I have a dream. A dream in which I make lots and lots of money and don't ever have to work a day in my life. There are really only three ways to do this. One, winning the lottery (of course, I have better odds giving birth to quintuplets while being struck by lightning). The only other option is being famous -which probably will never happen either. Therefore, I must rely on the business of marketing and creating things to make me money and hopefully make others unusually happy.

Drumroll, please...

No Budget Videos - This kicks so much ass it deserves it's own page.

Shell Amigos - Developed in a super secret facility, these little shellish retards will tug at your heart (and wallet) with their super-lovability and dopey innocent. Confused? Well you should be. Pictures to come, merchandise to come. Money in the bank!

Dan Geiss Productions - I have a friend, named Dan, who I rarely mention in my site. However, he's a good artist. He's developed a super-sexy de-womanizing comic book that I am the co-author of. Of course, I use my B-rate ideas for it, and it'll never come close to the kick-ass, in-your-face extreme commentaries of my web site, but hey, what else out there can even come close to my awesomeness? Merchandise to come. Pictures to come. I rule.

Again, more to come, more explainations and material and ideas to come. Under some heavy construction, bitches. Until then, read more of my awesome articles.

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