I Still Hate Office Max

Today is another great example to show how much Office Max sucks. My friend Dan wants to find this special type of paper to make fake IDs, but he can't wait one more year until he turns 21. It's called telfoil or teslion paper or something.

Anyway, in Office Max, there had to be 50 random waste baskets everywhere, collecting water dripping from the ceiling - literally, 50 to 60 baskets, with just drip, drip water. It was so ghetto, I thought the ceiling was going to collapse the whole time. Then, of course, like any visit to Office Max, you can't find what you are looking for, so I finally told Dan to ask someone for help - and it turns out they don't even have the right kind of paper - not even close. Can you say GAY?

This is just another fine example of what a crappy store Office Max is.

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