
It was a cold night in Sunnydale. Willow walked around the cemetery cautiously, she had her stake in her bag, just in case.

She saw Bella perched on a gravestone, she caught Willow staring and waved.

Willow smiled and walked over. "I-Isn't it disrespectful to sit on a grave?"

Bella looked up. "Hmmm? ohhh nah. This guy kidnapped a baby."

Willow nodded. "O-oh OK."

Bella glanced at Willow's clothes. "You like nice tonight, Will, any occasion?"

"No" smiled Willow.

She was so excited! Bella had actually noticed her clothes! Willow had worn her best black dress and put on her best lipstick. She wanted Bella to realise how pretty she could look if she could put her mind to it. And she looked darn good, to say the least.

Willow suddenly had a brain wave. The cemetery! it was a very hidden place...no-one would see her there....Bella had seemed keen to go...and she commented on her clothes. Was it possible...Bella felt the same way...and she was going to make her move? TONIGHT? Willow's heart skipped a beat. No...no way....is it possible?

"You really are a lovely girl, Willow" smiled Bella.

THAT WAS IT! Willow smiled to herself, a discreet location, a compliment...it must be...yes! Bella was going to kiss her.

"Now...this is going to be hard for me." Said Bella

Willow nearly exploded with happiness. "Don't worry, I'll make it easy" she giggled.

Before Bella had a chance to react, Willow reached up and kissed Bella on the mouth. It was a quick, soft kiss, yet bursting with passion.

Bella pulled away. "Will...what are you doing?" she asked softly.

Willow's heart sunk. "Y-You took me to a discreet location...and said you liked my clothes...and..called me lovely...so..I thought you wanted to kiss me?" Willow cried.

Bella took her hand. "Willow....I'm so sorry if you misread those things, but...I don't have feelings for you."

Willow felt ill. She was so embarrassed. She turned away and began to cry.

"Willow...." soothed Bella. She placed her hands on Willow's shoulders.

"Go away. This is too embarrassing" cried Willow.

"Shhh Willow. I'm sorry, its not your fault. I'm sorry this happened. I do think you're an excellent girl. Its just...I'm in love with Gregory. And...I'm well....dead".

Willow wiped her eyes, refusing to speak.

"I'm sorry you misread the signals. But it wouldn't work between us".

Willow moved her head away. "Why did you take me to the cemetery, then?"

"I wanted you to see Tara's grave, I wanted you to talk to her grave as if she was there."

Willow felt awful. She had been so stupid! Why would Bella like her? Why????

"Believe it or not, this has happened before."

Willow turned around. "It has?"

"Uh huh."

"Really? So you don't think I'm stupid?" managed Willow.

"Willow! I don't think you're stupid at all! You're beautiful, funny, intelligent, sweet...."

Willow wiped her eyes. "I just...I just miss Tara, OK? I need someone to be with me."

"I know sweetheart, I know. You see, a lot of the witches I help, they miss their loved ones too much. They're desparate to find someone else to love. Seeing as I'm the nearest person at the time, they transfer their love from their lost one onto me". Bella said softly.

"That makes sense. So...I don't love you, its just like my subconscious missing Tara?" asked Willow.

Bella nodded.

Willow held onto her like a child with its mother. She cried onto her shoulder.

"Shhhh" soothed Bella. "Now come here". She led Willow to Tara's grave.

Willow sat down in front of it, unsure of how to react.

"Now" whispered Bella. "Talk to her, as if she's here right now".

Willow looked at the grave. "Hi Tara".

The grave was silent.

Willow screwed up her face in disgust.

"Its not working, Bella".

"Keep going."

Willow sighed. "Hey...Tara. I miss you. Bella's looking after me, so I'm getting through it slowly....."

Willow sat there for over an hour. It all came pouring out. How she loved her, how Xander had saved her, how everyone was. She talked about Bella, she talked about Gregory, anything that crossed her mind.

Willow finally finished. "That was great, Bella."

She turned around. Bella had gone again. Willow noticed a note on the floor. She picked it up and read aloud:

Dear Willow
Your excellent progress has proved I no longer need to spend too much time with you. Tomorrow will be our last day. The three exercises we have done so far, talking to your friends, remembering the good times, talking to Tara, you can do these anytime you wish. But tomorrow the exercises will be a one off, with the aid of my magic. Tomorrow, please meet me in the library at 3pm. I will have two special people with me, to help you.



Willow folded the letter. She placed it in her jacket pocket, and walked back home. She knew she wouldn't sleep a wink tonight.

She'd be too busy thinking of good memories of Tara.

She'd be thinking about her true feelings for Bella.

She'd be thinking just who the two special people were that were going to help her.....

