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Dave Bock

Age: 34

I have been playing guitar for over 20 years. My style has developed into an aggressive jazzy blues style. I bought my first guitar because I wanted to be Jimi Hendrix (of course). My first guitar was an Ovation Viper solid body electric. Ovation didn't make sold body electrics very long, and that was probably a wise move on their part. I made an arrangement with my mother (who always wanted me to play an instrument) to help me pay for the Ovation Viper. She agreed. When my father came home he was less than thrilled with the arrangement I had worked out with my mother and put the guitar in his bedroom closet until I could pay it off with my paper route money. This meant I spent the first six months of my guitar playing life sneaking into my parents bedroom when no one else was home to try and hash out "Wild Thing". I ended up getting to play my new guitar for about 20 minutes every two weeks! Today, I play for at least an hour every day, and don't have to sneak around to do it!





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