John was feeling more restless than usual. He'd been waiting and waiting for George to arrive and now that they were reunited, George wanted to be left alone for the time being. Go figure. John paced back and forth in the semi darkness. There were no rooms here, no concrete walls or floor. It just was. So he paced in space and wondered how he could further explain things to George. Perhaps Alice could help him. He would have to find her later and have a chat if she weren't too busy.

He remembered how he had felt upon his arrival to this exclusive club. A group of people, many not famous, who were chosen not to die. It only seemed as though they did. Why?

Alice had explained this "Organization of Immortals" to John once before, briefly:

There are certain people in this world who have made such an impact that they had to go on. Some people were so talented, or so giving, that their souls were honored in this special way. Many people are too special for life. They are incredibly talented, lovely people, and for some reason, people like this just don't last long on earth. Something always happens to take them young. Mozart was taken young because of his extreme musical genius. For some other people, being reincarnated would've been too much of a shock. Because of who they had been, the memories of their former lives would've been too much for them. How could they possibly live up to it again? George was one of those people, as was John. Who could be a Beatle and then be reincarnated and live another life as an ordinary person? What would happen to the memories that this person would have?

Reincarnation isn't soul recycling. It's just a way for someone to learn all of the life lessons they need to learn. It takes more than one lifetime. However, in the case of George, who he was as a Beatle kept him from being reincarnated. The very young remember their lives quite well. Most people forget as they get older, but it is possible to remember. A young child with memories of being George Harrison would not fair well. There would be ridicule, psychiatric evaluations, the list goes on. George would have to continue his learning process from his position in the Organization.

As for the reason Paul and Ringo wouldn't be in the Organization, well that was still unclear. Alice never did go into any great detail. She did hint that maybe Paul and Ringo would be given some kind of position, but more as guardians, instead of continuing to learn and grow. Guardians are very helpful in the Organization, however. They helped to escort the newest members to a place where they can rest. Someone had helped George get to his space where he first was reunited with John.

Guardians aren't people who don't have more lessons to learn; they are somewhere in the middle. They do have lessons to learn, but they are between not being able to cope with reincarnation and not being full-fledged members of the Organization. Things do change, however. There have been guardians who have become members, and others who have learned to cope with their memories and were reborn. They became infants again, and the whole process began once more.

John was a full-fledged member because of his fame, controversy, and his murder. George was a member because of his quiet spirituality and fame. The Beatles had been four very well-known men, but with Paul there was only the adoration of the crowds. No quiet spirituality, no murder, no controversial relationship with an artist. Ringo, poor Ringo, was a member of the group, but he never received the same amount of recognition or adoration. He would be the first to be reincarnated. It might take a time for him to get over the fact that he didn't have a big a following or as successful of a solo career, but after that had passed, he would be ready.

One may ask about someone as important as Gandhi, or Mother Teresa. Where were they? No. There is a place that is higher than the Organization. It is called the Organization of the Immortals, but no one actually stays there forever. There is a place for those who were enlightened and who did enlighten others in their time, and their work was so great that their times for learning were done. This higher place, The Light of Peace, is where their energy resides.

