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April 2004

Back In The Saddle
04/30/04 - 11:28PM

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack. Sorry I didn't post sooner, there's just so much to be done between catching up on things and napping. So there won't be a real article this Sunday, but you can expect various smaller things to be popping up all week. I've got a lot of crap I can go on and on about, so be prepared to read a lot. That's all for now, I'll post something else tomorrow.

~Ryan out.

Always Somewhere
04/18/04 - 10:37PM

The first weekend for a while sans-article. Just consider yourself lucky to get a news post this week. Such is what happens when you belong to a family which is not ready to go on vacation in a couple days. Yeah, it's been Hell around here, and it's only going to be worse tomorrow and Tuesday, cause school and work are going to get in the melee as well. So we're leaving Wednesday, and coming back a week later. I'll make sure to post something or maybe write a mini-review if there is internet access at tour hotel, but I can't promise anything. Time will be short, you know. So that's that, and you shouldn't be expecting to hear anything out of me until May. How I love getting away...

Also, because I do this kind of thing, The Mask just co-launched his own search engine. They call it IceRocket, and it works great. It scours six or so other search engines like Google and Altavista, so pretty much anything will pop up when searched for correctly. I'm thinking of even adding it to the ol' favorites. That's all the shameless plugs for now.

~Ryan out.

Crush Out
04/14/04 - 9:06PM

The cam is working great, and that's that. The mini-review is up late, but it's up. It's also very poorly done. I was annoyed with having to do it, so I just threw it together as fast as I could. And that still managed to take 2 hours. Damn it all. Now that that's done, I can finally get back to studying. Or maybe I'll defend my castle for a little while. In any case, I'm out.

~Ryan out.

04/13/04 - 7:46PM

Two words: CAMERA GET. Yes, I finally got a digital camera, and just in time for my trip too. It's a present from my uncle for graduation, my birthday and Christmas, but I think it's better than 3 smaller, less useful things. So now I can take pictures of things further than two metres away from my PC, and I can take it wherever I go and take pics of cool things I see. Such power. It's a pretty good camera; 3.2MP, 2x zoom, with sound and video taking abilities. There's a bunch of other stuff too, but I don't understand most of it. It came with a rather small memory chip, so I have to take lower quality pics until I get a bigger one, but it's all good. So you can expect that I'll take and post a ton of pics from my vacation for all to see. Today is a good day.

In other news, the mini-review should be done tomorrow or Thursday. The pics are taken and I just have to write it. That's all I have to report then, so it's back to playing with my new toy for me.

~Ryan out.

04/12/04 - 6:12PM

It's Monday, that article I promised has come. But there's only one. And it will rule them all!! Uh... Anyway, there won't be another properly sized article, but expect a mini-review sometime during the week. That's about it. Adios.

~Ryan out.

A Storm in the Desert
04/08/04 - 4:00PM

It just hit me today that I'll be terribly busy this weekend. That means no article until Monday... Yes, it's a shame, but I just won't have enough time to do it unless I put it ahead of finishing up my comic. And even that won't get done. I suppose I could sacrifice a little sleep, but I've been sleeping badly enough as it is, and if I'm out all weekend, I won't have time for naps. So indeed, there shall be no article on Sunday. It will be on Monday, and I might even post two to make up for the lateness. Might.

~Ryan out.

The Interspace of the Electric Brain
04/07/04 - 1:45AM

Added a couple new links to sites I like. Planet MegaMan was another obvious one that I managed to miss. As for The Best Page in the Universe, you read it and tell me it's not hilarious. Sure most of it is very shocking, but I love it. And he totally agrees with my love for Dawn of the Dead, and that alone deserves a link. I corrected all (4) of the grammatical/spelling errors in the I-ninja article, due to many complaints (1). I also error'd a correct word, because it's an in-joke and people who get it will think it's funny.

~Ryan out.

Red Hot Paradise
04/04/04 - 2:19PM

The first post of April. Wow. I remember last April. I was just a small-time website with few to no visitors. Nothing's changed. So sad. But anyway, as promised, the new article is up. Spring break was my idea of perfection; good eating, lots of sleep, and just lazing around all day. I had a good week. Sure it might sound odd to all those people who do stuff like road trips and crap, but I enjoy not doing things. That and I've mastered the art of keeping myself busy, so I'm never really bored. But enough of that. I don't know if there will be updates throughout the week or not. If you want something to do here, go post in the forum. It's dying again. *tear*

~Ryan out.
