I know this won't happen, but I really, really, want Star Wars Episode 3 to bomb in the box office. It won't happen. Lucas could release a 90 minute test screen pattern and it would make 500 million dollars - as long as he slapped the words "Star Wars" across it.

Here's why I hate Star Wars - The originals were fine in the 80s - a good story, unique concepts, great special effects for the time, etc. But then Lucas got greedy. He thought, hey, why not ruin it with sequels? And that's what he did.

Star Wars + Cool Runnings = Phantom Menace. Jar Jar Binks anyone?

Star Wars + The Notebook = Episode II. 120 minutes of a lame love story, with about 2 minutes of CGI rendered sci-fi action bullcrap.

Star Wars + Triple XXX = Episode III. I've heard this movie is going to try and make up for the last two ones with hours of special effects and unnecessarily long light saber scenes. Enter Triple XXX with Vin Diesel and Ice Cube replacing Darth Vader and Samuel L. Jackson.

Plus the marketing ploys - I didn't know the whole cast of Star Wars enjoyed Burger King, M & Ms, Diet Pepsi, America Online, Kellogg's Cereal, 7-11, and Cigular cell phone ringers. Plus the gaggles of merchandise - action figure, t-shirts, lunchboxes, cups, toys, board games, cereals, video games, pez dispensers, movie replicas, spoons, soundtrack cds, dvds, pajamas, costumes, handjobs from George Lucas, etc, etc, etc.

Right - and all of this stuff is "collectable". Another Lucas buzzword - every item he's ever made is apparently collectable. Well, it's only collectable in the first place because losers like you spend your hard earned paycheck on Star Wars lampshades faster than a Kenyan in the Boston Marathon. Like it's going to be worth money some day - get real. So many of you losers buy so much merchandise, that isn't going to worth anything, cause Star Wars merchandise is being so mass produced because of your idiots' high demand in the first place, therefore decreasing the value to nothing. Assholes.

That's probably why I hate reality tv - not just the stupid concepts or the lack of coherent plot or writing - it's the constant barrage of commercials being played during the show! Take the Apprentice for example - reality TV or hour long Trump informercial? If Trump isn't busy promoting himself or his businesses, he's promoting other corporations - the team competing to make Burger King sandwiches, make a new pizza for Domino's, create Dove Soap and Gran Turismo commercials, host Home Depot clinics, creating a line of clothing for American Eagle, promote the new Pontiac car, etc, etc. Other shows such as Survivor have jumped on the similar bandwagon, promoting various household products during the actual show, in addition to the 15 minutes of commercials.

Another problem with reality tv is that it doesn't take a break - it burns out its viewers by putting the seasons back to back. Survivor is in its 10th season - at first, it was an exciting and new concept, but now, CBS can't wait for one season to end so it can crank out the next one, not more than a month later. Where's the wait, the anticipation of the next season? We don't play professional football or baseball year round, do we? And if we did, would it really be as popular? Of course it wouldn't.

I wish these corporate ad machines would stop. I'm sick of everywhere I go - advertising, advertising, advertising - radio ads, tv commercials, spam e-mail, pop ups, website banners (including all the weird ones that come up on my site, thanks Angelfire, fuckers), billboards, bus stops, planes flying overhead, posters, movie previews, newspaper ads - there's even ads on top of ads on many food products - cross promotions, etc.

That reminds me - how many hours of previews will you bastards be sitting through at Star Wars anyway. In a typical movie, it's the TV commercials first, usually a couple for Coke or Pepsi or Sprite or Mountain Dew or some hybrid soft drink - one for a credit card - one for a car. Then come the PSAs - don't smoke, don't ride your bike at night, join the army, etc. THEN come the previews, man. The previews are the best type of commercial, at least they used to be. And every homo that dressed up as their favorite Star Wars wookie will have to sweat through literally 45 minutes of commercials. Actually it won't be that much of a problem anyway, since Star Wars, in essence, is just one big over-hyped, over-marketed commercial to begin with.

How does it feel to worship a commercial? Just ask any Star Wars fan.

Another unrelated note, I've been kicked from Google - entering dave bumba used to get you here, number 1 result. Now nothing. I hate you all.

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