
As time passed by, I was growing closer to my new Beatle friends and, as well, knowing them better.

George was always very nice with me and made me laugh. He was very quiet and shy. I was sure after he knew me a little better, he would be more talkative.

Paul was always flirting with me and trying to impress me. He was very funny and easy going. It seemed that he just had one purpose on his life: piss Prue off. The fella was really a jerk when she was around!

Pete was a silent and distant guy. He could be dead and you wouldn't even notice.

Stu had a wild sense of humor. He has always something funny to say. He used to tease me with Herman. “He's as big, ugly and stupid as a gorilla, luv… I know you can find something better,” he said… and he was so right…

Now is John's turn. Well… He was the most fascinating man I had ever met. Sarcastic, intelligent, with a wicked sense of humor and a mind even more dirty than mine. In one word, a bastard. Yeah, he was a fucking bastard. He always said it, he was right and he knew it. We got along perfectly. Every night we talked for hours, laughing and getting drunk together.

I spent nearly every night of the weeks in their shows, they played since 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., with breaks of 15 minutes every hour. One day, George, John and Paul went to see me at the Indra club, it was so bloody embarrassing… the bastards whistled, yelled and clapped as the fucking crowd of drunks.

“Simply beautiful, luv. Yer very talented. And that leather lingerie makes ye look pretty hot,” John said with an annoying luxurious look in his eyes, “Would ye go on a date with me?”

“Fuck off, wanker!” I laughed.

“Ok, luv, ye've just blown yer last chance of a romantic dinner with me, don't come beggin' later!” he had the typical twinkle in his eyes…

“Oh… God!” I said with pretended dismay, “What will I do now?!”

They all rolled they heads back and laughed maniacally.

“Cor, you all are insane!” I exclaimed.

That commentary only made them laugh even more. I sat beside John and waited for them to calm down.

“So… come tomorrow to my aunt's house? Astrid, Klaus, Jürgen and I are going…”

“I dunno, luv,” John said, acting like a businessman, “Gotta check me schedule first…” and with that, they all laughed again like idiots. God! Sometimes they were so silly!

“C'mon, smartarse! I'm serious!” I said, trying in vain to stop their silly laughter, “Cut it out!”

A moment later they stopped laughing and looked at me.

“Ok, we'll go, luv. But promise us ye'll wear a bikini, ok?” And after Paul said it, he squeezed my tit making a “beep-beep” sound.

I slapped him as hard as I could and I had to support again George's and John' stupid giggles.

“And next time it'll be in the balls!” I couldn't help myself and I started laughing.

“Ye'll slap me balls??” Paul had a funny, hopefully tone in his voice.

“But not with my hand, arsehole, with my foot!”

The laughed again and I rolled my eyes in exasperation, a habit that I had taken from Prue.

“Well… I'm leaving, see ya, twits!” I turned around to leave, but George's sudden call stopped me.

“Yes?” I asked, trying not to sound irritated.

“Who are ye leavin' with?” George seemed more curious than worried.

“With Astrid,” I answered.

A mischievous grin appeared in John's face “I thought Frankenstain had a car”

I laughed at Herman's newest nickname.

“What a fucker you are, Lennon!” they laughed with me, “the car's on the mechanic” I added, “Well… Bye!” I turned around and left.

“Have ye seen tits like those before??” I heard Paul asking the guys.

“Just in me dreams!” John answered before they laughed.

I reached the entrance laughing at their comment and Astrid was already waiting for me. I got in her Volkswagen and she took me to my flat.

The next day, at morning, I arrived at Astrid's house and I found that Prue was already there.

“Hey, Prue!” I greeted her as we all got comfortable on the sofas.

“Hey, Lys…” She look very tired. It seemed that all the partying was killing her!

“Where're the guys?”

“Still sleeping… they'll go at noon”

“Great… so… let's go!”

We got up, picked up our stuff and left to my aunt's house. Twenty minutes later, we were arriving.

“Hi aunt Marie!” I hugged her.

“Oh, Lizzy dear!! It's so good to see you, darling!” She hugged me back.

One great thing of my aunt was that she was English, so, every time she saw me, she bombed me with stories of her life in England.

After greeting Prue and Stu, she turned to Astrid.

“Astrid! How are you, honey?” She hugged her too.

“Fine, aunt. And you?”

“Great now that I have you all here with me!”

Auntie Marie smiled kindly and offered us some coffee. We declined politely.

“Hey, aunt, how's your sister? It's been a long time that you don't see her, right?” I asked her.

“Hum… yes.” Auntie Marie seemed uncomfortable, but I insisted.

“And why don't you go to visit her today? She'll be happy, y'know… Don't worry about the house, we'll clean…” Big lie.

“Mmm… I don't know, dear.”

“C'mon auntie, we'll be ok.” I just wanted the old woman to get lost, so we'll be alone.

“You sure?”

“Yes, auntie, I promise everything will be ok.”

“Ok. I'll be back at evening. Be a good, big girl and behave.” She meant No sex, young lady!, but she didn't have the guts to say it.

“You know I will.” I smiled innocently, you could also see and aureole glowing above my head.

She smiled her grandma smile, kissed my forehead and went to her bedroom.

After my aunt left, we all got in the pool. Some minutes before twelve o'clock, John, Pete, Paul and George arrived. They all had bought swimsuits (really tights ones).

John had a wonderful, breathtaking muscular body. George was skinny, too skinny for me. Paul was… well, not fat, not thin, not muscular… just normal. And Pete had big muscles, for hours of playing the drums.

They started teasing Prue about her bikini. You could see Pete, Paul, George and even John drooling at her spectacular body. John took her out the water and then Paul threw her again with him. Once they emerged of the water, he surprisingly kissed her, she was pretty shocked and left the pool furious. She went into the house, I wanted to go to talk to her, but Paul stopped me, he wanted to do it himself. So, he went to talk to her and, as I expected we heard yells. John and I entered and found Prue and Paul fighting. We asked what was going on and with a “Nothing, nothing…”, they left.

John sat on a chair, I wanted desperately to sit on his lap, but I contained myself.

“Bastard…” He muttered. I couldn't understand why he was so annoyed.

“Why does it bother you so much?” I asked in disbelieve.

“'Cause in the last time he's been lookin' very much at 'er and I bet he's gettin' pretty horny, ye know she sleeps with us… and today with that bikini, well, obviously he couldn't contain 'imself.”

“But she doesn't like him, right?”

“Well… I thought so…”

“And what makes you think like now she does?”

“That after he kissed 'er she looked like she wanted more.”

I laughed.

“It's not funny, ye know… she's gonna let 'im fuck 'er, and I don't want that.”

“But if she wants… it's up to her.”

“He'll only use 'er, like he does with all 'is birds.”

“Wait a second… birds??”

He chuckled, “Girls…”

“Oh… well, I think she knows that. You shouldn't worry, you know Prue and she isn't a common girl…”

“I know, but… I'm still worrying.”

“Look, Prue is too proud to fall in his arms so easily. She won't give up her reputation becoming one more of his birds.”

“Ye think so…?”

“Absolutely, Johnny, and now, my advice is not to care anymore and go back to the pool.” I smiled at him.

“And Prue and Paul?”

I sighed… why was Prue so important to him??

"I'll look for them.”

“Thanx…” He turned around and left.

A quick stare at his ass and I went to look for the fucking Paul.

“Hey Paul, where are you?!” I yelled and waited for an answer.

“Here…” The voice came from the living, so I turned around and went there.

“C'mon, Paul… let's go back to the pool.”

He looked up at me with sad big eyes, that man was a distraction!!

“Mmm… no, thanx. I'll stay 'ere a while.”

“Waitin' for Prue?” I asked mischievously.

He smiled and said, “Yep… gotta convince 'er that it was only a joke.”

“Gotta convince yourself first.” I pointed.

“I am convinced.”

“Yeah, sure…” I said sarcastically. “And where's Prue?”

“In the bathroom.” he said, sadly.

“And, can I ask you something?”


“Why the hell are you so sad and worried about what she might think if it was just a joke?”

Ok, It seemed like I have kicked him in the balls with that question. He lowered his sight.

I smiled and said, “I'll take that as an 'I don't know'”

Just then Prue came outta the bathroom and stopped abruptly as she saw Paul sitting on the coffee table.

“I thought you'd left,” she said to him in an angry tone.

“Actually I convinced him to stay a little more.” Was my smiling comment.

She looked at me with a killing glance.

“Ok,” she said and left to the kitchen.

