

By now, the boys were rehearsing for the first gig that George would b playing with them at.

"Nehvous?" Cassidy asked as she and George made their way to John's for the final rehearsal before the gig that night.

"Yeah," George replied; although he'd been in a band before and all that, he was still nervous about playing in this one, hoping that he wouldn't screw it up. "Thanks for commin' with me; you've been great about all this.."

Cassidy shrugged.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "You WILL be near the stage, right?"

Cassidy nodded slowly, "I'm gonna try to be...."

"Good, then if I faint you can catch me before I land on me face and look like a drag," George replied.

"You'd look like a drag even if I did catch you!" Cassidy giggled.

"No, you see, that's the beauty of it; I can act like I was jumpin' down to make out with you or somethin'!" George said.

Cassidy rolled her eyes, "Best friends don't make out!...."

George shrugged, "Aw, you know y'can't resist me...."

Cassidy smacked him, "Prick!"




Cassidy's eyes widened, "Aargh! One thing I'm not!"

"Whatever...I saw you on the corner of Lime Street the other night..." George trailed with a grin.

"Buggah! Y'caught me!" Cassidy replied in an "Oh darn!" manner, snapping her fingers as well.

George laughed, then they turned the corner and went into John's garage...

"George! It's your day, lad! Anybody wanna beer?" John asked.

"John!!!" Paul exclaimed, "Aren't you intoxicated enough?! NO MORE BEER!" he said, trying to pry the bottle from John's hand.

John smacked Pauls hand, "Bad Macca! Bad Macca!"

Paul's eyes widened, "You aren't drivin'..."

Cassidy laughed, "John, we don't want you dead before you're nineteen!"

"That's right, mate! Even Cassidy knows when you've 'ad too much!" Paul said, draping an arm over her shoulder.

She giggled and slapped his hand, "Bad Macca! Bad Macca!"

Paul's eyes went wider, "What's up with that?!"

Cassidy and the others laughed, "You're bad, what can we say?..."

Paul nodded his head in an "I'm baaad" fashion," Aren't I, though...."

"In a pathetic sort of way!" Cassidy finished.

Paul's jaw dropped, "Heeey...."

The whole band laughed.

They then got themselves ready to rehearse, John being a little clumsy, and started in o "I'm Walkin'", an American tune.

John sang lead and while they played, Cassidy bopped he head to the beat.

When they finished that one, Paul suggested "What'd I Say?", another American tune.

George played amazing guitar and Paul played some smashing keyboard!

After a few more songs, it was time to go...

"I dunno WHY you'ah so nehvous, luv," Cassidy said, I mean, you DID play with "The Rebels"...."

"Yeah, but this band's been around y'know?" George replied.

Cassidy nodded, "I guess..."

They then got to the little club that they were to play that night and Cassidy found hersef a place to sit.

It was then that Paul came up behid her, she being unaware.....

"Boo," he said casually, tickling her neck with his breath and poking her sides, making her squeal and giggle as she turned...

"Paul!" she exclaimed while she laughed.

"Sorry, luv, couldn't resist," Paul replied, sitting with her at the table for a moment.

"You're an arsehole," Cassidy muttered.

"Well, aren't we a bit browned-off, then?" Paul asked.

"Yes!" Cassidy replied, crossing her arms.

Paul laughed, "Oh, please forgive me Saint Cassidy!"

Cassidy smiled, "I'm no saint..."

Paul considered this a moment, "Hmm, you're right," he replied, "you dress toomuch like Georgefor that!"

"I don't wear mini shirts!" George yelled. Cassidy looked at him funny, nearly laughing at this,

"I hope not...."

"Fuck, wouldn't you look nesh," Paul commented.

"Hey!" George yelled.

"You have no room t' talk, Macca! If you wore one, everyone'd be able t' see th' fuckin' hard-on you get any time you think 'bout Cassidy!" John said.

Paul looked embarassed; Cassidy hadn't heard the comment, or at least she let on like she hadn't....

George then hopped down to join them ,"Man, I sure hope I don't blow it..."

John started laughing horribly at this; when Cassidy caught his drift, she did, too.

"Bleedin' pervs!" George exclaimed, "Come 'ed, I'm serious, mates!"

Cassidy tried to control her laughter, but when Paul had joined in, his laughter only fueled hers....

George rolled his eyes, "Man..."

"Don't-" Cassidy tried to say, but gasped it through laughter, "don't pay any attention to us!" she calmed a bit, "We're sorry, aren't we,mates?"

"Yeah," Paul replied.

John merely laughed.

Cassidy rolled her eyes, "The moment's passed, Johnny!"

John threw his arms out in a "Come on...RAPE ME!" way (well, it more reminded you of "You wanna piece of me?!").

Cassidy looked at John like he was pathetic, "Winston, give it up!"

John grabbed at his chest and started weaving about, "Oh....she got me....oh it HURT!"

"Oh shut up, ya nesh, it's time to play!" Cassidy hissed; Paul went on up, and George stayed behind, looking at Cassidy as if to say "Help!"

"It won't be 'at bad now, will it?" Cassidy asked him, looking up at him since she was a bit shorter than he.

George nodded...

Cassidy laughed a soft laugh and pulled him into a hug, "You'll do FINE!"

He gently hugged her back; at that moment, Cassidy got a feeling that she never figured she would've gotten...

"Alright then," she said, letting him go, "good luck."

He nodded and went onstage....

THey started with "Splish Splash" and continued all the way to "I'm Walkin'",then they had an hour break....

"You'ah doin' great, mates!" Cassidy exclaimed, then hugged George, "You'ah terriffic, luv!"

"Really?" George seemed pleased.

Cassidy pulled back to look up at him, "Yes!"

He smiled, "Thanks!"

Paul then came up, "An' what about me?"

Cassidy smiled and nodded, "Yes, Paul, you were smashin' as well...."

Paul grinned, "Thanks, luv!"

John then shoved over to them, "How 'bout me?"

"You'll nevah do!" Cassidy joked.

"Oh, THAT'S what we were discussing, then?" John asked.

"No, you git!" Cassidy replied, "We were talkin' about 'ow you guy wehe playin'!"

"Oh....well, was I any good, then?" John wondered. CAssidy giggled, "Of course!"

She went with them to many of their gigs there on in, not to mention being their friend outside of the gigs as well....
