
I stayed still for a second till I reacted and gently moved him away, "what are you doing?" I asked.

"Kissing you… Wasn't that what you wanted?"

"Pardon, what?" I asked in desbelief.

"Yes, you told Lys to leave, didn't you? I mean… she blinked at you and…"

With that I started laughing hysterically and lied back on the bed with my hands on my face. He thought that I told Lys to leave us alone? He was crazy! How could he believe that? I would never have had the guts to do so!

"What's up?" he asked.

I stopped my laughter a little and looked up at him, "you really thought that?"

"Ain't I right?"

"Of course not! She left because she wanted to leave us alone, not because I've asked her!"

"And why would she want to leave us alone?"

"'Cause… well…"


"She thinks we want, you know…"

"Well, I want… and you?"

"You want?"

"Sure… what about you?"

"Wait," I said, sitting up again, "why do you want that?"

"Cause you're hot!"

'Cause You're hot!'?? What kind of an answer was that? He was being just a prick and I thought he was much more than 'hot'! What he said really let me down in a way. But it was a good thing that he was sincere, otherwise I would have slept with him and the consequences would have been much worse.

"Oh, I see…" I said with a touch of disappointment in my voice.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, noticing my sadness.


"So… what do you say?"

"I don't think so… Lys is in the bathroom…"

Just in that moment, Alyssa opened the bathroom door and, smiling, left the room without saying anything. Bitch!

"Well…" Paul smiled, "not anymore."

"Oh, c'mon!" I exploded, "why me? You have tons of hot girls throwing themselves at your feet and why do you have to be looking for me all the time! I don't understand!"

"If you don't wanna do it, just tell me, ok?"

"No, you answer what I've asked!" I wasn't going to let him get out of this without answering.

"I dunno why! You're not easy, and that makes you even more desirable."

"Really? Alright, I don't wanna do it, fuck off," I said, and stood up.

He stood up too, "Ok, as you want."

"Bastard," I muttered as I stormed out of the room and banged the door.

When I came downstairs I found Alyssa, chatting cheerfully with John. I approached to them and sat beside her, looking at her in a bad way.

"Sorry..." she said to me, "but I had to."

"What happened?" John asked looking curiously at both of us.

Alyssa looked at John and approaching her face to his, said, "I took her new T-Shirt..."

"Oh... she hates that," he smiled.

"I know," she smiled back.

"Yeah, I absolutely hate when you do that," I said, hoping she would get the double meaning.

"Sorry again but, you know what? You'll thank me for this... just wait."

"Why would I thank you?" I exclaimed.

"'Cause now it's all yours and you can do with it whatever you want," she smiled at me.

John looked up at us, puzzled, "this is getting to weird... I better leave. See ya girls," he got up and left.

"He's doing whatever he wants with me..." I said sadly.

"Oh, c'mon! I saw what happened! I heard everything. You've got total control over him, with just one 'let's fuck' you'll have him at your feet."

"And there's when I step on him!" I laughed.

"No, there's when you make use of the opportunity and screw him," she stated.

"It's too risky... it puts me sad that he just wants to screw with me... I mean, it's not that I wanna have anything else, it's that I don't like the idea of one night stands."

"Look, think 'bout something... you're John's cousin, right?" I nodded, "well, let's suppose that you screw with him, John would kill him if he finds out, right?"


"Then do you really think he would take the risk of being kicked in the ass very badly if he didn't have another intentions?"


"And he has girls! a lot! he can screw whoever he wants, but he's going after you all the time, even if it implies a lot of risk, don't you think he may want you for something more than just screw?"

"Well... I haven't thought of it in that way... and I dunno, I'm really confused..." and I was!

"Talk to him."

"What? No way!"

"C'mon! he doesn't bite! not much anyway..." she giggled.

"But what will I tell him?"

"Just let him talk. Listen to him."

"And what tells you he wants to talk? he never proposed anything more than sex!"

"Because he's a man. A mand will never tell you he wants to start a relationship. They show themselves as tough people, but they're soft inside. Paul wants to look like a sex beast, but when you look at him, or touch him, he melts like snow."

I smiled at the efect she said I had on him and asked, "you sure?"


"And when do you think I should talk to him? what should I say?"

''I've already told you, let him talk. You'll see what you'll say after you listen to him."

"Should I go now?" I asked excited, "he's upstairs."

"I don't know!!"

"Oh, c'mon!! tell me something useful!!!"

"Go now and stop fooling around!"

"You think?" she shoot me a tired glance and I said, "ok, ok... I'll go..." I took a deep breath and went upstairs.

When I was in front of the bedroom's door, I took another deep breath, thinking of what I was about to do and opened it. Paul was on his bed, still working in his song, and looked up at me, surprised I was there and kept strumming his guitar.

"Paul..." I called him.

"Wazzup?" He asked, without looking up.

"Um... would you mind... I mean... um... well..."

"What's up, luv?" He sighed lifting his head, tired of my babbling.

"Oh... never mind," I said, giving up and turned around to leave.

"Wait," he called, leaving his guitar aside and standing up, "is there anything you need? tell me."

"Actually... I do."

"What is it?"

"I'd like to talk to you..."

"Mmm... alright," he said, realizing, "let's sit down there," he pointed to the bed and sat down.

"Fine," and I sat down beside him.

"What is it?"

"Ok, I'm gonna make this short, after what happened earlier I've been thinking and a doubt came to me."

"Which one?"

"What do you really want?"

He looked at me and made a surprised grimace, "Out of what?"

"You know out of what, I don't think I have to say it."

"What do you think I want?" he said, trying to turn around my question.

"I don't know, honey, that's why I'm asking."

"Well... You know I'd like to fuck you, but... wait a minute... you think that I wanna have something with you apart from one night?!" He was being cruel...

I smiled to hide the pain he was causing me, "I never said that, Paul, it's that you're so insistent with me and I'd like you to just make things a little clearer!"

"Wanna things clearer? Look, I think you're gorgeous, you've got a perfect body... but you're John's cousin, and I can't be with you for that reason."

I don't know why, but with that I started laughing maniacally, "C'mon! stop bullshitting me! tell me a real reason!"

He hesitated and said, "don't be so complicated!" he didn't know what else to say.

"Alright, alright..." I said chuckling, "don't worry, that's it."

"What do you mean with 'that's it'?"

"That there's no need for you to say anything else... I've got everything clear now," I smiled.

"You sure?"

"Really, really sure." And I stood up walked away a little.

He stood up too, and approached to me, his both hands were resting on my upper arms. I looked down at his pants, and saw the buldge in his jeans growing. When I looked up again, his eyes were shining with lust. This was so turning on that just with the sight of him, a wave of heat spread though me. He was so fucking gorgeous, that I looked up at him and smiled. Smiled the most happy smile in a while. I stepped a little closer, leaving just a few inches between us.

"I see you've got everything more than clear now," he whispered, warming my lips with his breath.

"I do, and I do know now what I have to do from now on," I whispered too, warming him back.

"Really?" he smiled, "what is it?"

"Stop being so complicated..." I said and kissed him.

"I never thought I'd listen that words from you." he kissed me back.

When we broke up the kiss, I looked at him and smiled, "Agree with that?"

"How couldn't I?" he whispered and kissed me frantically, thaking me softly to the bed behind me.

"I'm glad," I breathed as he kissed my neck.

I finally laid on the bed, and he stayed up, unzipping his trousers.

"Let me do that," I said, moving his hand away. He looked up at me, a surprised expresion on his face, and layed on the bed beside me, inviting me to do it.

I started unzipping them and felt the nervousness rising. What was I doing? Was I proceeding well? Was I going to finally give up? There's when I thought about something. We were in Hamburg to have fun, not to worry about everything. Nothing we would do here will count when we where back in Liverpool, it would be like a long wild party we went to, I just hoped it didn't give me a bad hangover. Anyway, I decided I was going to let it happen here. I enjoyed when he touched me, and he enjoyed it too, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to drop me a line. I was opening my mind, letting my preocupation and obnoxious thoughts aside and it felt good.

"This is crazy..." I muttered laughingly, not believing it, but enjoying it as well and wanting to go on.

Paul laughed too, "go on, luv..." he encouraged me.

"You want me to go on?" I groaned, kissing softly his earlobe and stroking him lightly through the cotton of his boxers.

He sighed and said, "please... please go on," and kissed me hard, making me melt.

I pulled his boxers down, touched his flesh and when I did he moaned in my mouth and kept on kissing. That was unique. I had never had that feeling, not even with Ringo. He was so perfect, so soft, so hard at the same time and it was growing even harder and larger with my touch.

"Oh, God..." he moaned, closing his eyes, "that feels so good..."

I kissed a path from his ear to his mouth and kissed him hard, "remember my turn comes next," I said huskily in his ear and squeezed him, making him jump a little and moan a little too loud.

This was weird, I never thought I could do something like that, but I was enjoying it, actually (not as much as Paul, I guess), it was a good way to loose my inhibitions.

The noise of the door opening interrupted my thoughts.

