
Note: theses are the re-vamped decriptions I made in 1999... but the only thing I really did was add to the male characters personalites :P.

Age: 24
Maritial Status: Taken

Ryu was the only character I have intentually made 'sexy' (going by the media's definition of sexy, large brests, lean body, tight clothing, ect. ect. blah blah blah...). She was the basic 'prefect' girl, did'nt really seem to have many problems... she was an easy going, cute girl. She was the moderator between female arguements and genuintely a nice girl. Then I thought.. hey she needs some flaws.. so I made her a worry wart and a control freak... if shes not the leader of something, then brother is there trouble to be had. Shes bossy by nature... but no one seems to mind, expect Terra, but since Terra does'nt like being a leader, she just complains and such. Shes Rocky's girlfriend, the two have been 'engaged' since they where kids.

Special notes on Ryu: You pronouce her name 'rue' I once heard Ryu from Street Fighter II name pronouced like that (I believe its in SF II Turbo). Its not 'Ri-u'... She was also the blue prints for Snickers and Tipper.. and I'm denying the fact that Ryui has a slut-ish way about her... she just does'nt flirt with anyone but Rocky.

Age: 24
Marital Status: Whiped ;)

Rocky is your basic dumb pretty boy, not to say all pretty boys are dumb and all dumb boys are pretty (NOT the case, lemme tell you..). His mother died at an early age and his father married when Rock was in middle school. This put a huge gap between him and his father... for Rocky felt his father's marraige disgraced his mother's memmory. He longed to run off with Ryu and start a new life with her... Rock is a bit of a push-over when it comes to Ryu (she has trained him well :P) but when it comes to everyone eles he can hold his ground fairly well. Hes not athletic but he can run if he has to..he enjoys spending time wirth the guys.. but he learned a big lesson a long time ago, 'Ryu is my callender, everything I do needs to be checked with her'. Hehehe. yeah hes whiped.

Special notes on Rocky: Rocky was named after Rocket T. Squirrl from Rocky and Bullwinkle, which is why hes grey (same as with Ryu) and not Rockman... Devlin's appearance was greatly based on him.. but more so than Devlin's personality.

Age: 25
Marital Status: Taken

Tom is a take-action kind of guy... he knew what he wanted to be and he did it. He had everything planed back when he was in High School... meet a nice girl, get married, start a family and become a fier fighter (not in that order.. as we'll see..). He met Cass in the 7th grade and fell madly in love with her... Cass liked him... but since he was a dog.. well.. cats and dogs don't mix all to well... but he slowly but surely won her over. Tom was doing just great with his great plan... till Cass got pregant in the 11th grade... it was just one time... Tom quickly quit school and got a full time job... only for Cassy to mis-carry in her third month. It was'nt until that did Tom relize that the way he was doing things lead to this... he wanted everything to be prefect.. and if things were'nt he would stress out and let it out on Cass. When the baby died Tom was convinced his yelling was the cause of Cass' stress... after a year he went back to High School and graduated with Cass and all his friends.

It took a great does of reality for Tom to get to the point where he is today.

Age: 24
Marital Status: Taken

As a girl Cassy used to live on an island inhabited by cats.. and very little of anything eles. In middle school she moved to Sherup...and was astounded by the mixed culture the island had... she made friends with Ryu and Terra fairly quickly.. and met Tom through Rocky and Ridge... Tom was persistant in pursuing her... and the two eventually became an item. Shes has always been a happy go lucky girl when not scared out of her whits by a dog's bark in the distance... shes  also a very nature loving person that fights only if prevoked to the point where she can't take it anymore... but otherwise shes a kind, motherly lady.

Speical notes on Cassy: Blue's appearance was based greatly on Cass.. but Joy took her blonde hair and most of her personality.Her name was also the ones that I really really wanted as a kid... stupid Isabel name...

Age: 24
Marital Status: Single, but attached.

Terra is, was, and always will be the bully. She used to love to terroize Ridge, Rock, Ruy and Tom when they where kids... until one day someone finally stood up to her, the shy bunny boy Ridge. Since that momment the two have been unsepreable. Terra likes to complain.. but never taks action.. and if she does things quickly get vilolent. After High School she had no idea what to do with her life... so she followed every bully's dream, to become a professional boxer. Ridge was not happy about this.. but he followed her... shes currently taking a break from the small time boxing cricut to try and convice Rigde to start a family...

Special notes on Terra: Blue was based on Terra big time... Terra's name came from the color 'Terracotta', Rocky's eye color.

Age 24
Marital Status: Single, but attached.

Ridge is the a shy man by a runt from a litter of six... Ridge was early on to the ways of the bully (and quickly leanened how to take a punching...). So when he meet Terra it was love at first smack. Ridge is a rather quite, serious fellow... he and Terra are exact opposites...but somehow the two seem to get along fairly well..mainly because Ridge caves in half the time.

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