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A definite life chronicle beyond the mundane. Welcome to the mind of a grounded gypsy as I have a new adventure in re-defined life paradigm of cancer battles and such.


El planear vagar otra vez

I'm planning to roam again - this time to Mexico, Tiajauna. In july with Fellowship's youth group. This alone is TOTALLY the Holy Spirit wrangling, as I never come up with "Mexico" when it comes to "where can I go to help Jesus do stuff?" and I've not done anything with our youth group - odd as that's ALL I do is "youth things." So it's easy to see how this is not just one of those ME things - I have way too many of those anyway!!!

Sidebar - as I type this -Kaa is just OH SO adorable - he's curled up in his den (which for visual purposes, is a large plastic plant base, flipped upside down with a sqare cut out of the side to make a mouth of the cave)...anyway- his little head is propped up on his body and it's just peeking out of the den - too cute. Yes, for all you non-snake people, I'm odd - accept it.

So this trip truly is going to be exciting - I get more and more excited every time we meet. We'll be at the dump site -mostly with children, doing "vacation Bible school" type of activities - with games, crafts, drama, music and a Bible story. We learned, as a group, to sing, "I've got the joy, joy, joy , joy...down in my heart (donde?) this week - and I truly think, if I would take every kid song I know, every Broadway musical and every Disney record I grew up with, and got the spanish translation, I would learn Spanish pretty quickly!

But, I won't ponder tooo much into the future - in the TODAY - there's still school, although the seniors are more or less gone, just in and out to turn things in - and of course I'll be crashing the senior breakfast on Thursday to see their slide show (and to lift a biscuit or two).

YL - the TRASH DASH is this Saturday (as is every other event known to mankind) - it'll be a proverbial HOOT. To raise money for camp - the kids (ugh! and I HATE using that word) collect sponsors per bag, who will donate so much money (probably not more than 1 or 2$) per bag. Then we'll all go out to some nasty location and pick up trash. They can't claim more than 10 bags, even if they get more - but hey - 20 sponsors at 2$ a bag - that's all the 400 they need for camp.

Then of course at the end of next week (once I figure out if I really do have inservice or not) is WINDY GAP. And this is where I say "thank you Jesus" indeed - it's been since Nov of 2003 since I got to go to any kind of camp and I'm grateful and NOT taking it for granted.

Wow - it's amazing how much I can come up with when I'm not swamped wtih play practice or Lowe's runs - after every show, I think about petitioning them to change the name to "Erin's" or at least let me be the spokeschick - kind of like what Ty Pennington does for Sears.

One last thing, then I'll go check on whatever it is I'm cooking for supper (goodness, but I miss Stacie, who cooked!) - I learned how to CHANGE MY OIL today - Nathan is QUITE multi-talented, and like me, has a father who raised him around that kind of thing - unlike me - he paid attention!!


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  • At March 27, 2006 9:11 PM , Blogger whoami123 said...

    We work like a horse.
    We eat like a pig.
    We like to play chicken.
    You can get someone's goat.
    We can be as slippery as a snake.
    We get dog tired.
    We can be as quiet as a mouse.
    We can be as quick as a cat.
    Some of us are as strong as an ox.
    People try to buffalo others.
    Some are as ugly as a toad.
    We can be as gentle as a lamb.
    Sometimes we are as happy as a lark.
    Some of us drink like a fish.
    We can be as proud as a peacock.
    A few of us are as hairy as a gorilla.
    You can get a frog in your throat.
    We can be a lone wolf.
    But I'm having a whale of a time!

    You have a riveting web log
    and undoubtedly must have
    atypical & quiescent potential
    for your intended readership.
    May I suggest that you do
    everything in your power to
    honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
    Designer/Architect as well
    as your revering audience.
    As soon as we acknowledge
    this Supreme Designer/Architect,
    Who has erected the beauteous
    fabric of the universe, our minds
    must necessarily be ravished with
    wonder at this infinate goodness,
    wisdom and power.

    Please remember to never
    restrict anyone's opportunities
    for ascertaining uninterrupted
    existence for their quintessence.

    There is a time for everything,
    a season for every activity
    under heaven. A time to be
    born and a time to die. A
    time to plant and a time to
    harvest. A time to kill and
    a time to heal. A time to
    tear down and a time to
    rebuild. A time to cry and
    a time to laugh. A time to
    grieve and a time to dance.
    A time to scatter stones
    and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a
    time to turn away. A time to
    search and a time to lose.
    A time to keep and a time to
    throw away. A time to tear
    and a time to mend. A time
    to be quiet and a time to
    speak up. A time to love
    and a time to hate. A time
    for war and a time for peace.

    Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
    Dr. Whoami

    P.S. One thing of which I am sure is
    that the common culture of my youth
    is gone for good. It was hollowed out
    by the rise of ethnic "identity politics,"
    then splintered beyond hope of repair
    by the emergence of the web-based
    technologies that so maximized and
    facilitated cultural choice as to make
    the broad-based offerings of the old
    mass media look bland and unchallenging
    by comparison."

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