
If Sylvie was at all startled by the fact that they had to climb a wall to get in, she didn't show it. To George it seemed as if she was used to climbing walls. They jumped cautiously from the wall to a small space clear from trees, where many had landed before them to get into Strawberry Fields.

Sylvie slowly stood up and brushed the dirt from her jeans. She looked around and her eyes were instantly wide with amazement. "Wow!" she gasped.

George looked over to see the reaction on her face, and smiled. "Yeah, this place is the greatest." He sighed. "So, Sylvie, tell me something about yourself."

"Such as...?"

"I dunno. Your last name maybe," he grinned.

"Lemme see. My full name is Sylvia Ren Radcliff. I was born in London. I moved to Manchester when I was seven. I like rock 'n roll and a little bit of skiffle. I'm catholic. I can't stand school. I have a brother, whom you've met, and my parents, who probably wouldn't notice if I disapeared for a few days and came home bleeding to death. Need I say more?"

"No, I think that's enough to hold me over for a while."

"What about you?" she asked as they followed the stone wall around Strawberry Fields, Sylvie taking in the beauty of the orphanage grounds, George taking in her beauty.

"Well, I was born 'ere in Liverpool, but I've lived in various parts of it. I play lead guitar for a band that plays at a lot of clubs around the city. I have a sister and two brothers, who have all moved away. Is that enough?"

"No, you forgot something," she said.

"Oh really? What?"

"Your last name."

"Harrison," he laughed. "No middle name. Just George Harrison."

