
At 2 o'clock of the next afternoon I was at The Cavern. I was wearing black jeans, borrowed from John, a white loose T-Shirt, and had my hair tied in a ponytail. Surprisingly there were a few people in, just a few security people and, luckily, Ringo, who was talking ot a guy. I walked to him and smiled.

"Hey, Rings, how are ye?" I said.

"Prue! hey!" He answered, "he's Ray, a friend of mine, he works here."

"Hey, Ray, nice to meet ye,"

"Nice to meet ye too!" he said kindly.

"Ok, ready for our class?" Ringo asked me.

"Yeah, sure!" I chuckled.

"Ok, let's go then... back to my place where I have the drums."

"Gear, c'mon!"

We greeted Ray and headed to Ringo's. Where he lived wasn't like Menlove at all. It was completely a working class neighbourhood.

When we entered to a very modest house, we headed to a garage where his drums were.

"Here we are... with Ringo Starr's set of drums!" he anounced laughing.

"Oh, God!" I laughed with him, "a lot of girls would die to be in my shoes today!"

"Really? you think so?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm sure of it."

He grinned and said, "Well… let's start, then…"

He pointed a chair that was opposite to the drums and I sat on it as he sat on the drums.

"The first thing ye oughta know is the right way to hold the sticks, see? Like this," He showed me.

After that, he started hitting the saucer and explained me how to do it (in the right way, of course). The class continued and, by the time it finished, I had learnt to play one song.

The days passed and I went to Ringo's classes almost daily. One day, Ringo had a surprise for me…

"Hey Prue," He say as he kissed the cheek I was offering him.

"Hey Rings," I greeted him and sat on the drums, willing to star with the lesson, "what will we do today?"

"Before that, I gotta tell ya somethin'…" He said.

That got me worried… did I do something wrong? Or maybe he just wanted to ask me out… "What is it?" I asked him… wondering what on earth he'd tell me…

"I've got a surprise fer ya.." He said mischievously.

"A surprise?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep… ye've got a gig…"

What?! A gig?!

"Oh, Rings! That is so great!" I exclaimed, in a fake euphoric tone. I really didn't wanna be on stage, playing with a group… it scared the hell outta me! But I'd do it, 'cause he kinda asked me to and it seemed important to him.

"Yeah, I know." He said, pretty excited, "it's tomorrow. A new group called 'The Lizards' is playin' and their drummer is sick…"

"Well… thanks for everything, Ringo…" I said.

"Yer welcome, luv… Now let's start with the songs the group will play tomorrow…"

When the class finished, I hurried home. When I finally arrived, I walked to the entrance and knocked, realizing I had forgotten my keys on my desk upstairs. As nobody answered, I knocked harder.

"Hey! Anybody home?!" I yelled, walking some steps backwards to glance at the windows in the 2nd floor, looking for a light. Then, I looked into the garage, but my parent's car wasn't there.

"Well… I suppose mom and dad aren't home yet…" I said, talking to myself, and decided to go to John's house, that was only three blocks away from mine.

As I was walking to John's, I remembered that they were going to be at Paul's rehearsing.

"Fuck!!" I said, really upset by the fact I had to go to Paul's house... I really didn't know what was worse... to melt myself waiting for my parents or to go to his house...

But I knew that John would be there so I decided to go, anyway... of course it would be a little akward to be there, but I wasn't going to die of boredom, so I changed my way and headed to Paul's. When I got there, I knocked the door and, while my nervousness started to grow, waited. A little time later, the door opened and showed me Mike's fifteen years old face.

"Hey, ya Mike!" I said, glad that it was him who opened the door.

I was always very fond of Mike, we had a very good relationship. Maybe because he new that Paul and I hated each other and he thought that was hilarious, but I liked the boy because he was very inteligent and witty.

"Hello, Prue! C'min!" He said as I did so, "what do you need?"

"Ain't the guys 'ere rehearsin'?" I asked him.

"No, I don't think so... I'm all alone..." I sighed, half in dissapointment because the guys weren't there and half in joy because Paul wasn't there either, "except for Paulie who is in the living room..." he continued, killing my joy.

"Oh, I see..."

"Do you want me to call 'im?"

"Well, not rea--"

"Paul!!" he yelled interrupting me and laughing.

"What do ye want Mike?" Paul yelled back from the other room.

"Prue's 'ere!"

"Bastard!" I whispered and slapped his arm while he laughed. Little brat!

"Prue? John's cousin?" Paul asked, clearly amazed.

"Do ye know another one?" Mike asked.

Whith that, Paul walked into the room with a smart ass smile plastered on his face that I wanted so badly to punch away. He just stood there, with that stupid grin in his oiggy face, probably waiting for me to say something, but as I didn't, he said, "well, well, well... what brings you here, luv?"

Luv?! Luv my ass! "Not ye, of course," I said with a phony smile, "I'm looking' fer John and the guys... do ye have any idea where they are?"

"John went with George to look fer guitars and Pete and Stu... well, they're comin' later."

"Damn... well, thanks, I'll go and look for them." I turned around to leave, but Mike's comment stopped me dead.

"Why don't you go with Paul?" Was his happy annotation.

I turned around again and looked at him, my face bright red and my eyes full of rage. Thanks, Mike, thanks a lot. Now I had to go with Paul, I couldn't say: "I won't go with him, know why? Because he makes me sick, he's a parasite and I hate everything about him, from his ridiculous hairdo to his ugly shoes."

"W...Well, yeah, he can come with me," I said hesitatingly and not sounding like I meant it at all.

"Thank God ye allowed me to!" Paul said sarcastically.

I clenched my teeth, trying to control my impulse of killing him and said, "alright, then, let's go."

Paul, without saying another word, went to the entrance, opened the door and went out. I looked at Mike and muttered, "ye're gonna pay fer this, little rat!" and while he laughed, I turned around and followed Paul. He was waiting for me on the street.

When he saw me walking towards him, he said clearly exasperated, "ye can't be more slow, can ye?"

"Of course I can," I told him, "wanna see?"

"No, thanks," He said bitterly.

We walked silently to the bus station and got in the bus that led us to Penny Lane. Once there, we started walking through streets full of shops. After twenty minutes of being wandering there, I started getting annoyed, more than I already was.

"Ye 'ave no idea of where they are, 'ave ye?" I exclaimed after another twenty minutes of walking in circles.

To my surprise he didn't look angry, not even irritated. Something like a guilty mock appeared on his face. "Well, not really... they should be there," he pointed at a store that was a few meters away from us, "but they aren't..."

"So we came all the way here for nothing!" I knew I sounded like a three years old girl, but I didn't care.

"Stop bitching, ok?" He said rudely, nearly yelling to me.

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do, huh?!"

He sighed heavily and said, "C'mon, let's do a truce, I'm sick of fighting all the time."

"And I'm sick of ye..." I muttered.

"Let's go 'ave some fish 'n' chips and then we go back to my house, what do ya say?"

Well... it was really tempting, not his company (of course), but I was starving, and he'd pay.

"Alright..." I answered him.

Without saying anything else, we walked one more block and entered to a cheap restaurant. We sat on a table and ordered, while we waited for the food, I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see who it was and to my surprise, I saw John and George smiling friendly.

"Hey,"George said, "what are ye doin' 'ere with 'im?"

"We were looking--" I started, but Paul interrupted me.

"She's me date," He said smiling.

But that awful smile was soon replaced when his mouth let escape a suffocated shout. I smiled as I heard John's and George's laughter.

"That was a good kick in the balls..." was John laughing statement.

"C'mon," I said, "sit with us..." And they sat at the table.

"Now, really, what were you doin' 'ere?" John asked.

"Actually we spent the last hour looking for you two" I answered.


"Well, I went to my house, nobody was there, I went to Paul's cause I thought you were rehearsing there but obviously you weren't... that's why."

"And why did you two come together?"

"That was Mickey's sugestion..."

"Oh... I see..." George chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.


"And why were you looking us for?" John interrupted.

"Well, I wanted to talk with you."

"Ok, tell me..."

"I'm thinking about something... about Hamburg..."

"What's wrong with Hamburg?"

"Nothing, but we gotta talk with my parents, you know... it's still not sure if I'm going..."

"I told you not worry 'bout it, alright?"

"No, really, I mean it. We have to talk with them..." I said getting upset by the little importance he gave to the issue.

"Alright... when?"

"I don't really know where they are right nowm but--"

"They're at my house right now..."

"Gear, so we can go over there and talk to them, right?"

John sighed again, "I think it's something unnecesary, but let's go."

"Great, thanks," I said standing up.

"Wait," Paul said, "I soent the last two hours supporting your continuing complains and now I have to pay for the food that you didn't touch? That's more than I can take! You'll stay here and end the meal with me, understand?"

"Paulie..." I said sitting down in front of him and patting his hand," If you just wanna have a meal with me, all you gotta do is ask!" and I smiled teasingly.

"I don't wanna have dinner with you, I just don't wanna pay for it myself."

"Well," I said calmly, I'll give ye the money so I can leave..."

"Perfect..." He said bitterly.

"Too bad that I don't have a penny here..."

"Yeah, lad, let us go to her house and we'll come back to give you yer fucking penny," John said to Paul getting exasperated.

"I won't stay here waiting... give it to me tonight at the Cavern, are ye going Prue?"

I remembered the gig and smiled, "I think so..."

"Fine, then give it to me there."

"Ok, I will."

When John, Paul and George started laughing I finally understood. He was just a fucking prick, "I mean I'll give you the money, not--" I stuttered.

"Of course I was talking about the money, what did ye think?" Paul said pretending to be offended.

"Then what the hell is funny?" I exclaimed.

"Nothing Prue, don't worry..." George said.

"Look, I'm not stupid, right? leave your filthy thoughts outta yout minds while I'm around. I can't stand you when you turn into fucking pricks." I stated seriously, "Can we leave?"

"Yeah..." he stood up and we left together leaving Paul and George laughinf at the table.

"Idiots..." I told John as we walked.

He just laughed and we continued walking to the bus station.

"They like to tease you, hon."

"Really?" I asked sarcastically while I got in the bus.


"Well, tell them to fuck off or I'll beat the shit outta them," I said imiting John who started laughing maniacaly.

"Let them be..." he chuckled, "but I understand them... you're funny when you get mad."


"Yeah, very funny."

"You're nuts."

When we got to his house and entered to the empty living room, I stopped, sighed and fearfully asked John, "you think they will agree?"

"Of course they will, ok?!" He exploted.

He was obviously fed up with my doubts, but I couldn't help it.

"Sorry, John," I sighed sadly, looking at the floor, "I'm just nervous..."

"It's ok, Prue, don't worry..." Was all he said.

"Alright, let's go..." And we entered to the kitchen where my parents, Mimi (John's aunt) and my brother were.

"Hey," John said and sat up on a chair.

"Hello, John, Prue... what are you two doing here?" my mum asked.

"Well, actually we're here because we want to ask you something..." I said fearfully.

"Ask what?"

"Well..." John started looking at her, "We want Prue to come with us to Hamburg."


"Mmm... I don't think that will be possible, John," My mum said, trying to sound calm.

"Why not," John asked defiant.

"I don't really think I would let my only daughter to go to Germany alone with five men," my father exclaimed trying too hard to sound calm, just like my mother.

"Oh, c'mon!" I said, "they don't count as men!"

"But I think they have what is need to be oneand you no way are going," my dad said, a little more nervous now.

"With me around no one will touch her, she'll be safe," John said.

"Yeah, sure..." Will exclaimed sarcastically. He never had the best relationship with John, mostly because he had the hots for Cynthia (John's girlfriend).

"You stay outta this, alright? No one told you to open the stinky loo ye have fer mouth," John shoot him.

"Alright, stop quarreling!" my mother stated, "why do you want Prue to go there?" she asked.

"She speaks German... why do you think we need her, huh?

My dad and mum looked at each other with a bad look. I was getting more nervous. They weren't going to agree with me going.

"C'mon, mum!" I protested, "I'll be fine! what could happen to me?" you know me! I'll take care of myself!"

"You're just a girl! My baby!" My mum's eyes filled with tears.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not your baby," I said, "I can take care of myself, mum, I'm old enough for that and you know me! please!"

Mum sighed and said, "Ok... we'll think about it."

"Thank you, mum, I really appreciate this."

"You're welcome, now go." and with that, John and I left to his bedroom.

"Wanna hear some music?" he said while we sat on the bed.

"Ok..." I hesitated a moment and said, "ou think they'll say yes?"

"Yes," he said not even listening to me.

"Oh, bloody hell, listen to me! I'm nervous!" I exclaimes and he looked at me surprised.

"Stop worrying about everything, Prue! Ye saw how we convinced yer mum, just give them time, ok?"

"They're afraid they'll fuck me brains out over there..." I sighed and he bursted out laughing.

"That's cause they're yer parents."

"I hope I'll never be like that," I said.

"Like what? an adult?"

"No! such a tight ass..."

He laughed again and started saying, "well, ye're--" Somebody knocking the door interrupted him.

"Who is it?" he asked a bit irritated.

"Me!" a female voice answered. It was Cyn.

John rolled his eyes, "thought we'll meet at the Cavern, honey."

"I told you that I'd help you with your homework," she entered carrying a bunch of books.

"Oh! hi, Prue!" She said as she saw me.

"Hello, Cyn... I'll leave now, but first, can you finish what you were telling me, John?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter," he said, clearly mad by the fact he was going to study all the afternoon.

"Alright," I smiled, "see you two later at the Cavern, bye!" and I left.

A few hours later, I was at the Cavern nearly trembling because of my performance. Suddenly, I saw Ringo walking towards me, smiling happily.

"Hello!" he said as he kissed my cheek, "good to see you here! are you nervous?"

"Not much..." I said, trying to sound confident.

"You're definitly dying of nervousness!" he laughed.

"Is that so obvious?" I asked him.

"Yes, luv, very obvious."

We stayed some seconds in silence looking around and watching the people entering and going out, "well," he said, "go to the dressing room to change yer clothes 'n' I'll set the drums on the stage."

"Ok," was my weak answer.

I went to the dressing room and put on my black jeans and white T-shir, brushed my hair, tied it in a pony tail and went out to see what was going on. I approached to the stage and saw the other three integrants of "The Lizards"

"You're the drummer, aren't ye?" The blonde one asked me.

"Yeah, I'm Prue, and you are...?"

"I'm Chandler," he answered and we shook hands, "he's Martin and he's Mark."

"Hey," they said.

"Well, c'mon," Chandler said, "let's start."

As I walked to the stage with my drumsticks in hand, I saw John and George approaching to me, clearly surprised.

"What are ye doin', cousin?" John asked me.

"Well... what do you think I'm doing?" I asked, showing him my sticks.

George looked to me and smiled, "What a good mood luv," he said, "what's up?"

"I'm gonna play with this band, Ringo got me a gig!" I exclaimed happy and nervous at the same time.

"Well, good luck, Prue," John turned around and left to sit at a table quite near the stage.

"What's up with him?" I asked George.

"He fought with Cyn..."

"Again!?" I exclaimed. John was always fighting with Cyn, but you could see that he was really in love with her.

"Yes... they were studying and they fought... poor girl, she doesn't deserve all his shit."

"Yeah... but he loves her."

"I know..." he sighed, "hey! I'm glad you're playing! are you nervous?"

"Indeed I am!"

"Ye'll do it OK, ye'll see."

"Hey, blondie! to the stage!" Chandler yelled to me.

"Well, George, gotta go..."

"Bye, luv, good luck!" and he went to sit at the table with John.

I took a deep breath, went to the stage and sat at the drums. The show started, and surprisingly, everything went out excelently. The public's answer was good and I was glad thet I wasn't mistaking at all. It seemed that Ringo was a very good teacher or me a good student or both. We played for one hour, then thankfully went down for a break and half an hour later went up the stage again to play the second and final part of the show. This one was pretty good as well and, in the end of final song, the public's ovation was incredible. I could as well hear John and George's yells and claps and see a smiling Paul sitting beside them, clapping a little too. I turned my head to the left and saw Ringo sitting with a few mates of his, and was clapping and smiling, full of pride. I laughed a little at that as I gave the last beats and finished the song. After that, Chandler thanked the crowd and we all went out the stage, fully spent.

"That was a very good show, don't you think?" Martin asked happily.

"And excelent one," Chandler corrected, "you're a great drummer, Prue! since when are you playing?"

"A few weeks, actually," I gasped, really tired.

"Well, let me congratulate you!"

"Thanks! but you three were amazing, as well!"

As I was finishing my statement, I felt a pat on my shoulder and I turned around to see who it was.

"Cousin!!" I think John was already a little too drunk, "you were amazing, luv!" and he hugged me really tight.

"Thanks, John!" I said, trying to get away politely from his suffocating embrace.

"Hey, honey," George called me, coming brom behind John, "that was a hell of a show! very well done!"

"Thank you, George," I smiled at him.

"Hey, why don't we go to our table and have a few drinks?" was John's drunkenly asked question.

"Fine, let's go," I said and we walked to their table were Paul was sitting at.

"Hey," Paul said while I sat at the table, "I hate to admit it, Prue, but yer very good."

"Well," I said surprised, "thank you very much."

"Yer welcome," he smiled.

If even Paul congratulated me, I suppose I was good! All the congratulations put me really happy and made me want for the next gig.

"Hey, Prue," I heard Ringo calling me.

"Yes?" I asked as I turned around to see him running to me.

"I wanted to congratulate you, you were absolutely amazing!" he said as he reached me.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, luv, it's the truth. Look," he was gasping because of the running, "a few friends of mine are going to my house to have a little party, wanna come?"

I had told my parents that I'd be arriving home late so that wouldn't be a problem.

"I don't think there will be a problem, I'll go--"

"We'll go!" John stated, stanfing up.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Paul said, "the three of us!"

Ringo might have seen the look on my face cause he said, "no problem, it'll be a party so it's better if we have a lot of people there," he smiled.

"Gear, let's go," John said, took a sip from his beer and started walking to the door.

We all got in a car (I don't know whose, all I know is that we were all squashed in there!) and went to Ringo's house. When we arrived, we entered and got confortable on the living room's sofas. The room was crowded and there were a lot of pretty girls; a few couples were dancing but the majority was dinking and laughing. John got two blondes and a red haired ones and with Paul and George sat beside me while they talked, drinked, and groped. Somebody came beside me and laughed at my amused face.

"Wild party, huh?" Ringo chuckled, put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

"Yeah... really wild," I said, looking to John who was smooching two girls at once.

"Wanna go to some place a little calmer?"

"Alright," I said standing up, "let's go."

He guiged me through a corridor, opened the door of a dark roo and entered, telling me to follow. When we were inside, he closed the door and I still didn't know where we were.

"Ringo," I said a little nervous, "can you turn on the light?"

"Yeah," he answered and chuckled, "I was going to," and he did.

After that, I closed my eyes because the light was blinding. When I opened them, I got a sight of the room. There was a desk, a bookcase with a few books, a mirror... and a bed.

"It's your room?" I asked as I got a sight of it.

"Yeah," he answered, sitting on it, "it's the quieter place here."

"I see..." I said, looking around and noticing there wasn't a chair.

"Get confortable," he said, patting the bed and telling me to sit beside him.

"Ok," I said and I did so.

We stood quiet for a few moments till he said, "it's the first party this kind you are in, aren't you?" Again Ringo reading me like a book.

"Well," I said smiling shyly, "yeah, it is..."

"I knew it!" he smiled back, "you're too shy!"

"I'm not shy!" I laughed, "I'm just plain surprised!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah! very surprised!"

"No," he said, getting closer, "I'm asking if it's true that you're not shy..."

"Mm... I don't consider myself shy, really..." what a big lie! but I wasn't going to let Ringo believe that I was!


"Yeah, really, why?"

My God... his eyes told me it all. He had a goal in mind without a doubt. I was afraid, I'd never done anything of this before beside any make out session that was nothing compared with this. This was his bedroom, he had a bed, nobody would realize what we were doing, it was a little too much noisy in the living room and, apart from that, each person was busy with their own partner to mind hte other's business. I wasn't sure wither if I wanted this to happen. Look, the guy is good looking and all, but to do what he wanted to do was needed a lot more than that! Wait a moment... who do I want to cheat on? Although I really considered him as one of my best friends, I was dying for him to kiss me! If he did something else I knew I would enjoy it! and I was sure he wanted to do exactly was I was fearing of or waiting for.

"Well..." he said after a moment and faced me, "because if you ain't shy, I could without a doubt make this."

And he finally did it. He holded my head with his hands and kissed me. Deeply. Really deeply. I couldn't think, couldn't believe this was happening. I am sure he didn't know I was a virgin, but in that moment I wasn't thinking about that either. I was just concentrating in his kiss and his touch that was going down and finally got to my wait, where he grabbed me from and brought me closer. When he finally let go, he looked at me with lustful eyes and said, "so... can I keep on going?"

I thought about it for a moment. Then, without a doubt I kissed him as an answer. I closed my eyes and put both hands on the back of his head, kissing him freverishly while he did the same to me. We stood up and he unzipped my jeans and they dropped to my feet. Oh, my... his kisses were wonderful and I was feeling a little giddy. It took some seconds to me to realize that now I was lying on the bed, with him leaning over me. Without thinking what I was doing I tugged his T-shirt out of his trousers and pulled it off over his head. He hurried to take out his trousers with one hand and with the other he unclasped my bra. That's what I call a fast worker! He removed the bra and threw it away. Once we were completely naked, we got under the sheets. We were kissing and touching wildly when I felt him clim on top of me and rub his hardness between my legs, but I stopped him.

"Hey," I whispered.

"What's wrong?" he was panting heavily.

"Are you gonna do it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Whihout... a condom?"

He grinned and said, "sorry, I forgot..."

He raised his hand, opened a drawer and took a little packet off. After he opened it, he threw the wrapping away and put the condom on/ I couldn't help myself and watched while he did it. Being it my first time, you can't blame me I'd never seen something like that before. He leaned over me again, kissing me softly and sweetly. I instantly put my arms on his back and instinctly started rocking my hips agains his. I couldn't wait to feel him inside me, filling me completely.

"I can't wait to be in ye..." he whispered in my ear as he was reading my mind.

With one swift move, a final and waited one, he entered me as he said my name in a moan. When he did, I felt a sharp pain inside me but after some thrusts, it desapeared and was followed by the most amazing feeling I had ever had. I moaned his name over and over as I shook uncontrolably. When we both came down from when we'd sent each other, we stayed lying in the bed, holding and not moving a muscle. I guess he was thinking about all this as I was. I couldn't believe what just happened. I wasn't a virgin animore. If my parents found out about it thoy would kill me, and the same goes with John. He was so overprotective that if he knew what we did, he would be so pissed off that he would send me to the hospital and Ringo to the cementry. But what I was really thinking about was that I was glad that I'd lost my virginity to Ringo. He was a fabulous person, I really cared about him and was happy about that.

"Prue..." he said, interrupting my thoughts.


"Do you regret this?"

"What? why do you say that?" I asked, completely surprised.

"Well, I was wondering... do you?"

"No! Of course not! and you?"

"No! absolutely no! you're great, why would I regret this?" he said, emphatical.

"Then why would I?"

"Well..." he seemed to be a little embarrassed about something, "you were a virgin, weren't you?"

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, how could he possibly know that? I thought for a moment about lying to him and say that I wasn't but there was no need for it, so I swallowed hard and said:

"Yes, do you think that's why I should regret?"

"No, but maybe you would have liked to have your first time with someone you really cared about and--"

"Ringo! I really care about you! you're a great friend and I had a great time today! don't ever think I regret about this, not at all."

"Really?" he smiled.

"Yeah, but, wanna know what?"

"Tell me."

"Don't get me wrong, I really like you, but I'd rather have you as just a friend. These things always mess everything up and you're just too good to have our friendship ruined, what do you think?"

"You know? I was about to say the same to you. Probably my friends would think that I'm gay or something if they find out what I'm saying, but you're a bird who's worthy as a friend and I absolutely agree with you, these things usually mess everything up!"

I smiled up at him, "just friends, then?"

"Nothing more, nothing less," he said and we laughed.

I was more happy then. I wouldn't have to worry if this would ruin my relationship with him. I was happy cause it improved it and now we were more friends that we've ever been. Then something else came to my mind.

"Oh! I remembered about something!"

"What?" he asked.

"Can I ask you if you could keep this quiet? because if John find out, he will kill me and then kill you."

"Is he that overprotective?"

"Yes, he is! and if he finds out he will be very mad!"

"Alright then, I won't tell a soul."

"Thanks, really."

"Anytime," he chuckled.

With the thought of John in my head I said, "I guess I should be going outside, then..."

"Oh, alright..."

I grabbed my clothes and started dressing and he did the same. When we finished and made ourselves presentable enough so n one would notice anything, we went out.

The sight of the living room was still very crowded and when I looked around I saw George making out with the red headed one in the sofa. It seemed that they were about to do it right there and I watched a little too surprised the scene that was right before my eyes. "My little Georgie is not supposed to do that kind of stuff yet!" I thought and smiled. I stopped staring and after a while, I looked at them again and to my surprise the girl was sitting at the end of the sofa, tidying her clothes, while George looked at her with the most frustrated mock I've ever seen on his face. She was a prick teaser! poor him! After a while, they exchanged a few more words and the girl left, a little angry I think. He looked aroung and when he saw I was alone (Ringo had excused himself and went to drink something with a few blokes) and looking at him, he stood up and came to me.

"Can we leave?" he said angrily.

I Chose not to ask anything, he would have told me to fuck off, so I just said, "sure, we can go, but where are John and Paul?"

"I dunno," he said bitterly, "maybe they were lucky as they always are and are fuckin' a bird right now. They never reject them two as they fucking do with me."

"Alright," he wasn't in one of his best days, "let's go, then."

I looked around to see if Ringo was there to tell him bye, but he wasn't so George and I left his house and took our way home.

Now that I think about what happened, I don't know why the idea of stopping him never crossed my mind that night. Maybe because he was making me feel really good and I wasn't about to go and stop the pleasure he was giving to me, even if it would send my virginity to hell. In the other hand, I knew that that wouldn't be dangerous because I realized we were friends that were having a nice time and he was being so sweet and caring that there's nothing to be afraid of. I think that was the main reason, and I don't regret now and never will.

