I was thinking the other day - a lot of my friend's cars seem to be dead or dying. Well, when the time comes to buy a new car, why buy a new one? Instead of buying a quality vehicle for five grand, why not buy 12 crappy ones instead?

Every day of the week would be a new adventure. Which beater will I use today? The paint-stripped pickup? The clown-car Fiestiva hatchback? The rusted out Cadillac? The '89 Honda Civic that doesn't pass e-check? Yes, just like picking out what to wear, picking out what to drive is equally as daunting.

It wouldn't even matter what happened to the car - you don't care, it's a beater. All 12 of them are. Whoops, a nick here, a scratch there - I don't care. It's a piece of shit. Drive however you'd like! Just for fun, you'd hit stray shopping carts in the Walmart parking lot instead of avoiding them. You'd back into things just for a good laugh. No washing your car or care whatsoever. You can paint things on your car, put on as many crappy bumper stickers that you want.

If I had more money than I knew what to do with, I'd definitely buy some nice cars, but I'd also buy about 20 junkers and make them look even worse and drive them around town and crash them in the backwoods.

Why do gas stations insist on putting 9/10 of a cent on the end of the gas price? Who thought of that? I'm sure there is a reason, but why not make it 1 cent instead of 9/10th of a cent? Stupid $2 a gallon gasoline.

That reminds me about the war in Iraq. No matter if you support or don't support the war, let's be honest - it's for oil. You're just ignorant if you think otherwise. It's not for the liberation from an oppressive dictator. Saddam was no worse than any other 3rd world militant leader. Sure, he did some bad things, but so do all leaders. There were no weapons of mass destruction - the alleged purpose for going in the first place. They won't find any either. As if the whole world didn't hate American imperialism before, now they actually have a pretty good excuse.

Okay, the war was for oil. But it's not really out of greed like most liberals think. It's out of desperation. Bush doesn't want another oil crisis like in the 70s. We would really hate anyone responsible for that. But, we really don't have much more oil in America - and we keeping pissing off other nations like Venezuela (one of the world's leading oil exporters) - so our supply was very limited. On top of all of that, some genius makes up a gas-guzzling SUV - and someone tops that with the Hummer (which actually runs on endangered species instead of gas).

So we were really screwed before the war. And since no one wants to trade with America, we'll take over their country and make them trade, dammit! What else was Bush to do? Invest in electric cars and hydrogen fuels? It would take years of research and billions of dollars to convert the nation into a gasoline-free one, and who would want that? We can't even handle converting to the metric system! And no one would praise a president who did that, they would call him a pot-smoking hippie instead. I don't agree with the war, and the blood for oil morals, but it apparently was the only option to still make the president look somewhat praised (at least by 51% of the nation, versus the 49% that hates him). I'm sure he could have sat around longer and thought about a better course of action - like diplomacy or compromise - instead of a war "against terror" (a synonym for "bullshit").

Wow, that was a rapid change in content. Want a weirder transition? This guy was picking through my neighbor's trash last summer. What a loser. Digging through the garbage like a common raccoon. Did you find any treasures? Hahahahahaha!

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