
Jane Asher sat at the edge of the Ganges, contemplating the sunset. She was not at ease. Despite the fact that she and Paul had been having trouble lately, she still loved him with all her heart, and was discouraged by the lack of animosity on Paul’s part. She just wished he would stop pushing her. Why was it so hard for him to understand she needed and loved her work? What was she supposed to do, stay home and cook for the Beatle?

With a long sigh, she held her knees to her chest and held back a couple of tears as the sun went down.

Paul caught up with her and sat beside her, putting his arm around her shoulders. –Hey, Jane, why so lonely?

- Leave me alone…

Paul was stunned. –Why? What have I done?

- Nothing. –She closed her eyes. –I just want to be alone for a little while, that’s all…

- Luv, you’re scaring me…- Paul pouted.

- I’m already scared…

- Of what?

- Nothing…- She embraced herself. –It’s silly to continue bringing it up…

John saw Paul and Jane from a distance while Paul desperately tried YET AGAIN to convince her on quitting her career to marry him. With a grin, John shook his head and turned to the table, where he was pouring himself some sick-looking food. –He won’t let up…

- No…- Cyn sighed. –I hate to say this, but I don’t see that marriage lasting long…- She leaned on the table. – If there is a marriage at all…

- What he needs is a solid girl, you know…- John put his teeth to a toast. – Someone who can be there whenever he comes home…

- I sort of envy her, you know…- Cyn sighed. –I would have loved to have a career…

John stared at her bewildered. –What?

Cyn shook herself and smiled at John. –Not that I would trade you OR Julian for anything, love. Honest!

John slammed his plate on the table and stood violently. –Like hell, you wouldn’t!- He shouted at Cyn and he walked away, leaving his distraught wife on the brink of tears.

He went and sat next to Paul and Jane. The red-headed girl swiftly cleaned her eyes and sniffed as John sat.

- Oh, don’t mind me!- John teased.

Paul looked at him angrily. –John, do you mind?

- I want to look at the river!- John grinned.

- Go find yerself a tree, then!- Paul moaned.

Jane suddenly stood up and walked away. Paul moaned as he cocked his head back.

- Great! Bloody perfect! Thanks a lot, mate!- He barked at John.

- Look, luv, - John pulled out a cig. –Let her cool off. You KNOW yer NOT gonna win this one, Paul.

Paul sighed and looked at the river shining golden streaks of light. –Is it too much to ask for? All I want I a bloody wife to raise my children! Why is it such a struggle?

- Jane’s different, Paul. - John exhaled smoke. –Yer not gonna make her quit her career. She’s worked too hard fer it.

Paul pressed his lips and huffed. After a long silence, he looked at john. –So… Have you, err… seen the… Ahem… Welsh Monkey?

John grumbled. –I knew you would bring that shit up.

Paul laughed. –Honest, mate… I thought you was losing it.

- I was…

- You mean…

- I was serious, Paul! - John took his glasses off. – That thing… Cor bloody blimey, Paul. That thing used to be me best mate…

Paul was staring at John funny. John turned and noticed Paul’s awkward stare, and couldn’t avoid smiling. He knew it sounded ludicrous.

- Look, mate, I’m not mad! I used to play with that monkey thingie when I was a little lad, about five. Me dad had just left and I had just moved in with Mimi. Suddenly, it was there.- He took a drag from his cigarette. –It was fun back then, but…- He leaned his face in his hands. – God, I’m twenty-eight years old, man! Not five! Why do you reckon I’m seeing the little bastard again?

- Yer asking me??- Paul asked shocked. – How the bloody hell should I know?

- You think Maharishi can help me out?- John asked, wide-eyed. –I mean, him knowing about the human mind and all that…

- Perhaps...- Paul held his hand out. –Ere, give us a ciggie…

- You still think I’m off me head, don’t you?- John shook his head.

Paul lit up the cigarette and exhaled, crossing his legs close to his chest as the sun finally set completely. –I dunno, man, I mean…- He giggled. –It does sound pretty insane, you know…

- I’m not lying… Honest…

Paul looked at him and smiled. –All right, John. If you say yer on the level, I believe you… Just don’t go shouting about it in the middle of meditation again…

After a long silence, they both turned their heads back and saw their respective women, sitting together and talking.

-I think we have some apologizing to do, Johnny…- Paul sighed.

- Yeah…

They stood, walked to their ladies, and went to bed. They needed their sleep.

Paul still had a couple of ideas reeling in his head. He frowned as he pulled his shirt over his head, preparing for bed. Jane brushed her golden hair, and noticed his angered expression.

-Fought with John as well?

Paul smiled. –No… But I think that that monkey thing may have something to do with acid.

- ACID?- Jane squealed.

- Shh!

- Weren’t you boys supposed to come here drug free?- She frowned as she took her nightie and slipped it on.

- Yeh… That’s exactly what I’m afraid of…- He sighed. –He could get the boot…

- Jane shook her head. –We have to tell the others. We have to find that acid, Paul.

- Yeh. –He got into bed. –I’ll talk it over with me pillow, then…- He turned the lamp off, and turned to his side as he felt Jane get into the bed. – Oh, Jane?

- Mhm?

He turned to face her, lying down, and caressed her hair. –I’m so sorry, luv. Yer right. We can’t keep on fighting over the same crap. We have to come u p with a decision…

He kissed her forehead and turned around, soon falling asleep.

And suddenly, Jane wished she had a monkey herself.

