
We went to the Candlestick Park in a chartered bus. Carloads of girls followed us up the Bayshore freeway all the way to the stadium. It was really hilarious to see the girls popping their heads out the cars and snapping photographs or screaming their lungs out and sobbing at their Beatles. The guys just smiled and waved, specially Paul who was sitting beside the window. John did the same, but after a moment, he got tired and stopped.

When we got there, it was even crazier than in the outsides of the hotel. The girls were completely nuts and they kept throwing themselves at the bus, not to mention that the screaming and sobbing was unabating. Into the stadium, the guys were lead to one of the locker rooms and were received by the press and some friends.

After the press left, we were alone in the room with Brian, Neil and two guys I believe were called Alan and Sam (two bodyguards).

"Hey, Eppy…" George called, sitting on a bench. "I feel like eating now…"

"Yeah, me too," John said. "What can you bring in?"

Brian looked at Neil. "What can you bring, Neil?"

"Well, I think there was some fried chicken in case you wanted to eat… I'll get it."

"Great," George said and rubbed his hands.

"Hey, guys," Neil said to Paul, Ringo, Anna and I who were sitting at a table, getting prepared for another round of poker (in Anna's case, for another round of poker watching) while Ringo shuffled the cards. "Are you eating as well?"

"Yeah," Paul replied. "I might get a bite…"

"Me too," Ringo said, concentrated on the bunch of cards.

"Will there be food in the party?" Anna asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, of course," Neil smiled.

"Well, then I'll wait till then."

"Alright. You, Pattie?"

"Same as Anna…" I wasn't hungry at all, maybe because of the nerves (I was feeling all jittery by then!).

When we were at the third round in the game, the chicken arrived.

"Luckily, luv…" Ringo smiled. "I think I will loose even me trousers if I keep playing with you!"

We laughed and Paul smiled, nodding. "She is in a lucky mood because it's her birthday, that's fer sure!"

After winning so many times, I felt daring and answered him. "I bet I can let you in just your undies if we play poker again! Birthday or not!"

"Well, I wouldn't have a problem about that, only if I have you in your undies as well, luv!" He laughed, followed by Ringo and Anna.

I managed just a smile and a little bit of blush went to my cheeks.

Then we removed the cards from the table and welcomed George and John (who had been fiddling with their guitars) to sit with us and eat the chicken.

While they were eating and talking, I realized none of them were really happy to be there. I was sure they would like to be in their houses with their wives (or girlfriends, I didn't know too much about their marital status) instead of being disturbed by screaming fans or by two girlies following them everywhere they went. And I understood them. Had I been in their place, I would had already dropped everything and gone back home to watch TV or read a book.

"Guys, go and get ready, please…" Brian said and left again to another room.

Before he entered, we were talking quite nicely and the lads' spirit seemed to go up a bit, specially George's and John's who were the most disturbed ones. But when they were told to change clothes, their spirit fell again and, reclutantly, they stood up and took turns in the bathroom to change clothes. While I waited, I was told the opening bands were playing, so Anna and I went upstairs to see them.

Neil came along and, as he told us that Cyrkle, The Ronnettes was the band on stage at the moment, he took us to a spot in the field that was the place where we were going to be situated throughout the show. I was quite impressed by the security. Thousands and thousands of policemen were there, taking care of everything and taking unconcious girls to some ambulances. The athmosphere was crazy and the audience was screaming all the time. But not all the screams were flattering, though. There was a very noticeable band of protestors against John's "we're bigger than Jesus" stuff.

Barry Tashian and The Remains were the next ones to go up the raised plataform they used as stage. Finally, BobbyHebb was the last one of the artists to support The Beatles that night. I realized the fans were already tired of those guys and wanted what they've payed for to get on the stage. For another ten minutes we waited there, and, accompanied by a horde of body-guards, The Beatles burst out of The Giant's dug-out. The flashbulbs nearly made me blind with their intensity.

They were dressed in neatly made, black, polyester suits. Their jackets were buttoned but you could see their shirts, and they were white with color figures on them. They looked absolutely great with their instruments in hand (Ringo had the drumsticks, you cannot take a drum set on your shoulder, can you? ) and after waving a little to the audience, they leaped up the steps to the stage. They plugged their instruments and tested if they sounded good, and the show started.

As the first chord of "Rock and Roll Music" left the amplifiers, the audience went even crazier. You couldn't listen a thing, this was nuts! The song kept going, as well as the yells and jumps from the girls present, and when it got to an end, the guys made their clasic bow and proceded to greet the audience and such. "She's a Woman", "If I Needed Someone" (wich I really liked!), "Day Tripper", "Baby's In Black" and "I Feel Fine" went before "Yesterday". They played a weird version of it, or at least it seemed weird to me! Paul played the bass and sang it, John played the rhythm guitar, George the lead guitar and Ringo the drums. It sounded very good, actually, but I would had liked to hear the album version (of course I didn't care much, I had already heard it live earlier that day!). Then it was Ringo's turn with "I Wanna Be Your Man", John followed with the beautiful ballad "Nowhere Man", Paul sang "Paperback Writer" and shouted "Long Tall Sally", finishing their show. I surprised me the short lenght of it, but I liked what I could hear of it anyway. Anna was hyper excited and happy to have witnessed such a great event and showed it by clapping, jumping and yelling like a mad woman. I just smiled and clapped a little as well.

They bowed a few times as the audience cried and yelled madly because it was already finished. One last wave and they were whisked away in the armored car, which had been standing by throughout the show and in which Anna and I had gotten into a little before them.

George sighed and smiled. "Finally this crap is over, lads…"

He seemed so happy that his smile was shiny and filled everyone with bliss.

"Yeah, man…" John smiled as well. "Now let's go to have some fun at the party, then one week of holidays in a house by the beach in sunny California and after that, one way ticket to London…"

"Beautiful plans, just beautiful…"

The other lads smiled whith happiness as well and Anna and I didn't know quite well what to say, so we remained silent. I was sorry about Brian. He had a long face all along the way and seemed so drained with all this stuff about the last tour that it made me feel pity for him.

"So, girls, liked the show?" Paul asked, rubbing a hand over his forehead to clean his sweat.

"Loved it! Absolutely loved it!!" Anna exclaimed, full of emotion.

Paul laughed at the way she said it. "I'm glad you did, luv!"

The other guys laughed as well and then George, who was sitting beside me, turned his head and said: "What about you, Pats? Liked it?"

Pat, Pats… I had two new nicknames already!

"Yeah, it was very good, guys…" I said, much more tranquil than my sister.

"Ohh, we got to you, didn't we, miss?" John laughed. "Now you can understand why everybody says we're luvly!"

We burst out laughing. "Well, I don't know about the luvly part," I replied, mocking his Liverpool accent, "but I really liked the show…" "I'm glad about that!" Ringo said.

"And--" Paul started but I interrupted.

"Yeah, Paul, don't worry. I loved the new version of "Yesterday"!"

The other three, Brian and my sister laughed at my joke and Paul looked at me, turning redded than I had ever seen him, (not that I had seen him a lot before, actually, but the blush on his cheeks was hilarious!).

When we got to the hotel, each guy excused themselves to their rooms to have a few minutes of rest, to have a bath and to change clothes. We told them it was alright and were lead to a little bedroom where we could lie down if we wanted or just do whatever we pleased.

Anna was frenetic about everything that had happened that day, and couldn't stop pacing around the room, telling me what she thought of their suits, the show, the screaming girls, the limos, the ambulances, the cops… she couldn't stop babbling!

She finally stopped her walking and came to sit beside me on the bed. I had been lying down all the time she'd been talking so I could at least get a bit of rest, but seeing her expresion made me sit down. It seemed she wanted to tell me something important. Well, I don't know if important to me, but yes important to her.

"You'll never guess, Pattie…" She whispered.

"What is it?"

"Well, do you remember that time earlier today when you went to that room with Paul to listen to their albums or whatever?"

"Yeah…" I didn't like that "or whatever" thing, but I wanted to hear what she was trying to say.

"Well, I was talking with the guys, you know? I was sitting on the big couch and they were sitting at a table, making what seemed like cigarettes. Then they came beside me, sitting on the couch as well. I ended up beside John and George, Ringo was beside John, I think…"

"And!?" I was suspecting of something, but I didn't want to say…

"Well, the thing is that they got their lighters, lit them up and had a loooong drag at it. Then George offered me some. Yo know, I do smoke sometimes with my friends or something, but that wasn't a normal cigarette…"


"Yes! They were fucking joints!" She laughed.

I was stunned. They were awful! How could they offer a fucking joint to a girl like Anna!? Were they nuts!!? A cigarette was ok, but a puff on their pot!? They were completely out of line there.

"And what did you do?? You declined, didn't you?!"

"Oh, well…"

"Don't tell me…"

"I didn't exactly declined, but… well, one puff was nothing."

"You smoked pot!? Are you nuts!?" I almost yelled.

"Shh!!!" she said. "Shut up!!! Besides, you smoke as well!"

"I smoke cigarettes, no pot!! There's a big, but very BIG difference there, you know!?"

"I know!! But I wanted to know what it was! Besides, it was fun. I was al giggly after it, hehe…"

I didn't see anything funny about it, so I remained serious, staring at her.

"Come on, Pat! It's not such a tragedy, now, is it?! I'm alright!"

"It's not right, you know?"

"Oh, leave it off! I'm not a fucking drug addict, you know?! Don't be paranoid! It was just for fun!"

"Alright, Annie…" I said, lying back on the bed. "Do whatever you want…"

She sighed and said nothing.

Just after that, a knock on the door got our attention. I sat down while Anna walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello, ladies," Neil smiled.

"Hey, Neil," Anna said. "Do you need something?"

"Yeah, well, I just wanted to let you know that the party is starting in any minute…"

"Oh, thank you! We're going."

"Alright, see ya there, then…" he smiled and left.

Anna closed the door and walked to a chair where her purse was on.

"I'm going to fix my make up, want me to fix yours as well?"

I thought that I might need a little bit of her special make-up touch, so I nodded and she proceeded. After a few minutes, we finished making ourselves presentable and stepped out of the room, to the party where the most handsome men in the world would be.

