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November 2004 Edition

Monday, November something.

No time for a real post. Wasted all of it making a damn prize. Stupid prize. Anyway, work blows today. I hate people. Well, most of them anyway. The laid back ones are cool. Otherwise, dumbasses. Why can't they all die or become smart or something?

Gonna be moving this to my real site soon. if you feel like checking that out. (Editor's note: O.o Yes, it's on the site now. That's why you're reading it.)

Tuesday, November 9

Oh crap, it's my brother's birthday, and now that I make money, I have to buy him something. But what to buy for a kid whose interests are skateboarding, hockey and girls? Scratch that, what can I buy him for $20? Its dilemmas like these that make me think maybe having income isn't all it's cracked up to be.

And as a little follow-up to yesterday's post, the day went really well after I typed that. And today's been pretty good too. Hooray for me! I've even made some mad tips. Course since it's the morning shift, I have to split it. Ah well. I'm bored of this now, and I brought my GameBoy today, so yeah. I'mma go play Castlevania for the rest of my break.

Thursday, November 11

I've been stripped of my manhood! No, literally. Sharon made me take the "man" off my badge. This makes me sad. Very sad indeed... :(

Capain's Log. Stardate 601*4

Gah. Sunday morning again. This is the shits. But it is pay week. Booyaka.

A suggestion from a friend inspired me to do more interesting stuff at work so that this blog may be ore interesting. I strated out small by making a little stick man out of stir sticks and a lid. Then I taped a waxie on him to make it look like he has a cape. It's the best thing I've done here yet. Boy is work boring. Tomorrow I'll try to find something better to do.

Tuesday, November 16

Can't wait until today is over. Gonna go buy me some Metroid Prime 2 and get my geek on. Other than that, there's nothing to report.

OH! Yesterday there was a ghost in the store. I was totally just standing there looking at the cream machine and it suddenly sprayed a shot of cream. Nobody was there to press the button, and it's never done that before, so I'm sure it was a ghost. Probably the same one that follows me everwhere. And of course, with noone around, nobody saw it and now they all think I'm crazy. Or they would, I just haven't said anything about it. O.o

Thursday, November 18

Went to the grand opening of the MTS Centre Tuesday night. It kicked ass. Randy Bachman rules. So does Tom Cochrane. And the arena is sweet. Canaries are yellow.

Wednesday, November 24

I haven't posted in a while, because this whole thing is starting to get very boring and repetitive. I mean, nothing interesting ever happens, and the best posts are ones where I simply ramble about nothing. So I think it's about time I throw in the proverbial towel. It was a good run, but it had to end somewheres, and I think this is where it shall find it's final resting place.

(Editor's note: Yeah. Pretty sad. But for the record, this won't actually be the last work blog. Next month's edition will be more a work of fiction than these last two, which are based word for word on reality. What will happen in the future? I dont know. I'll work on that when I get there. For now, enjoy the pseudo-dialogue half of this month.)


??? says: I found you! Ha ha ha, now, what to write, im on my break and Im lazy so. Your a virgin eh? so sad, so sad. Things will heat up, if only you tried to find out who was writing you, Now there's two of us, and we both want to and your brillant fragile jilted little mind Anyways, I'll give you a hint, Lets call me? hmmmm, lets call me leather strap and the other girl well, we'll call her snake bite, there are hidden hints in both of our names, so the sooner you find us out the sooner we can take care of that virgin thing (wink wink) have fun man meat.

Snakebite says: Hey Ryan... Now that i read your enteries (i think i spelled that wrong) it seems like you are writing to me and giving hints. Sorry to dissapoint you but i dont have a computer at home..otherwise i would check that out. Maybe you can give me the kind of prize...something you already have and have not yet givin away(if you know what i mean). I am kind of upset that you didnt respond to my feeling about you...arent you curious? Have you begun guessing who i am yet? would you tell me if you knew? Keep on writing, ok? Signed...*Snakebite*

Ryan says: OK, OK, that's enough of this tomfoolery. And I'm not really writing to anyone directly, just anyone who manages to find this. And those who actually read my website. I think it's a neat feature, though somewhat redundant, because my site is a blog in itself. So a blog with a blog featurette = overblogged. Oh yes, and I put in the address in hopes of slightly increasing my site's readership. It's a slim chance, but if I can win a fan or two...

Snakebite says: ummm...are you gay? most guys would be happy that there is a girl in love with them but you are not..all you talk about is this blog thing and you dont care about the girls. im convinced your gay...because if you werent you would be hyped that a chick is in love with the way...did you see what i did to your picture? i thought it was a nice toutch.. so make sure you tell me if your gay or not ok? *Snakebite*

Ryan says: Sweet baby Jesus, no! I'm just, oh, how shall I say, skeptical about the whole thing. That and well, you don't wanna get involved with a guy like me. I'm a loner, "Snakebite", a rebel. ...And I've watched Peewee's Big Adventure way too many times to be considered healthy. ADDENDUM: As a wise man once said, "I wouldn't want to be in any club that would have me as a member." I think that one works pretty well too.