
He sat up, put his hand on my cheek and smiled. Slowly, he approached his head and posed once again his lips against mine, kissing them softly and then parting them with his tongue. Our kiss was languid and so irresistible I thought I was giving up then. My hand went to his knee and pressed softly, making him moan. After a moment of that, we broke away to breath.

"So?" he breathed and looked up at my eyes.

I looked away and remained silent for a moment, "we can't Paul... we just can't..."

He moved closer to me, "oh, please love... let me do you," he pleaded whispering.

I felt anticipation and desire when I heard those words comming from his lips. I couldn't say no, I didn't want to say no, but still... "why are you so insistent?" I demanded.

He brought his face closer to mine, our noses were touching, "Because I'm dying to make love to you," was his passionate whispered answer.

I looked at him and he surprised me. I moved my head and put a definite kiss on his cheek while a tear rolled down mine.

"Don't cry, luv," he said, wiping it off with his fingers.

"I am not crying..." I sniffed, "I just don't know what to do..."

"What does your heart tell you to do?"

"I don't know..."

"Listen to it."

I closed my eyes, pressed my forehead against his and sighed, "you want me?"

"So much you don't have idea."

"Take me, then," my impulses replied and I waited for him to do it, anxiously.

He smiled and embraced me tightly while he kissed me passionately. I stretched to wrap my arms around his neck and put more pressure in the kiss. He started to unbutton my coat and I helped him to take it off of me. His kisses travelled to my cheek, and so slowly to my neck, giving me shivers and making me sigh as I took off his coat. I couldn't believe what was happening. We were finally going to make it and no one would interrupt us. Not the guys, not George, not the Hamburg people coming and going. It was just us alone in my house, a little one in Forthlin Road, Liverpool, iluminated by the dim light from the lamp on my drawer, and feeling each other. His hands felt so right on me over my turtleneck's wool and I was right when I thought they would feel even better when he'd put them underneath it, because when he did, I didn't care that they were as cold as snow and sighed with pleasure. We were kissing so wildly I thought we were going to hurt each other, so I slowed it down a little and replaced the hot kisses for sweet ones, which were as irresistible as the others.

Paul slowly laid me on the bed and he laid beside me, kissing my jaw and a path to my ear. I felt his hands on my stomach and knew he was trying to take my turtleneck off so I sat up and did it for him. He sat up too and started to take his off.

"No," I stopped him, "let me do it."

He smiled and put his hands away, waiting for me to do it. I touched his chest and went down to the end of his turtleneck and lifted it, finally pulling it off. I threw it away and my hands went instantly to his soft skin. I caressed it so gently. My hands were over his arms, his chest, his belly, his waist. Actually, they were all over him. Then he brought me to him and kissed me slowly, making our tongues touch and my heat rise. After a moment, he laid me back onto my back, but this time he laid on top of me, kissing me and caressing my naked waist and my breasts through my bra while my hands were all over his back, the back of his neck and his hair. He started kissing my neck and my mouth let escape a loud sigh. I wasn't sighing just because of his kisses, but because of the feeling of our skins meeting with nothing between them, it was the first time it happened and was amazing.

As I was so lost in the feeling, I didn't realize till I felt a little tug that he was trying to took my skirt off and couldn't do it.

"Move over a little," I said. He moved and lied beside me again.

I unzipped my skirt's zip and raised my hips so I could pull it off. Paul helped me. He started pulling it off and touching his way on my body as he did so. My hips, tighs and legs received his touch over my pantyhose till he finally threw the skirt away and went back to my hips.

We kept kissing and groping for a while till I felt the hard buldge of his jeans on my leg. I had an impulse and my hand went down slowly and touched it. He moaned in my mouth and leaned on my hand, encouraging me to keep touching him. And I did. But I didn't like the idea of just touching him through the jeans, so I unzipped them and put my hand inside. Another moan from Paul. As I kept touching him over his boxers I realized that he was growing bigger and harder as each second passed and that excited me more. When I was about to pass through the only barrior I had and really touch him, he put my hand away and lifted his hips to take his jeans off. I watched, and when he finished and I could see the result of what we've been doing shown in his pants, I smiled and went for it again.

"Wait, love," Paul chuckled, "I'm freezing here, let's get into the sheets."

"Alright," I nodded.

We did so and when we were covered by the sheets and not freezing anymore, we kissed, hugged and went back to what we were doing. My hand went back at it, but now I really touched him. He felt so right, and fitted so right in my hand I was impressed. He kept moaning, started moving his hips and kissed and touched me with so much fever I nearly wasn't able to resist. One of his hands went to my breast and squeezed, making me squeeze him too and we both moaned. Nothing was passing through my mind right then, but now when I think about it, I realize that if I would had continued touching him that way he would had come in any second, maybe that's why he gently moved my hand away and put it over his hips slowing things down.

"What's wrong?" I asked breathing hard

"Nothing, babe..." he replied, breathing hard as well, and started kissing me again.

As we kissed, his both hands were unhooking my bra and he removed it quickly. I threw it away.

"Oh, baby..." he breathed when he reached for my breasts and caressed them. I was kissing his neck and moaning softly at the same time his warm hands touched my nipples, making them stand up hard. I left his neck and he went down, kissing and licking a path through my throat and chest. I started moaning again as his mouth and tonge teased my breasts, kissing, bitting softly and sucking hungrily. My hips began rocking against his.

"Wait a second," he gasped.

"What?" I managed to breath.

"Let's take these off."

I helped him with my patyhose and my knickers. When we finally pulled them off, we kissed, his hand went to my tigh, caressing and squeezing, and my hips went back to rock and to rub against his. We moaned, sighed and touched so frantically that I realized it wouldn't take too long till we finally made it.

"I'm so ready..." he panted, taking his boxers off so quickly that he nearly kicks me.

We were free of all our clothing, so he came on top of me and I began with my rocking motion again, feeling nothing but pleasure and desire.

"You have not idea of how much I've been waiting for this, Prue..." he whispered in my ear and nibbled it softly.

"Me too..." I breathed in his cheek, putting tiny kisses all over it.

"So, so much..." he continued, "I've longed for this to happen since I first met you..."

I kissed him as an answer; while I kissed his face and he caressed me all over, he continued talking, "no need to mention all the fantasies I've had about you..."

I chuckled at that, "make them true," I whispered in his ear and I felt him shiver.

In that moment, with a sudden thrust and without warning, he made me complete.

