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mr joel's e-pics

April 2006



Club Cala de Mar
where we stayed



Marina de Cala d'Or


a restaurant overlooking
the marina


in dry dock


small beach at Cala d'Or


Sue at Cala d'Or


Palm trees at Arta



Shop sign in Arta


motifs for sale

Sue at Valldemossa

Adjacent street scene in

monastery tower

Tram in Soller

View from
San Marroig

Another view from the
same place

a flowering succulent


La Granja near Esporlas
(a large country house,
by generations
of nobles)

one of many internal views

upper courtyard

a doll on display

home-made wool
(one of several crafts
on dipslay)

fish for sale at the
Mercat Olivar in Palma

S'Hort del Rei gardens
in Palma


Sue receiving a blessing
from a monk in the
same gardens











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