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March 2003

03/25/03 - 12:38PM - Well, tomorow's the big day. To celebrate, I'm going to put a new image into the gallery. I didn't draw it, but I did do a little editing. Well, I will put it in the gallery when the uploady thing works. It's been broken for like 2 days now, and I've got a lot that needs uploading(read: new article) so I hope the Angelfire Team gets to fixing it sometime soon. That's all for now. Ryan out.

03/22/03 - 12:33AM - I just saw Airplane!. You can expect an article on it as soon as I can find myself a copy. That could be soon, or in a long time. But rest assured, I will review Airplane!.

03/21/03 - 5:09 AM - Yup, I did another Chat Radio. And I must say, the future is starting to look very good, since I found a quick way to HTML the conversation. More good things that are coming my way are Hulk Hands, Spiderman night-vision goggles, and of course, the Wind Waker. Speaking of which...

03/20/03 - 4:48 AM - Kill me... So very tired. I just edited and HTML'd an entire Messenger conversation. It probably would have been a lot easier and quicker had I opted not to colorize it, but the fans like when I go the extra mile. Screw you, fans. I'm gonna die because of you assholes people. Well, chalk up another pseudo-article. I love that word. Pseudo. I'd name my kid Pseudo if my (future)wife and mom wouldn't torture and kill me for it. Oh well. Maybe I'll get a fish and name it Pseudo. Nobody will care what I name my fish. My future looks good. Except for all of the sleep-depravety. Well, that's it for this week. Three articles in under 24 hours. I think I deserve a break. Ryan out.

UPDATE! - Two in one day! That's amazing. Keep in mind though, that I did write most of the Zelda article a few days ago, I just finished putting in the pictures today. Oops, I guess I ruined the surprise. But all the regular visitors(1) already knew what it was about, so not much is lost. I suppose that that's about it for today. Be sure to stay tuned for the next article!
03/19/03 - 3:33 PM - This day will live in infamy forever... or something to that effect. Today I added an art gallery to the site. Yes, you heard(read?) me right, an art gallery. OK, so it's not really art per se, but hey, I get my content where I can. There isn't much in there yet, but as I find stuff I can make fun of, it'll fill up. So go and see my pseudo-article and be sure to tell mewhat you think.

03/17/03 - 3:23 AM - I was playing around with Photoshop today for the first time in a while. I had only got it originally so I could edit .PNGs for RPGMaker, but after that went out the window, I just let it sit there to collect virtual dust. Now that I've experimented with it a bit, I think my PC doodles will be of a lot higher quality than what I can churn out in MS Paint. Here's an example of my work:
My first PS drawing
I'm really proud of it. Like, really proud of it. I know once I figure out how to use PS a little better my pics will get better too, but for now, it amazes even me that this turned out so well. As for a new article, it's almost done, I just need to put in a couple more pictures.

03/13/03 - 8:19 PM - I'd have at lest one more article ready, but I can't produce pictures for it! As soon as I figure this out, I'll post it on the Articles page.

03/12/03 - 3:36 PM - You might have been visitng my other site here and discovered something quite saddening. But, to brighten your spirits, I'll tell you this: I've been working on a couple different articles. And by that, I mean I just need to put the finishing touches on them before I upload them. Whee! Now that that's out of the way, ZELDA'S COMING IN 14 DAYS!! ...yeah, thta's about all I have to say for now. Adios.

UPDATE - A few minor cosmetic changes. Nothing you'll notice, but I thought I should mention it anyway. ...That's it then.
03/06/03 - 2:18 AM - Yes, I'm a sleep deprived maniac. But nobody cares and I'm only hurting myself so it doesn't matter. Today I added my second article. It's about... another TV show. Don't get all excited thinking that I'm gonna write an article every five days. Oh no. Only when I find something I want to write about. So it could be anywhere between an hour and forever between articles. Why are you still reading the news? Go read the damn article!

03/03/03 - 12:29 AM - In a time where Ryan should be doing his homework and/or sleeping, he is updating his website instead. I put the links on their very own page, and I added a little bonus at the end of the first article. I know everyone will like it!

UPDATE - I just changed the look of the site a little bit. Now the logo is above the ad, and the page links are up at the top too instead of down at the bottom. I think it looks better and more professional this way. Now I'm ranked a lot higher on Newgrounds too. Huzzah!
03/01/03 - 2:26 AM - Remember what I said about not having anything to put on the site for a while? Well, it was all a lie.
Today, I put up my very first article! Hooray for me! What is it about? You'll have to go find out for yourself. What are you waiting for? Go here to read it. I know it's not very funny(I wasn't aiming for funny, but there are a couple "jokes"), but is is an interesting read, and it's a good way to invest ten minutes. So go on, read it, and send me your thoughts.
