
That look jolted me back to reality and I quickly crouched and grabbed the towel, wrapping it around me. He was still speechless and his eyes were still burning on me.

I looked at the floor, unable to look at him anymore. "Oh, my God, I'm sorry…" I stuttered, nervously.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were getting dressed."

I raised my head and looked straight at him, his eyes were sparkling. My look went down once again, but this time not to the floor. It stopped on his… little friend. Well, have I just said 'little'? I've meant to say, mmm… awakened!

"I was going to take the clothes to the bathroom so I could get dressed there… I'm sorry."

"Help yourself then, luv. That's one my pajamas, I hope you don't mind. I've tried to get Neil to bring you some woman clothes but I couldn't find him…"

"It's OK, Paul. Thank you very, very much. I owe you one."

"Never mind, luv."

An awkward silence filled the room and I could feel the sexual tension raising between us.

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom, then…" I said.

"Ok, need some help?" he blurted quickly, obviously without thinking and instantly got blushed.

"No, well--"

"Right," he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Don't worry…" I said and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I lay against the door, closed my eyes and sighed, feeling a strange need to go back to the bedroom and kiss the hell out of him. I quickly got dressed, made myself presentable, took a deep breath and opened the door, afraid of stepping into the bedroom but with no other option.

The first thing I saw was Paul. He had turned the lights off, lit some candles up and put the record player on. A strange, corny song was soundind and Paul was humming it with his eyes closed, dancing with an invisible girl.

I cleared my throat to bring him back and he stopped dancing and turned around to face me.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.

"Hey… what's up?" I asked, looking around.

"Well, I was wondering… may I have a dance with you, Miss Galagher?" He asked, charmingly.

I giggled. "Are you serious?"

"Sure I am, I've never been more serious. Well, maybe when I said you were lovely, but that's not the point," his smile widened.

What a pick up line!! Amused by it, I giggled again. "You've said that?"

"I think so. But if I haven't, please take my sincere apologies because you surely are!"

"Thank you."

Then he approached me and held out a hand. "Wanna dance?". I looked at him and the only word that crossed my mind was "HOT" so I said, "Yes."and took his hand in mine. He brought me to him and I walked slowly because of my feel, wich still hurted a little. My arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist and we started moving with the slow rhythm of the song.

"I thought you didn't like dancing…" Paul commented.

"I make exceptions once in a time…"

"And why are you making this exception?"

"Well, because of the dancer…" I knew pick up lines as well! "And because of the athmosphere here… it's great."

"So you liked it!"

"Yeah! What made you think I didn't?"

"Well, when you first saw it, it seemed you'd seen a ghost!"

"I thought you were posessed by one!"

He laughed and added, "well, yeah, I guess I got carried away. Just imagining what it would be to dance with you. And I was right," he said and moved his head to gaze into my eyes. "It's great."

Ohh! That was a look! "Thanks…"

Then he moved again, but this time to breath in my ear. "An remembering you without the towel…"

I breathed in his, "and remembering you with a hard-on."

He stopped dancing and looked at me again, shocked by my answer.

"You thought I hadn't noticed?!"

"Well…" he smiled. "I know it's noticeable."

"Oh, fuck off!" I laughed. "I had to pay way too much attention to notice!" Big lie…

"Now you're myopic?"

"No, actually I have a great sight."

"You've had a great sight!"

"You've had one as well!"

We both bursted out laughing an kept dancing slowly.

The volume seemed to turn up as we stopped talking. I only focused on him and his touch, I just loved the feeling of his hands on my waist, they fitted perfectly.

He pulled me closer and I had no intention in stopping him. We were finally pressing against each other when I had the idea.

"There's just one thing left to make this night perfect…" I breathed.

"What?" he breathed back.

"This." And I did it.

I kissed him.

Softly the first minute. Deeply the next.

Yeah! I was kissing him!

And he kissed me back! And my heart jumped with delight and nervousness.

The truth is that he was a marvelous kisser and just as I had imagined, his sexy lips gave me pleasure as no other man had before.

Passion took control of both of us and we begun walking backwards in direction of the bed… well, actually I was pushing him, softly but firmly.

We fall on the bed, me on top of him and kept kissing wildly. Suddenly he rolled on top of me and kissed my cheek, my jaw, my neck and kept moving, only to be interrupted by…

KNOCK, KNOCK! On the door.

"Paul?" said the fucking inopportune.

Paul huffed and replied, "What!!!!???" and kept kissing my neck.

"Have you seen the older sister?"

He stopped then, "Why??"

"Well, because we dunno where the fuck she is. What we really do know is that the little one in goin' for it with George on the sofa!"

That surprised me! What had he said!?

I gently rolled Paul off me, went to the door, opened it and faced a smiling Lennon.

"What!?" I demanded.

He checked me from head to toes and smiled lecherously. "So there you were, in McCartney's cage…"

"Yes. What have you just said?"

"That Paulie there is an animal--"

"No, idiot!! The other thing!"

"Oh, that yer little Annie and Georgie are makin' out on the sofa…"

I frowned, not really liking what I'd heard.

"Let 'em be, luv… I know yer not that boring!" He said and looked into the room and saw Paul sitting on the untidy bed. "Now I'm sure you're not that boring!" He laughed.

I chose not to answer and closed the door on his face. I could hear his insane clown laughter as he left. I turned around to look at Paul and, with a mischievous grin, said: "I think Annie can manage…" and went back to the bed, climbing on it and sitting beside him.

"And you? Can you manage me?" he asked and I proceeded to test my skills on management.

