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October 2004 Edition

Saturday, October 16.

Holy smokes, this is some old-skool FrontPage. In any case, I think I'd better write something a lil' more interessin', case someone decides to read this.

Well, I guess I'll summarize my current situation. I seem to be at work, but it might just be a trick to make me look like a fool. Those happen a lot it seems. Anywho, I'm not too pleased to be working on the weekend. It's like the song, except I would sing a mad song about it, and not nearly as catchy as Loverboy's song. Yeah, work is general is stupid. Except for the money. Damn, I wish I didn't have to work. I guess I can't complain though, cause it's a decent job and all. Not like I have to do anything that requires more than minimal effort. Heh. Imagine that. Me and effort just don't mix. Like Lucky Charms and chocolate milk. Not good.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I'll wrap it up for now. That and my break is almost over, so I have to. Maybe I'll make this into like a work blog or something.

Sunday, October 17.

Ugh. Working on a Sunday? I think that's against my religion. Har har har.

It's been pretty bad today. I didn't expect it to be so busy on a Sunday afternoon/evening. Oh well. Fortunately, there have still been many an opportunity to slack off. Errr... I mean, I work hard all the time. Yes. That will do.

Back to the task at hand, they've started my dishboy training. It's not quite as glorious as one would imagine. or maybe that was just me. I miss my storefront. Wow. Did I just type that? Spooky. Heh. Whoever's covering me isn't too happy that I'm on break. And I've still got 8 minutes of said break left. Booyah.

Ah. but my shift is also past the halfway point, so it's less than 4 hours until I can get back to Paper Mario. And I've got tomorrow off too! Oh it's going to be sweet to leave tonight. Oh! And it's pay week too! Everything's coming up Ryan!

But I digress, it's about time I sign off. Time to take a quick trip to the john and then it's back to the grind for me. Geez. I wish it was closer to quittin' time.

Tuesday, October 19.

It's been one helluva day so far, I tells ya. I'll skip the details, but I've been put in a very confusing position. And I have to work. Not exactly the greatest of days weather-wise either. I have managed to keep a rather pleasant disposition through it all, which makes it all the much easier.

I did go to EB beforehand and picked up Kirby And The Amazing Mirror, which is great, because I've got tomorrow off. It's just killing me that I decided not to pack my GBA today. Every time I second-guess bringing it somewhere I end up needing it. Damn fate. Or karma. Or whatever's causing this.

Not looking forward to Thursday, though, as I have to be here and on the floor at 7 AM, which just doesn't sit well with me. At least morning shifts are a lot more interesting. That's all for now, I think.

Thursday, October 21.

Holycrapholycrapholycrap.DamnyouShannonandyoucoffeetoo.Nomorenomorenomore. Need... to ...use space... bar... Gah! Cripes. And I thought it was bad enough that I had to get up at 6. Now I've got stupid coffee in my system. And a whole bunch of it too. ...Must concentrate... Not make... typos... Gah. Enough. goodbye.

Friday, October 22.

Ugh. It's been a TERRIBLE day. Well, after the first hour, anyhow. I mean, having Shannon there to help out -or anyone to help out for that matter- makes the job that much easier. Right after she left, it got real bad, with me having to accomplish like seven things at once on my own. And right at about 7:30, in came a never-ending stream of idiots. Heck, it's 8:43 now, and they're still there. And I can't get anything done unless they go away for a minute!

In non work-related news, the new Kirby game rocks. And I finally lost my E-bay virginity. Sexual virginity is still there though. Not like I expect that to go away anytime soon anyhow. Time to sign off for now.

Sunday, October 24.

Didn't really get a chance to post yesterday, too many people in the break room at the same time as I. I'd prefer to keep this blog like a little Easter egg for anyone who might be mucking about on the computer.

Anyhow, yesterday was awesome. A good day for working, and a entertaining after work excursion to the pool hall. I must say, I did much better than I had predicted, but that's still not saying much.

Today. There's not much to say about today. I've only been here two hours and it's been a pretty normal day up to this point. I don't expect much is gonna change.

Sunday, October 31

Boo! It's-a Halloween! Yeah. Doesn't mean much to me anymore. Been a whole week since I last posted, I see. Well, to be honest, absolutely nothing of interest has happened. Except for that time I made eight bucks in tips. Sometimes it's good to work alone.

Gah. I have to work mornings next week. That blows. So don't expect much posting. Wait. Nobody reads this anyway. What does it matter if I don't post much? So yes. Me = insane. That's pretty much it. Goodnight.


??? says: Hi Ryan! Its me and i found your is very interesting...dont worry im not making fun of you...i like it..a lot. P.S. i can help you with your "e-bay" thing if you want...->can your guess who i am? ;) i watch you all the time and i think you are amazing and the things you write turn me on. The way you bent over to tie the garbage bag makes me melt. I think im in love...Guess who i am...Loverboy =)

Ryan says: Hah ha ha. That's awesome. I'd give you a prize for being the first one to find this... but not nearly generous enough to give anyone anything. And it's not a "journal", it's a blog. There's totally a difference. You know, actually, you do get a prize. Go to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\spool to claim your "winner.png".