

It was now June of 1958 and Cassidy was turning fifteen on the tenth.....

George, Paul, and John, the closest to her out of the Quarry Men, decided to throw a party in her honor...

John had a relative that owned an old warehouse and they decided to use that for the party. They got the right lights, some furniture, an LP player, some LP's, and refreshments.

On that day, George waited outside for Cassidy to come out of her flat....

When she did, he strummed a chord on his guitar that caused her to look his way;he then begun singing "Happy Birthday."

She hid her face and started giggling, peeking out at him through her fingers. This made him smile as he finished.

She laughed, "Thank you, Geohge....I'm just not used t' people singin' to me," she hugged him.

George then put an arm around her shoulders, "Yer kiddin'.....well, we 'ave rehearsal at that old warehouse t'night, are ya commin'?"

"You know I nevah miss a re'eahsal!" Cassidy replied.

George smiled and scrunched his nose at the same time, "I know ya don't."

Cassidy giggled....

"It'll be around eight tonight, so be ready," George said.

Suddenly, out of nowhere popped John and Paul.....

"Happy Birthday, Cass!" John exclaimed, running up and attacking her.

"Ahhh! Nice to see you too, John!" she laughed.

Paul came up a little quieter, "Happy Birthday, luv."

When John let her go, he pulled her into a hug himself.

Suddenly, she felt a smack on her butt.....

"Paul;did you?..."

"Not me, luv..."


She turned around to find John grinning like an idiot.....

"Sorry, luv; couldn't resist...." he said.

"Argh!" CAssidy then began chasing him around the front yard....

George and Paul laughed, then she decided to use them as well....

"Geohge! You 'ead 'im off ovah theah! Paul, you be my 'oahse...."

"Me be wha?..."

Cassidy jumped on his back and held on, he holding her legs as he ran......

They managed to chase John down the block and finally caught up with him; Cassidy slapped him. She was satisfied.

As they headed back to Cassidy and George's houses, Cassidy stayed on Paul's back.

"You sure are tiny," Paul commented.

Cassidy shrugged, "I don't eat much....not to sound anorexic, but I just don't really think about eating."

"You need t' eat more," George said, his protective instincts that came along with being her best friend comming out.

She giggled at this, "You'ah not very big eithath, Geohgie!"

By now, they were back at the houses and John and Paul said they had an errand to run....

It was when Cassidy climbed off of Paul's back that George's thought was " 'Bout time," but he didn't understand why the hell he was thinking that way....

When Paul and John left, George and Cassidy looked at eachother, George raising his eyebrows, "So what d'ya wanna do?"

Cassidy shrugged, raising hers also, "I dunno; whachyou wanna do?"

"I already asked you that! Now what d'you wanna do?" George asked, doing a dramatic gesture with his arms.

"By gosh, I dunno! What do YOU want t'do?" Cassidy wondered, rolling her eyes and causing her hair to fall in her face.

They suddenly looked at eachother and realized how silly they had sounded and started laughing; so hard in fact that they had to, literally, lean on eachother just to stay standing.

After the laughter had ended, Cassidy looked at George, a smug smirk on her face, "So what d'you wanna do?"

"Now don't start that again!" George said with a laugh, coverign her mouth with his hand, making her laugh. Then she proceeded to bite his hand; when she tried this, George started tickling her.

"Ahh! NO! Please I'm so-ahhh!" she squealed, trying to get away.

George merely bit his lower lip from trying to keep her from escaping, "Ya brought this upon yourself, little girl!"

"Noo!" Cassidy squealed as the tickle fight took them both to the ground.

"Bugger, if yer goin' to do that ya'd better get inside!" a voice came from in front of the houses.

Cassidy and George looked up to find Paul and John standing there, looking very cheeky indeed.....

"John! I thought you two 'ad an errand t' run!" Cassidy said as George helped her up.

"That didn't mean y'could fuck in the front yard!" John replied cheekily, "Ah, you 'ave some dirt on yer bum; 'ere, I'll get that..."

Cassidy tackled John to the ground and socked him in the stomach, "NO, THANK YOU; damn pehv.." she muttered the last part under her breath.

John thought this was hillarious and laughed as Cassidy got off of him, going to stand between Paul and George.

"Damn, bird!Ya 'ave a way, ya know..." John said as he got up and brushed himself off.

Cassidy smiled, " I 'ave a way, but you'll nevah 'ave youah way...."

John looked at her, "Just b'cause she's fifteen, she thinks she's all that...."

Cassidy and George grinned, "Dun dun dun dun..."

Paul and John looked on in confusion....

This only made them grin wider.....

"Anyway, ya commin' to rehearsal t'night?" Paul asked. Cassidy nodded, Of couahse!"

"Good, 'cause that's when we're givin' ya your presents," John replied.

"Present? Oh shit, you didn't?...."

The boys nodded.

"Guys! You didn't 'ave to do 'at!" Cassidy argued.

"I think you'll like this," John replied.

"As long as you ar'n't plannin' on 'avin an oahgy w'me, I may," Cassidy replied cooly.

"So y' don't wanna 'ave sex with any of us?" Paul asked.

Cassidy smirked at them as she turned to go inside, "I nevah said 'at...see ya t'night..."

The boys watched her go in,then turned to eachother....

"What d'ya suppose she meant by that?" Paul asked.

John grinned, "She wants to continue what she an'

George startedin the front yard...."

George faked a swing at him as they made their way down the street......
