I HATE Office Max, RadioShack, Any Cell Phone Store/Kiosk

I felt that I had to write about how terrible of a store Office Max is. First of all, I never go to Office Max anymore, but when I did, every time is such an ordeal. It's always too cold in the store, and you can never find anything - so when you try to find one of their skinny, sniveling employees, they are never around. It's like searching a desert for an oasis. I swear, they know when you are coming to ask them a question and the always quickly turn the corner and hide like frightened kittens or trolls. Only three kinds of people work at office max - boney white sixteen year olds, fat sloppy thirty-year old nerds, and slightly-hot-but-you-know-they're-bitchy nineteen year old girls. Plus, everything is so overpriced it is sick. The store must cater to stupid general managers who don't know how to run their stores anyway. At least Staples has funny commercials, what does Office Max do to redeem itself? Nothing. I hate Office Max.

RadioShack sucks too - not as much as Office Max, but it still does. Instead of a giant warehouse, it is a compact electronics store (also overpriced). The employees fit the same description as Office Max, but at least they actually help you find things (but sometimes they go too far and insist I buy a cell phone from them that takes pictures). The problem with RadioShack is that they never know what I'm talking about since their managers always tell them to sell phones. They focus so much on selling phones that they forget about wires or electronics. So its not really their fault - but every time I need a battery or a video cord, I usually need to go back at least once since they directed me to the wrong part.

Cell Phone Stores/Kiosks suck, since they always try to sell you a phone that's worth more than your kidney. It pisses me off so much - since you are just walking by, not even in the store, and these people try to get you to convert your cell phone service or upgrade your phone. I don't want a cell phone that takes pictures, plays videos, plays 'cool' games, has the internet, or has the ability to instant message my friends (anyone who uses this is a loser - there I said it). Even text messaging is stupid. And ring tones are another (even worse are 'blingtones' - those commercials are so stupid, portraying teenagers as 'always looking for a way to be unique'). Hey, his phone plays the newest 50 cent song - he's really up on pop culture, I should be friends with him, he is so unique and cool. Is this is what people think when you have a cool ring tone? No. And pushy cell phone places suck camel cock.

Well, I'm sure not every Office Max, RadioShack, and Cell Phone carrier suck as bad as I say, but the ones around here do. A LOT.

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