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Deep In Thoughts


After my ANGEL Lee passed away, as read in some of my pages in this site, it took me I think it was almost a year before I started connecting with people. I think I may talk for a lot of people in our situation, that the first person you connect with, it is like meeting a new friend like we did when we were at school, we feel happy that someone want's to be our friend although we carry a lot of baggage, and that is what it is, baggage that we will always have. That baggage consists of "SHOCK, DENIAL, GUILT, ANGER and so much more. This baggage never leaves us, and that is understandable. The thing that feels so good though about meeting this friend is that they don't mind that you have this baggage, as they have it themselves. They know exactly what you are going through, as they are going through it themselves.

Eventually when I did start meeting people, first I didn't know if I was going to be able to handle it. Although their sites were beautiful, but it was the stories that I read about their ANGEL'S that really got to me. I couldn't believe that so many parents had been and still were going through what I was going through. I started connecting with one parent, then another, we shared each other's stories, visited each other's sites, after quite a while, I remember saying to Tony my husband I have met so many wonderful people who want to stay intouch with me, it felt so good.

I believe it was late 2001 I visited a web site called "Treasured Thoughts" she wrote back in my ANGEL'S guestbook, we started e-mailing each other. At that time I really didn't know too much about computer's, not that I know too much now because I don't. I was diognosed with multiple sclerosis back in 1988, with me it has been a very slow progress, it got a little worse a few years before my ANGEL passed away, then after he did I went right down hill. Now I am in a wheelchair permantly, my right side has gone completly, being right handed, I went to school for computer's and to be able to teach myself how to do everything with my left hand. It has been a long hall for me, but this is where
"Patricia Powell" comes in.

At the time I did meet her, my daughter had started my first site for me, and did a very good job. Most of you know how talented my ANGEL was, my daughter added a few of his poems, drawings, and some photo's of him. I was very happy and grateful for what she did. I still had many personal things to go through of my ANGEL'S, when I came across his drawings, all of his poems, plus his own personal stories, that is when I thought I would love to do another site and put everything on it, his work was all to good to pack away.

That is when "Patricia Powell" really came into my life. After e-mailing each other for a while, her seeing my other site, and amazed at what she saw with my ANGEL'S work, and me telling her what I wanted to do, and that was to do another site with all of my ANGEL'S work, she said she would help me. Well she helped me alright, she did the whole site for me. I had a lot I had to get to her, drawings, poems. With my husband working shift work, my daughter in high school at the time and home work galore, they didn't have too much time to help me, myself not knowing too much about computer's, scanning things of that nature, also myself living in Canada, and Patricia living in North Carolina, the only way I could get it to her was to mail it, so that is what I did.

Once she recieved it her work was cut out for her. She did a wonderful job, since then anything I need I ask her, it is done. But also she has taught me how to do things, like my guestbook graphics, how to put them in guestbooks when I write to someone, so much more too. When I was just about finishing my second book, I had mentioned to her that I wanted to change Lee's site around, I also wanted to add some new pages, those new pages were "Lee's Angel Friends In Heaven" and "Special Poems By Special People" I thought that this would wait till I had more time from my books. Then there she was, one day I got an e-mail from her telling me she went ahead and started the site, she sent me some of the work she had already done, I just couldnt believe it.The one thing, she never did it to please herself, she did it to please me, every time she finished a page or did a graphic she would send it to me for my approval. The one thing with Patricia she always wanted my honest opinion and that felt good, it made me feel that I could say "No could you do something else" and she would. Infact as she was doing the pages of this site, when I was looking at it, I felt I wanted something different, and believe me there were many changes that I wanted done, she wouldn't get mad, or get into an argument with me, she did everthing I asked her to do without saying a word.

I could go on and on about what she has done for me over the years of knowing each other, but I think you get the idea of what she is like. All my friends I have met over the past five years or so, I honestly wished we could have met under different circumstances, instead of meeting because of our ANGEL'S, but I am so glad I have you all in my life, and I love you all.

But in all our lives we all have what we call a best friend, that friend is always there for you, there are sometimes that they can't be for some reason, and that is understandable. But to have an Eternal Friend is a lot different, no matter what they are going through themselves they are always there for you. I know this first hand because I do have an Eternal Friend, her name is Patricia Powell. She is the one I have been talking about, the one that has helped me through thick and thin, when ever I have needed her she has always been there for me.

Patricia thank you for everthing you have done for me, in the past, now, and I know you will always be there for me, just like I will always be there for you, just not for the computer. LOL. Although being disabled, there are still many things I still can do for you now, and as long as I can I will.

Your Eternal Friend
Written By
Sue-Anne Aguilera (Lee's Mom)
August 10/2000


OCTOBER 17, 1974 - AUGUST 14, 2000

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Sue Anne/Lee Henry Aguilera
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