

As George dressed for the evening, he began to wonder how the whole thing would go. He even worried some, very uncommon for George....

When he got outside, Cassidy already stood out there, facing away from him of course...

He saw that she wore a black turtleneck sweater, a black leather mini skirt, and big black boots...

As soon as his door clicked shut, she turned to him...

" 'Ey."

"Hi," George replied, "you look smashin'."

"Thank you; look, um, you'ah not browned-off at me oah anythin' ahe ya?" she asked.

George's eyes widened, "No....should I be?"

Cassidy looked down for a moment, "B'cause I like 'angin' out with you."

George got her drift and smiled, "Hey,what can I say? Liverpool has a less sex-divided community. Besides, Paul's always off at John's and I never 'ave anythin' to do."

Cassidy suddenly grabbed him in a small hug, "You'ah me best mate, Geohge; th' fihst one I've evah 'ad."

George gingerly patted her back then said, "Come 'ed, bird! Let's go!" in an attempt to sound gruff, but the shy smile on his face gave him away...

THey started on their way and George remembered something....

"Oh, you must forgive John sometimes; he can be a bit of a prick," George said.

"I think I can 'andle it," Cassidy smirked.

George's eyebrows rose and fell in an "If you say so..." manner.

Cassidy grinned, "You don't believe me, do ya?"

"No," George replied with a grin bigger than hers.

This made her giggle, "Harrison..."

"What? John can get to ya..." George said forwarningly.

Cassidy nodded, "I can, too," she replied.

George grinned, "There'll definitely be a barney if you two get together...."

Cassidy smiled,"I need a good one of those..."

George laughed.


That made him laugh harder, "You're in a skirt!"

Cassidy shrugged, "Does it mattah?"

George shrugged, "It MAY..."

" 'Ey."


"CAn ya do me a favah?"

"What's that?"

"D'you give piggy-back rides?"

"What the?...."

Cassidy jumped on his back, nearly knocking him over....

"Yeowch! Bird, you're in a mini..." George pointed out.

"Youah ahms'll covah me legs," Cassidy replied, moving his arms so he could support her.

"Oh brothah..." George sighed.

"Ah, this is nice..." Cassidy sighed.

George stopped short and bumped her off his back...

"Ouch! Heeey!.." she began; then George started running to John's flat faster than a stopwatch on speed.....

He turned and stuck his tongue out at her.

As she stood, she shouted, "Oh......oh no! Oh, that's WRONG BEYOND BELIEF! Harrison! I'm gonna kick youah bleedin ahse!"

George started running again and Cassidy ran after him...

He then cut a trail up the stoop of what she supposed was John's flat...

"Ha ha, I touched base first!" George sang out.

"I'll get you...." Cassidy muttered.

"Come 'ed, Cass, I'll give ya a ride on the way back," George said.

"Hmph!" Cassidy crossed her arms and looked away jokingly.

"I'm sorry!" George apologized, seeming serious; so serious that Cassidy turned to him....

"Oh, shut up, ya nesh!" Cassidy replied, kissing his cheek.

He blushed and knocked on the door...

Paul opened it with a stupid grin, "Ah, there you are, mate." "A'right, Paul," George said.

" 'Ello, Cassidy! Ya might wanna watch John, he's a bit randy tonight," Paul warned.

"I think I can 'andle it," Cassidy replied with a smile.

"Whoa! Hold up!" a voice yelled, not harshly, but just yelled, "Who brought the bird?"

"She came with George," Paul replied. George gave him an "Oh shit, now you've done it!" look. "What?!" he asked innocently.

"Who's bleedin' yellin'?" Cassidy demanded.

He then stepped out of wherever he was...

John Lennon.

"You with George?" he asked.

"Well, I was INVITED by Paul," Cassidy replied, "I'm guessing you'ah John?"

"Yeah," John replied, "an' I'm guessin' you're my fantasy come true?"

"No, 'at wasn't on my agenda," Cassidy replied cooly.

"Ah, George'salready laid claim to ya or somethin'?" John asked.

Cassidy laughed, "No, no, no..... you see, no one lays claim to me; 'e's just th' fihst pehson I've met 'eah in Liddypool."

"Well, you could always come to my room an' meet me!" John said.

" 'Ow 'bout 'is; 'ow bout you chill out or you'ah ahse is grass," Cassidy challenged.

When John started getting "Ooh"s from his fellow bandmates, he'd better back down....

"How 'bout a beer?" he asked in a sincere offer. Cassidy shrugged casually, "Sure."

Thank goodness John's Aunt Mimi wasn't there when he went to get beers for his friends....

"That was amazin'!" Paul said to her, "He's never been like THAT before!"

"See there? I told you I could 'andle it..."

And she did; she gained a friend that she could be unlimitedly pervy with, as well as a less-wild friend that she could confide in as well as her best mate....

Within the next month, George became a member of the Quarry Men and was extremely happy....
