The hardest part of remembering was remembering when George first got sick. I went with him to the doctor, held his hand when we got the results of the test. I tried to be the strong, comforting soul, but when the doctor said that my beloved had cancer, George was the one who had to comfort me.

I remembered just sitting in the car, numb. I wanted to vomit from the shock of it all. George had to drive, and he was the one who was sick. But I was the one going through all of the emotions.

"Baby, I will beat this thing. You'll help me. The kids will help me. I will get better. You'll see,"George reassured me. He squeezed my hand. "I'll beat it so hard it won't know what hit it. And I won't just so it my way. I'll get treatments. I promise."

I was relieved to hear that. Meditation can do a lot, but it can't always solve everything.

We gathered the kids together that night, invited Dhani over to dinner, and broke the news to them. True's eyes filled with tears and she squeezed her brothers' hands.

George and I explained that cancer, although serious, didn't mean a death sentence. Not by a long shot. George was going to have surgery in a few days to remove the cancer, and get radiation treatment.

"Dad, I want to stay here with you until you get better,"Dhani said. He didn't live that far away so it wasn't a big move. We agreed that it would be okay for him to stay with us, providing Olivia didn't mind. When we called and explained the situation to her, she made it known that all we had to do was ask, and she would help any way she could.

George had surgery and it went fine. I went in to see him afterwards. It was a bit of a shock to see my lively husband hooked up to machines to monitor his heart and breathing, but he was alert. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I didn't hesitate to go over to him and embrace him, but gently.

"Where are the kids?" he whispered.

"Shhh....don't talk too much right now,"I said. "They will be in a little later. True is taking over for me tonight. She's doing a healing ritual for you."

George smiled. "That's my girl,"he whispered. I left him to have a nap, promising to bring the kids back in a few hours, for evening visit.

I trusted my daughter True's abilities to heal, but I also believed, and still do, that everything happens for a reason. Still, I left the hospital that first time feeling hopeful and determined to enjoy the rest of my years with George.

