
"Ready Willow?" asked Bella, softly.

"Uh huh" nodded Willow, Bella noticed she had a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"Your friends will be here in 5....4....3...2..."

"WILLOW! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!" Buffy shouted as she entered the library. The Scooby gang followed closely behind, looks of concern on their faces.

Bella leant casually against a wall, filing her nails. "Take it away Willow..." she whispered.

Willow looked over nervously at Bella. "Um guys...this is..."

Bella stood up straight. "Oh..Willow I thought you knew? You're the only one that can see me!" She hissed sharply. "I'm invisible...look!" she waved a hand in front of Xander, who didn't react at all. He blankly continued watching Willow.

"This is...a good time to talk to you all." Managed Willow.

Bella smiled. "Ohhh fantastic save there by Miss Rosenburg". Bella said in mock commentator mode. "Will she top it with an inspiring monologue about Tara?"

Willow shot Bella a fierce look. Bella raised her hands in defeat. "Sorry Will, I'm very passionate about what I do. Continue please".

Willow smiled at the group as they found seats around the table. She cleared her throat, sipped a glass of water, and poured her heart out.

"Guys. We've had a rough time recently, all of us, but not meaning to sound selfish, I think I've suffered the most." She wiped her eyes, hoping that she wouldn't cry. Her glance turned to Bella, who smiled warmly. She motioned with her hands to continue.

Willow turned back to the group. "When Tara died...I was...I was..well I was numb. I couldn't believe it. She was gone, just like that". Willow snapped her fingers. "Rage swept through me, I was so angry that a person had taken her from me. Tara hadn't done anything wrong, everyone knew that. So I got mad..really mad. And I used magic to try an get justice, but it got out of control. It was like...I was there...but I was watching myself rather than controlling myself. The evil took over, and...and..I was powerless". She paused a wiped a tear from her eye. The others moved closer, touched by this incredible story. "Eventually the power just got the best of me. It was a awful. I just wanted to end it all, and I would have, if it wasn't for a certain someone".

She paused and turned to Xander, who took her hand and urged her to go on. His innocent, endearing eyes were gradually filling up with tears. "Xander...when you talked me round. You gave me the strength to rise up and stop the evil that I had become, and I thank you for that. I knew it was going to be OK, because you always are right. You're my oldest, dearest friend. We've been together since we were kids, and even though you don't put spiders in my hair anymore, thank God, I still love you, I always have, I always will."

Xander smiled at her. The two embraced. Willow held him closely, never wanting the moment to end. The two cried in each others arms.

Willow slowly broke apart and turned to Buffy. "And..Buffy. You're the coolest girl I know. You mean so much to me, because you've stuck up for me for so many years - a-and you tell me what I look best in when I have a hot date".

Buffy laughed and hugged her. Willow continued. "I love you as well, Buffy. And - I wish I could say more..but eventually that's all it comes down to. I love you." The two both started crying and laughing at the same time. "I can't believe I'm crying..this is so stupid" laughed Willow. Buffy smiled through her tears, "I know...it feels like I'm in a movie or something."

Willow giggled then turned to the rest of the gang. "Giles, Dawn, Anya...you guys are fantastic too. OK? A-and I wanna say thanks for putting up with me. I know I can be annoying at times."

Anya laughed nicely. "Let me guess...you love us too?"

Xander shot her a look. But Willow shook her head. "Leave it Xander, she's right. I do love you all, and Buffy, you're right. This is like some weird mushy movie..."

Buffy laughed. "Yeah..next minute we'll see a Guardian Angel telling us that she's here to watch over Willow."

The gang laughed loudly, except Willow. She managed a false laugh and looked at Bella. "Yeah..like angels exsist".

After laughing and eventually wiping tears, everyone got to their feet and headed over to Willow. One by one, Xander, Anya, Buffy, Dawn and Giles all hugged her individually. They told her what she meant to them and made her cry even more. After everyone had confessed their feelings, they all had sticky cheeks and the gang had sore arms from the hugging.

"Well we're going to the cemetary to check out some new demon" said Buffy, slowly getting up. "Wanna come with?" she asked Willow.

"Nah I'm ok here, I'm pretty tired, I think I just need a nap."

Buffy shrugged and headed to the doors. "Suit yourself, Will". The others followed her, waving and saying their goodbyes. Willow smiled at them all as they exited. She didn't take her eyes off the door until the last person left.

Willow waited until the muffled chatter had competely faded, then she knew they were definately gone. She whirled around quickly.

"Bella! what was that...it was like everyone...wait..Bella?" Willow searched the room, Bella was gone.

"Bella???" Willow called again.

"Whoa..what..sorry?" Bella appeared from behind a bookcase. Willow sighed with relief. She enjoyed seeing Bella now, she almost looked forward to it.

"What, Willow? huh?" Bella asked. Her striking green eyes sparkled with panic.

"Bella it was amazing did you see? did you?" Willow asked, she was as excited as a child on Christmas morning. "Everyone told the truth and everyone let their true feelings show! No-one held back! It was beautiful...I feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

"I'll take that as a compliment" Bella said proudly.

"Huh??" asked Willow.

"Well...I needed everyone to really open up, so I made a little truth spell. One click of my fingers and everybody announces what they really think of it each other. Luckily, everyone in your group loves each other. Sometimes this spell has devastating results if the people aren't actually keen on it each other...then it gets really ugly."

Without warning, Willow hugged Bella tightly. Bella was caught off guard completely. She slowly put her arms around Willow and returned the embrace.

"What was that for?" she asked softly.

Willow smiled. "For helping me with my friends. I've never felt so close to them."

Bella stroked her hair. "Willow...you're loved by so many people, you have to realise that. Human beings take their loved ones for granted, when really..they'd be nothing without them. Sometimes they don't figure it out until its too late."

Willow smiled and pulled apart. "Ohh..Bella. You are incredible."

Bella grinned cheesily. "Darling, of course I am! Hollywood is always knocking at my door. They're thinking of doing a 'Bella' movie. I'm a star darling, a star! You'll lucky to have me you know, right now I could be snogging Brad Pitt while you have some boring fuddy duddy as your angel."

Willow giggled. "Snogging?"

Bella rolled her eyes and put on her best American accent. "OK sorry girl...'making out' Does that suit you better you little yank?" She asked.

Willow laughed, of course she knew Bella was teasing. She had known Bella a short while...but she felt so close to her. There was something amazing about Bella, aside from her dazzling looks and witty comments..there was a strange warmth in Bella...and Willow loved it.

"Bella...I just want to say thanks...for everything you're doing."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Sweetheart its my job! Just because I'm damn good at it doesn't mean you have to thank me!" Bella looked at her watch, her face fell. "Ohhh look its late! nearly 10pm! We've been here all day! Researching, loving, and goodness knows what else you've been doing today, Willow. I'll see you tomorrow! And remember...you haven't seen nothing yet. Wait 'til I help you with Tara...then there will be fireworks. I promise."

Bella smiled her beautiful smile at Willow, and with a click of her fingers she disappeared.

Willow's face dropped. Tara. Willow felt ill with guilt. She'd been so busy making up with her friends and enjoying Bella's company she'd competely forgotten about Tara. She felt awful. How could she forget Tara? the one she loved? Don't take your loved ones for granted, Bella had said. And Willow was doing just that. She sighed.

And now with Bella, what am I doing?? she wondered. I'm suddenly happy to see her, I love her jokes, her smile makes me melt. I'm giggling like a schoolgirl over some 200 hundred year old Duchess...snap out of it girl! She told herself. You love Tara...you love Tara. Not Bella...snap out of it, now!

But her heart knew she couldn't.

