We Need to Build More Pyramids

Okay, if America is destroyed in the short term future, how will the country be remembered? What monuments will still be standing? NOTHING! Maybe, maybe Mount Rushmore, but WHO THE HELL WANTS TO REMEMBER SOUTH DAKOTA? Think about it! Name a monument that would last in a war? The White House? The Golden Gate Bridge? Sears Tower? THEY WOULD ALL CRUMBLE LIKE A HOUSE OF CARDS. What would be left? Shanties in the mountains? Caves? Subway Restaurants? Do we want to be remembered for THAT?

I'm not saying America is doomed anytime soon - but you never know. Shouldn't we focus some time into taking out some sort of remembrance policy?

The best type of monument is DEFINITELY pyramids. It is the last standing ancient wonder of the world. They survived, relatively undestroyed, for thousands upon thousands of years! Sure, it took thirty years to make one, but we have MORDERN TECHNOLOGY! It'll take two to three years with a good union. And if we wanted to save even more money, we would have everyone in America be eligible for 'pyramid time' when they turn 18. Just like jury duty. No one will want to do it, but you have to. Of course, you'd only be on pyramid duty for like five days instead of six weeks. And you would still get paid shitty.

I guess the closest thing we have is Mount Rushmore. The problem with Rushmore is that it requires maintenance - when we are losing the war of our existence, will someone still be chiseling on Roosevelt's face? Nope. Rushmore won't withstand the trials of time.

Did you know that Mount Rushmore has a secret bunker in the back of it, containing things that make America 'American', such as the Constitution and a slanted history book and stuff. That is a good idea. But again, Rushmore won't stand against thousands of years.

This is why we need to get started on pyramids, NOW. For the sake of our future, at least. We won't be around forever. No one is around forever. But we need to be remembered at least. We need to fill the pyramids full of shit too, like the Constitution and a slanted history book.

But where should we build them? I'm think Washington DC, somewhere in New York or Virginia, and maybe one near the west coast. Not California, though, they'll probably just have an earthquake and sink into the ocean (Atlantis, Part 2). I guess, next to the Grand Canyon, so maybe some stupid Historians will think Paul Bunyan and his bull(?) were gods or something and actually carved the Grand Canyon. I'm rambling now, I'd better stop.

I forgot, we should place one in the center of the nation (well, why would we want to remember Nebraska), but in case the ice caps melt completely, we'll be okay.

American needs to build some fucking pyramids.

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