I slept. And dreamed....

I slept right through our guests' stay at the house. In fact, according to the kids, I slept for days. It was no wonder. I had spent many sleepless nights with George, wanting to be awake to hold his hand should he pass during the night.

Liam and True had wanted to call the hospital, but Dhani insisted they just leave me be. They later told me that I cried, laughed, and addressed George during my sleep.

The first dream that I can remember was this:

George walked in through the door of our bedroom. He looked so young, so healthy. I remember sitting up and George offered me his hand. I took his hand in mind and he pulled me to a sitting position. I got up. He beckoned for me to follow him, and I did.

We walked through the door and then everything changed. I saw that we were outside, looking at ourselves at our first meeting. I remember that moment so well.

It was May of 1979. I had been such a fan of The Beatles and to be able to meet my favorite Beatle had been a dream of mine for many years. I met George at a concert. I was one of the vendors who worked out front before and after the concert. It was like a festival and I was reading Tarot cards for people, and selling herbs for teas.

George thought he had disguised himself well, in his hat and dark glasses, but even without seeing his expressive brown eyes, I knew it was him. I don't mind admitting that I almost wet myself at that moment!

George approached me and asked for a reading, just for a lark. I happily obliged, and also offered him some tea, which he accepted. The night flew by as we sat and talked about everything. We talked about spirituality, music, whatever came to mind.

The cards showed me trouble in his personal life and we briefly discussed his marriage. He didn't say much, except to mention that things weren't going as well as he had hoped. Their son had just been born the year before, and yet divorce was in the air.

I gave him my phone number, telling him that he was free to call me for another reading, or more tea, or just to come sit on my living room floor and listen to Joan Baez records. He took my number, we shared a hug, and he was gone.

Flash forward (yes, in a flashback) to six weeks after our first meeting. The phone rang around three in the morning and I reluctantly answered. Imagine my surprise to hear George's heavy accent on the other end! After some stumbling around, he finally managed to say that he was separated and did my offer for tea and Joan Baez records still stand?

I laughed and said yes. Then he asked if he could come over that night, or was I too sleepy? Me? Too sleepy for George Harrison? Never! I told him he was more than welcome to come over any time he wanted.

The dream (memory?) flashed forward again...

George and I lay tangled up in the sheets on my bed. It was the first time we made love.

Even in my dream state, I still shivered remembering how gentle he'd been, how considerate. Not to mention nervous! When he first leaned over to kiss me, he almost stopped himself once, afraid of how I might react.

As funny as it might seem, it wasn't long after before some of his things were being stored in my apartment, and he was staying with me. The first dream ended after our lovemaking session. I again slept until another dream came to me.

