miles over the speed limit at all times, just to get you started - 35 in a 25, 45 in a 35, 70 in a 60, etc. No one cares you are going ten miles over the speed limit. No one. What kind of brutalizing police squad do you think we run here? They are not going to pull you over unless they have a really good reason, especially if they are driving in the opposite direction with you. Can you tell how fast he is going? No, and he can't either. Police don't run radar in their car when they drive, that's not how it works. So don't drive like a fucking slow ass turtle.

Next, how about some people here ACTUALLY USE TURN SIGNALS? Is it so hard? Let everyone know your intentions fuckhead!

Next, if you are getting severely tailgated, and it is completely your fault for going the speed limit, just pull over. Your save yourself and me a lot of aggravation.

And don't point at school zone signs or speed limit posters. I don't care. Great, I see the speed limit now, how enlightening. I'm still going to tailgate you until you turn without a signal or pull over.

Ok, here's another one. Pay attention when you drive. Not hard. Don't talk on a cell phone. Don't drink and drive. Keep your mirrors in the right positions to minimize blind spots. Use common sense. Don't go the speed limit in the fast lane. Don't eat and drive.

People should have to renew their licenses every five years, just to make sure you don't suck at driving. How hard is it to pass that test? One lap around the block and one parallel park? In Germany, you drive for fifty miles, and your driving instructor is in the car with you. And every time you screw up, the guy giving the test asks you driving instructor why you messed up. Now Germany has some KICK ASS DRIVERS. They know everything. That's why there are no speed limits, cause everyone can actually handle driving. Not like here.

That's all the advice for now. If you can't handle these instructions, use a bike or a bus, since you'll probably get in an accident pretty soon anyway.

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