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A definite life chronicle beyond the mundane. Welcome to the mind of a grounded gypsy as I have a new adventure in re-defined life paradigm of cancer battles and such.


Inaugural thoughts

So, yeah, I thought I'd be blogging more, once I got back home, but then I realised that I was going to need more sleep. So chalk that up to something I'll work on. If only I would blog about funny stuff that happens at school AS it happens. I just need to remember that a short blog is ok too -need to break the mentality of "Anyone who uses just one word when 10 will do is just not trying." (Stacie darling, that quote is for you - who said it???) So, funnies at school include me making a skit group perform during a fire drill - hey - a lawn is merely a stage to the Greeks; and the dvd of the "film study" I was doing for class SOMEHOW ended up taped to the ceiling....seriously, does ANYONE have as much fun at work as I do?????

Had a big younglife weekend last weekend; from area leadership with my "new" area of Blount County - which was fab!, to a WB ball game (both guys and girls lost, sigh), to team dinner with the Fulton leaders, which will ALWAYS be family time, to a Mark Wagner concert at the New City Cafe. AJ and I hung out all day on Monday - what a treasure for me - we caught up with E for a veiwing of "Ocean's 12" it's my 3rd time- seriously, I have an addiction. Now I know I've kidded about getting the rebound call from Brad, but I'm really hoping he works things out with Jen.

Oh yeah- and the inauguration was yesterday - wheeeee!

How's THIS for silly, shallow and trite??? HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEE


Earthworm rescue

so................yeah................. (office space boss voice). I just got finished with open house, and it's been raining, so like a four year old - I start to pick up earth wormies off the sidewalk and drop them back in the muddy grass. Which reminds me of the time I was in Hilton Head and spent the better part of an afternoon trying to throw living sand dollars back in the sea. (Phillip - since you read this - do you remember that trip?? -good times!)

OOOOh - today is a good day to check Barneycam as today is the introduction of Miss Beazley to the White House. Yeah, it's silly but it makes me laugh. AS do my darling students - have I mentioned that the air is back in my lungs again - that's how right it is to be back. The other day, I was grading "skit groups." This one was on theatre terms. We had a fire drill and were out on the side lawn, I was running out of time so I had a group go ahead and perform, out on the lawn, with a lot of classes looking on. Ahhhh, the memories!

Had one of those Caspian Moments on Monday night. You know, one of those times that feels like camp nights. Hanging out at Barley's with four of the people I love most dearly: Gretchen, Jeremy, Jackson and Nathan. It never ceases to amaze me how smart and complex and interesting and deep and passionate my friends are. Just one of those evenings where I could sit back and just watch them all interact and tell stories and just BE.

Getting to share at FCA in the morning about my story. Am excited about that - for wisdom to share the parts that need to be heard....

Another big OOOH!!! The TENNESSEE THEATER reopens TOMORROW!!!!! Much rejoicing - it's SUCH a thing of beauty!!!!


lazy weekends

The first few days of 2005 have been LOVELY. New Year's eve, after I left Nathan's with the laundry, I dolled up, and went to Todd and Chad's first -they had a supper party. Charming friends they have!!! 'Bout 10, I headed over to Jeremy's to hang out with him and Gretchen. There were several people upstairs as well to ring in the new year with Lowell, so there was a lot going on. The highlight was watching "Napoleon Dynamite" and eating truffles. "Here Tina, eat your food, you stupid llama." Good times. Steve came down from VA for a visit and that was nice.

Started back to school this week and that's the big hurrah!!! Oh I'm so tired now, but missed them all so much so it's HEAVEN to be back!!! Right now, I'm "Barley-sitting" for Todd and Chad, as they're up skiing in WVA, skiing being a sport that I've of course sworn off forever. Barley is such good therapy, snarfy, doggy love without high maintenance -he's curled up next to me right now on the couch, while I'm vegged out in front of a big screen trying to figure out if my hair's going to look more like Julia Ormond's when she was in "Sabrina" and flipping back and forth between some fab brit flicks - it's been Colin Firth day so far - joy!

Today is Darling Nathan's birthday -happy birthday precious!!!! And Bernard's going away party - he's going back to Malaysia next week. So, not many deep thoughts today, just silly little things, but sometimes that's good about life too.