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Local Blues Musician Donates Guitar
        Dennis McClung, Fairmont WV Blues Recording Artist, wanted every needy local child to have a Christmas, so he did something about it. To raise money for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Project, he is raffled off a 1963 Vintage Reissue Fender American Made Stratocaster from his personal collection. For a blues guitarist to give one of his own guitars away is unimaginable to most people. The blues guitarist, Dennis McClung did just that. In addition, the Dennis McClung Blues Band headlined a Benefit Concert on Sunday December 15, at the Fairmont Theater in Fairmont, WV. Check out the entertainment lineup. Showtime started at 2:00pm and concluded after 5:00pm.

        The winning tickets for the guitar and 27 inch color television were drawn at the concert. The winners didn't need to be present to win. All of the proceeds went to The Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program of Marion County Fairmont WV. A source said that for the first time, there were no angels left on the Tree.

McClung is pictured below with guitar before the drawing.

Blues Recording Artist 1963 stratocaster

McClung is seen below, presenting Chris Cooke with the guitar.

Blues Recording Artist 1963 stratocaster winner

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