The TV Show 'Friends'

What a stupid cliché of a sitcom. Hey, I got a great idea for a tv show, lets have six single-dimension characters sit in a coffee house in the whitest part of New York City (since there aren't enough TV shows that take place in New York) and say sarcastic things to each other every six seconds. Then we could follow up with more sarcastic responses! We'll be rich!

Here's how any given episode goes; Joey says something stupid, then Phoebe talks about her mother committing suicide and everyone in the audience laughs - then Chandler says something sarcastic, Jennifer Aniston says a gay joke at his expense and sleeps with a random person, the black-haired woman says something bitchy and (her brother?) makes a weird face and spends time with either lesbians, one of his many ex-wives, or one of his many bastard children. Then they ran out of ideas for the show, so they started to make everyone have sex with each other. Eventually one was pregnant, and everyone in the nation was asking 'who's her baby's daddy?'. This show could pass for the plot of a 'Friday After Next' sequel, starring Ice Cube and Jennifer Aniston. Now that would be great TV.

So, like, are you all friends in real life? Haha, good one. Oh, and thank GOD Ross and Rachael got together in the end! I mean, they've had such a flawless relationship so far - how many times have they broken up, gotten together, got married, and hooked up? Fuck this show, I'd glad I'll never heard about it again, minus a reunion episode where everyone compares their individual unsuccess.

This show sucks.

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