


Alex sleepily pushed the button on her bothersome alarm clock and blinked a couple of times to clear her vision....

She suddenly remembered the last night's occurrences and quickly reached under her mattress; when she pulled he hand back out and saw the pen, she squealed, "Yes! Oh wow...so it WASN'Ta dream!"

So she got up, put the pen on her desk, and went to take a shower....

When she'd gotten herself ready for the day ahead, she took up the pen and got out her paper....'Concentrate, fool, concentrate!'

Suddenly, inspiration struck.....

*I (Alex Harper) was so excited that day of January 24th, 1962, for it was the day that I would be going to England to see my old friends Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Also on this day, they (along with two other lads in their group, The Beatles) were going to be discussing a contract with Brian Epstein; The Beatles, I heard, were immensely popular already with most of the teenage crowd in Liverpool, but they wanted to spread it further. They could very well become the next thing!!

There was only one problem; how was I ever to get in anywhere where Brian Epstein was?...*

Suddenly, everything began to shake; before long, she was sucked into some sort of vortex....

When she landed, she was at an open gate in front of what appeared to be a hotel! The one the Beatles and Brian were in!

She was also holding a suitcase; she supposed her pen and notebook were in there, and that she didn't have to write every single part of this new life she was taking on...

"Excuse me, but can you tell me which room Brian Epstein is in?" Alex asked.

The desk person pointed and told her where to go, and she followed the directions perfectly...

"Hey! Where do you think you're goin'?" a burly man, who seemed to be a security guard, boomed.

"My friends John Lennon and Paul McCartney are in there and I'm supposed to be staying at John's flat," Alex replied.

"Well, you ain't gettin' in there young lady," the guard replied.

"Hey.." Alex began.

"You ain't gettin' in!" he boomed.

"Hm...." Alex pondered as she walked away; she then got an idea and rounded the corner a little further down the hall...

When she got there, she put her plan into action, " 'Ey, Mack, ya can take yer break now!"

"Alright," the guard replied.

When Alex peeked around the corner,sure enough, the man was heading down the other hall.

Just as she got to the door and he to the end of the hall, he turned and saw her, "Hey!"

She opened the door quickly and closed it likewise behind her....

When she did, she stayed against it, listening for voices or the guard's dreaded footsteps...

"Alex?" she heard a familiar voice ask from behind her.

She turned to the voice, "John! Hi! Um, don't mind my little escapade...."

"Oh, Brian, this is Alex Harper; she's a friend of mine and Paul's," John introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Alex," Brian said.

"Pleasure," Alex replied.

She then took a seat next to Paul, the nearest Beatle; he reached over and took her hand and their eyes met, he giving her a smile. She smiled back and when he broke eye contact, she let her eyes roam the room....

The Beatles (at that time with Pete Best in them) were discussing entering a contract with Brian so they could try their hands at becoming really famous. Little did they know that what was comming....

At one point, Alex's eyes met George's; she smiled as he did, then casually looked away. She then noticed Pete looking at her and she smiled politely; she could never put her finger on it, but that guy always freaked her out....

Suddenly the door burst open and the guardsman came in and started fuming about Alex...

"You!" he'd shouted.

"Is there a problem here?" Brian asked.

He started his pathetic story about Alex and her insistance upon comming in.....

"Well, she's a close friend of Paul and John's, and any friends of theirs is a friend of mine," Brian replied.

The guardsman gave Alex a dirty look and left...

They then went back to discussing the contract.

About ten minutes later, they'd signed the contract and went out of the hotel; it was then that the "reunion" officially begun...

"Alex! How are you, luv?" John asked excitedly, picking her up and twirling her about in a hug.

"I'm fine! You?!" Alex replied.

"Fantastic!" John cried as he put her down and Paul pulled her close.

"Hey, luv!" he said.

"Hiya, Paulie!" she replied, "What's up?"

"Not much; these are our mates George Harrison and Pete Best; they're in the band, too in case you didn't know," Paul replied, "mates, this is Alex HArper."

" 'Ello."


George seemed so shy; Pete seemed a little immature...

"Well, we're headin' back to Aunt Mimi's flat; Cyn'll be happy to see ya later, too!" John said.

Alex smiled, "What, is she tired of all you cheeky guy talk?"

George laughed, "I think she's just tired of John!"

"Hey!.." John began.

"Nevermind you, John," Paul intervened, "come 'ed! Let's go!"

So they all piled into Paul's car and drove off for John's flat....
