
I arrived home and yelled "Hello!" as I locked the door.

"Hey!" Prue greeted me, she was sitting on the couch and drinking tea, "there's no need for ye to yell!"

"How are you?" I asked, ignoring her bitching and sitting beside her.

"Fine, and ye?"

"Fine… hey, aren't you freezing?"


"Well, you have just those little shorts and that tee on…"

"Nah, I'm fine…"

Then I noticed an extra cup of tea on the coffee table and stretched to grab it, "hey, can I have this one?"

"No," she said swallowing a sip she had taken from hers, "I'll get ya another one."

"Yes, coffee instead of tea." I said as she stood up, "And whose is this cup?" I asked, pointing it.

That was when the door of the bathroom opened and the owner of the cup entered in the room.

"His," Prue replied, pointing to Paul, and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Paul!" I smiled knowingly, "how are you?"

"Um… fine… and ye?"

"Fine… so may I ask you what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, I picked Prue up from work and we came 'ere to 'ave tea…"

"Well, but Prue came out from work…" I checked my watch, "three hours ago!"

"Yes," he smiled, "we've drunk a lot of tea…" and he sat beside me on the couch.

That got me laughing and when Prue entered into the room again with my cup of coffee in her hands, she saw us laughing and smiled confused.

"What's so funny?" she asked, handing me the cup.

"Three hours just drinking tea with Paul… right…"

Paul started laughing again and Prue looked at him, then at me and grinned. She sat beside Paul and he instantly put a hand on her knee. She moved his hand away discreetly, and I tried to pretend that I hadn't seen anything, not making it.

"Oh, c'mon, it's just Lys…" he passed and arm around her shoulder, attracted her to him and kissed her cheek sweetly.

"Oooohhhhh! Love!" I laughed.

"Not yet," Prue remarked and then smiled to Paul.

"Ain't that sweet??" I asked, knowing it'd bother them both.

"Sure, we're too sweet…" Paul said, and chuckled.

"Are we?" Prue asked, and we started laughing.

"Not ye, me." Paul said, and we laughed again.

Prue and Paul started cuddling and giving each other little pecks, I just sat there, looking to other side, not really knowing what to do. And there's when the doorbell rang, but didn't stop the love scene.

"I'll get it…" I said, but they didn't even hear me.

I stood up, walked to the door and opened it.

"Is someone in the livin' room seein' ya?" It was John.

"John! What are you doing here?"

"Is there?"


"People in the livin' room!"

"Oh… yeah," what was he talking about?

"Then come 'ere," he grabbed my arm, closed the door and the next second all I knew was that I was with my back against the wall, he against me and was kissing me slowly. I kissed him back.

"Hey, Lys! Who is it?!" Prue yelled from the living room.

John and I broke the kiss and went there. Prue was sitting on the couch and Paul wasn't in sight.

"Hello, Pruddie." John exclaimed.

"Hey John!" Prue greeted him surprised and a little nervous, I'd say.

"How are ye doin'?"

"Mmm… alright, ye?"

"I'm fine… hey, can I stay fer dinner? I was a little lonely at me flat…"

"Sure ye can…" she said.

"And where are Cyn and Dot?"

"At Cyn's parents… they were stayin' there fer the night I think…"

"Oh, I see… so it's just the three of us…"

"I would say the four of us…" I corrected, smiling.

John looked at me, puzzled, "The four of us?"

"Yep, Paul's here too. He arrived with me." I answered.

"Paul's 'ere?"


"Why?" "He dropped by to say hello…" Prue answered.

"Oh, perfect! So we're able to talk!"

Then Paul came out of the kitchen, drinking coke from a glass and choked when he saw John.

"He… Hello John"

"Hey." Was John's cold greet.

Prue looked at me, "C'mon, Lys. Let's get started with the dinner."

She obviously wanted to question me about what I had told John, so I just nodded and followed her to the kitchen. Once there, she laid her back on the fridge, closed her eyes and began shaking her head.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit." She said in a low voice, "why did he had to come 'ere…? I'm so dead…"

"I calmed him down a little yesterday, maybe I can do it again now… want me to talk to him?" I asked, realizing I had fucked things up and wanting to help.

"Ye calmed 'im? What does that mean?" she asked, looking at me.

"Remember yesterday night? Well… he didn't screamed of joy, you know? He was going to beat the shit out of Paul right then." I told her.


"I told him the truth and he kind of agreed to let the two of you do what you want…"

"Really? He didn't seem very fond of the idea…"

"He'll have to get used to it, whether he likes it or not."

"Yes, but I don't want 'im givin' the cold shoulder to us all the time."

"You know John, he'll piss you off for a while, make you feel awfully miserable and then he'll feel like shit and ask you to forgive him."

"That's true, but---"

"Think about it, it's better this way---"

"No, it's not, I don't want me cousin to be mad at me because ye stuck yer nose where ye didn't 'ave to! What the 'ell do ye two care 'bout this anyway? Paul and I are both old enough to do whatever we want!"

"That's what I've told him… and besides what did you want me to tell him if he saw you making out with Paul at the Cavern, huh? That it was a bloody bet or something??"

"And why didn't ye just shut yer mouth and say nothin'?" she exclaimed, a little too loud.

"Because there was no fucking need to lie!" I told her, nearly screaming.

"Yes, there was! I told ye not to say a word to anyone!!" she yelled.

"He suspected that something was happening and that I knew it! It's not the end of the world, stop worrying about everything!" I yelled back.

"Just because yer hot with 'im ye had to go and blurt it all when I asked ye not to! And I worry 'bout what I bloody want! It's not yer damn business! The only thing ye had to do if ye were really me friend was to keep yer mouth shut!" she yelled.

"He asked me what was going on between you two and I couldn't lie because he'd already see you! It's not my fault if you thrown yourself to Paul in front of him, ok?!"

"Anyway, it was my secret! And I trusted in you!"

"Try to understand me! I know I fucking screwed it up, but you---"

I stopped screaming as I saw Paul and John entering to the kitchen.

"Hey, girls! Wazzup??" Paul asked sounding worried.

"Nothing's up!" I answered coldly.

"And why were ye screamin' like beasts?" John asked.

"It's not yer bloody business!" Prue answered and left, banging the door. Paul gave us a confused look and followed her steps.

I sighed heavily and turned around, giving my back to John. He came behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"What 'appened?" he asked in a whisper.

"Nothing… Prue just got a little mad because I had told you about her and Paul…"

"We… it doesn't matter now that they've broken up…" John said.

I turned around, truly bewildered, "They've what?"

"Broken up.. they really couldn't stand each other."

"Oh… I didn't know…" I said hesitatingly, noticing that Paul had said that to John, and he obviously believed it.

"I'm glad it 'happened… Prue's way too much fer 'im…"

"Prue's too much for any guy."

"Yeah," he smiled, "and I'm too much fer any woman!"

I laughed, "Shut up!" and pushed him away.

"I mean it!" he laughed too.

Then I heard Paul yelling from the living room, "Guys, we're going out… see ya later!"

"Fine." I yelled back and heard the door shut.

"Well…" John said, "it seems that we're all alone…" and he approached to me.

"Right…" I smiled, hugging him by the waist and attracting him to me.

"Well… want a repetition of this afternoon?" he asked impishly.

"I would love to," I confessed, "but I'm afraid it's not a safe place to try anything…"

"Why do ye say so? We hide in the bathroom and in no more than 10 minutes I'm done!"

I laughed, "It's very easy for you, but not that much for me!"

"I don't believe ye, I know how much I turn ye on…!

"Oh, you do?"

"I know I do!"

"Mmm… I dunno…"

"Well, let's see…" he said and covered my mouth with his.

I kissed him back and as our lips caressed each others and our tongues touched, I knew he was right. He really could turn me in with just a kiss. A few minutes passed while we kept kissing till I said, "let's go to the bathroom…"

"See?" he said as he kissed my neck, "I turn you on", and kissed my ear, tickling me and making me laugh, "so much on."

I laughed a little at that and we started heading for the bathroom.

"Wait," John stopped me when I was about to open the Kitchen's door.


"Shh…" I was confused but then I realized the he had stopped me because of the noise of somebody unlocking and opening the front door, "Our bathroom thing will 'ave o be fuckin' delayed, hon."

"Damn…" I muttered.

Then the kitchen's door was opened unexpectedly and I emitted a little yell of surprise.

"Fuck, Paul, you scared the shit out of me entering like that!"

"And what were ye doing beside the door?"


"We were goin' out." John helped.

"I see… well… I'm leavin' now…"

"Yeah, me too…" John said.

"Alright… I'll say goodbye to Prue, hold on and we'll go together."

"Fine." John agreed and Paul left again, "So, babe, I'm leavin'…" he informed me.

"Alright…" I accepted, a little sad.

He caressed my cheek sweetly, "Don't be sad, luv… I'll see ya tomorra, ok? I'll call ya."

"And what are you gonna do with Cyn?"

He shrugged, "I'll see…"


"Now be a good Lys and try to fix things with Pruddie, ok?"

"I'll try, John…"

"Ok, see ya."


He gave me a quick kiss on the lips just in case of anyone seeing us and went to the living room, I followed him.

"Macca! C'mon!" ye yelled.

"I'm going!" Paul replied from Prue's bedroom.

John frowned, "are ye sure they're not together anymore?"

"Huh?" sometimes I can be slow…

"Paul and Prue… are ye sure they split up?"

"Oh, yeah, if Paul told you so… they might still be friends…"

"Yeah… well… I hope so…"

Then Paul came out of my bedroom.

"Ready…" he said, "Let's go… bye Lys."

"Goodbye Paul, see you."

"Goodbye Prue!" John yelled.

"Bye!" Prue replied and they left.

I sighed and sat down at the sofa. Well… I was really willing to go to bed but couldn't enter to my room because Prue was already there. I was going to stay in the living room and sleep on the not-so-comfortable sofa. What a night I was going to have… Hold on. Who said I couldn't go and sleep in my warm and cozy bed? Just because the 'Proper British Girl' was there didn't mean I couldn't sleep comfortably. Fuck everybody, I was gonna enter there and make use of my things.

I entered in my room and found Prue sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and reading some letters. She looked up at me and, with a mock of disgust, looked back to her papers. Proud Bitch! I walked to my bed and something came to my mind.

"John told me that Paul said to him you two broke up…" I commented.

"It's not your business," she said, expressionless and not even looking at me.

"Don't be such a bitch, ok?" I complained.

Now she really looked at me, "Stop bothering me! It's not your damn business. And it's not me the one who's the bitch, alright?"

I opted to say to her in a calm voice, "Slow down, there's no need to yell." I knew it'd really bother her.

"Why do I have to slow down? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SCREWED IT UP! And you know what? I don't wanna hear you anymore so shut up!"

"I will shut up when I want to shut up."

"Well, you better want right now!"

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what the fuck to do, huh?"

"And who do you think you are to go and tell John everything for just a fuck?! And don't tell me you didn't fuck because it's more than obvious!"

"Who said that?"

"Where did you come from? From telling John, right? From his flat! And the way you looked at each other showed you had surely fucked."

It was more than I expected to hear, I didn't knew the horny glances we gave each other had been so obvious.

"You're talking bullshit!"

"Yeah, right Alyssa." Was her sarcastic response.

"Think whatever you want, but that's not true."

"I don't care what you say. I don't trust you anymore, good night," she got under the sheets, turned off her lamp and put her head on her pillow, giving her back to me.

I decided not to say anything else. I was too proud to apologize and so was she. Although she was right in a way (she wasn't going to listen that words coming out of my lips), I didn't deserve to be treated like that. After all, I had stopped John from killing them both, she should be grateful. Well, I didn't care. Fuck her.
