
Bonding with you

By Raven



(Me talking)

^ Dreams^

I don’t own CCS but I do own Lia I made her up!!!

^ A girl dressed in a Black dress was on the Tower, “Now will be the time mistress be ready for me. Remember that your heart will be the only key to win the battle of faith…” ^

“Sakura-chan, wake up you are late for school!” yelled Kero-chan

“Hoe!!! I am late!” she jumped out of bed and ran to school quickly.

“Yes! Just in time,” Said Sakura.

“Hey Sakura-chan, late again?” said her best friend, Tomoyo-chan.

“Yeah, butI made it just in time.”

“Hey, Sakura-chan.”

“Hey, Syaoran-kun.”

Just when Sakura was about to say something teacher came in stopping her.

“Hello, class we have a new student every one meet Lia-san from China.

“Lia-san, please sat behind Li-san.”

Lia sat down behind Syaoran.

Sakura looked at Syaoran out of the corner of her eye.

~she seems like I have met her before~

~Hmm I know Sakura-san we have met and now let me do a little trick so your thoughts are not your own any more. ~

Lia said really quietly, “Your mind your thoughts out not your own, because this bond will be complete. Power of darkness light of the soul complete this bond on my call.”

“Lia-san, will you please answer problem three?”

“Lia-san are you ok?”

“Ah!” Lia fell off the chair

Every one start to laugh at the young girls dismay.

“Oh no I am so sorry my mind just wandered off please forgive me the answer is 66.”

“You are forgiven Lia-san, and yes the answer is correct you can get back on your seat now.”

Lia got back in her seat embarrassed, her cheeks tinted a bright red.

Later as the bell rang...

“Your homework is due Monday have a good weekend every one. And Lia-san please keep your mind on the work next time.”

“Yes Sir,” she bowed and left quickly.

Lia-san ran in jumped into the huge Sakura tree, as she listened into the group's converstation.

“Come on Sakura-chan we are having lunch,” Said Tomoyo-chan.

“I wonder where Lia-san went?” Sakura asked.

Lia then said really quietly “your mind your thoughts our not your own because this bond will be complete. Powers of darkness, light of the soul, complete this bond on my call. Now Power of the Faith release.”

“Hmm did you guys hear something?” asked Sakura

“I did not hear any thing,” said Eriol-kun.

“Me either,” said Tomoyo-chan

~Hmm I thought I heard something thought Sakura~

“Sakura-chan, did you say something?” Asked Syaoran

“No, I didn’t.”

“I think you both are hearing things today,” Said Eriol-kun.

Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other.

“Well we have to go finish our project good bye Syaoran-kun, Sakura-chan,” said Tomoyo-chan walking away with Eriol-kun dragging behind.

~Hmm I don’t remember any project I just think they are up to something thought Sakura. ~

“I think they are up to something too Sakura-chan,” Said Syaoran-kun

“Yeah, wait how did you know what I was thinking?”

“I don’t know that is weird.”

“Yeah, ok I will think of something and you tell me what I am thinking.”


~ Hmm I have to do my chores and my math homework I will never get my math done it is just too hard. ~

“You thought you were going to have a hard time on your math home work. You know I could help you.”

“Syaoran-kun, you just read my mind! How did you do that?”

“I have no clue see if you can read mine,” said Syaoran.

~ I can always help you Sakura-chan on your homework~

~ You would really help me Syaoran-kun? I sure do need the help it is really hard. I don’t know how you can do it. ~

~It is pretty easy to me. ~

They opened their eyes.

“How did we just do that?” asked Syaoran-kun

“I don’t know let’s go ask Kero-chan come on,” Sakura said dragging Syaoran to talk to Kero-chan.

Lia jumped down “this is going to be really funny, they are going to have to work together for this test.”

She walked away slowly. (Well she sounds just a little bit mysterious don’t you think?)

“Hey monster. Oh no what is the gaki doing here?”

~ One more time he calls me that I am going to…~

“Syaoran-kun no you will not do that to my annoying brother.”

“Ok, I won’t but he better stop calling me a brat.”

~I will just use my magic and he will be gone and…~

“Syaoran-kun, stop saying that you know that you can’t do that.”

“Oh sorry, I forgot you could do that.”

They went up stairs leaving behind a weirded out Touya.

Touya followed them he wanted to know what was going on, ~They were like reading we each other’s minds thought Touya~

“Kero-chan, do you know what happened?”

“Well, there is only one thing some on has put a bond on you to.”

“A bond what kind of bond?” asked Sakura

“I thought bond it means you can hear each others thoughts.”

“All of our thoughts?” asked Syaoran

“No, you can stop the other person from listening to some things but not all of them.”

“How would we do that?” asked Sakura.

“I don’t know.”

“That is a lot of help stuffed animal.”

“Hey, I am not a stuffed animal.You are lucky I am even helping you brat.”

~ So they have a bond I can’t believe this my sister and that brat have a bond, but that can only mean one thing thought Touya~ (ok all Touya are ready knows about Kero and Sakura’s magic and all. Hmm I wonder what he meant by “that can only mean one thing” hmm I guess you well have to wait and see!!)

“So how do we get rid of the bond?” Asked Syaoran.

“There is no way you can you are stuck with it.”

“Forever?” asked Sakura

“Yes, forever Sakura-chan.”

Sakura looked at Syaoran and closed her eyes Syaoran did the same thing.

Touya looked thought the door and watched carefully.

~ Syaoran-kun, we are stuck like this forever~

~ I am sure there is a way out of it Sakura-chan~

~ But what if there is not. ~

~ Don’t worry Sakura-chan we will find a way but until then my thoughts our your thoughts~

~ And yours out mine right? ~

~ Yep so I guess we will have to figure out a way to block the thoughts right?”

~ Yeah Kero-chan did say we could block some right so maybe there is a way. ~

Kero watched the two Cardcaptors deep in thought as Sakura had reached out for Syaoran’s hand and they held on the auroras becoming stronger.

~ I don’t know Sakura-chan that stuff animal didn’t help too much~

~ He tried though~

~ Well, I am sure we can live with this bond thought Syaoran~

“I am sure we can,” Said Sakura.

They opened their eyes and let go of their hands as they both blushed.

“Well, I have to go home good-bye Sakura-chan.”

“Good-bye, Syaoran-kun.”

Touya ran to his room before Syaoran came out.

Syaoran tried not to think because he knew Sakura could hear his every word but his mind wandered and he began to think any way

~ Me and Sakura have a mind bond that well stay on forever and I have no way to get it off. I know Sakura is scared and I am too. I can hear her privet thoughts and she can hear mine and I don’t know what to do. ~

Sakura was listing to Syaoran thinking to himself and she was really surprised that he even cared for her. He kept calling her by her first name and it sounded so right.

~ How am I suppose help Sakura when I am the one needing help also? ~

~ Syaoran, you don’t have to worry about me you know we can help each other. ~

~ Sakura, I didn’t know you were listening. ~

~ I am sorry that I was but I could not help it Syaoran can I call you that? ~

~ Sure, as long as I can call you Sakura. ~

~ Syaoran, she blushed saying his name, how long have you been calling me Sakura in your head? ~

~ I, he blushed, I don’t really know I guess I just started doing it and never stopped. ~

~ Then how come you never called me Sakura out loud? ~

~ I don’t really know I guess every time I tried it came out as Sakura-chan.~

~ Well, I am glad we can call each other by out first names.

~ Me too~

~ Well, I have to go to bed and Syaoran... ~

~ Yes~

~ Tomorrow can you help me with my math homework? ~

~ Ok sure. ~

~ Thank you. ~

~ Your welcome good night, Sakura~

~ Goodnight, Syaoran. ~

Back to Touya’s room

“Hey stuffed animal come here.”

“I told you not to call me that.”

“ I heard that the brat and my sister have a thought bond.”

“ Ya and I care why?”

“ Did you hear what I said that gaki it going to be able to hear every thing my sister thinks and that is not good how could you let this happen!!!”

“ I didn't let this happen someone else did it.”

“ Remember what that book said?”

“ Oh no you don’t think that…”

“ Yes, it is coming true faith is here to test the two bonded souls and you know what that means.”

“ Ohh no I am stuck with him forever!!”

" You and me both.”

(Hmm what were those two talking about? Well this is very important to remember so make sure you know what they said!”

Sakura and Syaoran both went to sleep dreaming peacefully... but little did they know their thoughts were still shared...

^Sakura saw all of her friends and family dead on the floor.

“Mistress, you will need more power to defeat me.”

“No let Syaoran go now, he is the only one left.”

“ No he is mine now.”

Sakura saw Syaoran bowing to the person.

“ No Syaoran what are you doing this.”

“ I hate you! You evil person you killed my family and friends and I will not let you kill Syaoran either.? Yelled Sakura.

Syaoran took out his sword and was about to kill her, but she woke up.

^ “ Ohh that was scary, Kero-chan are you there?”

Then she remembered she went to Tomoyo’s because she had the new game and tons of candy.

Sakura was trying not to cry, as she held her knees close to her body.

~ I am all-alone Kero-chan is not here to help me. What if that dream comes true~ she kept on crying then she heard...

~ Don’t cry Sakura I am here. ~

~ Syaoran I had the most scariest dream ~

She started to cry harder, as cold tears feel down her pale cheeks.

~ Please, don’t cry Sakura that dream will not come true I promise~

~ But what if it does? ~ She started to cry harder, ~ I am afraid~

~ Sakura hold on for a minute.~

Syaoran got up out of bed. Using his dash card, he got ot Sakura's house in no time, and climbed up the tree by Sakura's house.

~ Sakura open the window~

She got up and opened the window letting Syaoran jump in. She hugged him tightly to her body, pressing against his bare chest.

“Shhh Sakura that dream will not happen.”

“But all of my family were dead and Kero-chan and Ruby and Yue and you were.”

“Shhh Sakura I am here and I would never turn evil and I will keep you safe.”

Sakura stopped crying hard, and cuddled up to him.

Syaoran wiped the tears off of her face softly.

“How come you never told me you were having these dreams?”

“Well they were never this bad,” she started to cry again, but Syaoran quickly stopped them by sitting on her bed, craddeling her to his body.

She fell fast asleep, because of his rocking motions and sweet whispers. Just as he was about to leave his sleeping beauty, “Syaoran please don’t leave what if I have that dream again please stay with me. No one is here to help me out Oni-chan and daddy are on a dig.”

“Ok I will stay,” he got a blanket and pillow and slept on the floor

A few minutes later

“Syaoran are you still awake?”


“I can’t sleep on I am afraid that I will have that dream again," she got up, making her self at home in Syaoran's blanket as he started to blush he pulled her closer.

“Thank you for being here for me Syaoran.”

“Your welcome I will be here whenever you need me.”

“I guess having this bond is not so bad,” said Sakura

“Yeah,it could turn out to be a good thing.”

“Syaoran don’t you think Eriol-kun and Tomoyo-chan make a great couple?”

“Yeah,I think they do they both are sneaky and have to know every thing and evil.”

“Hahahaha Syaoran they are not evil.”

“Well Tomoyo-chan is not that evil,but Hiragizawa is.”

“Syaoran, I still don’t know why you hate him.”

“He is evil and he freaks me out.”

“Ok let’s go to bed good night.”


The next morning

Syaoran looked around and felt Sakura in his arms, as his memories came back to him.

He got up slowly trying not to wake up Sakura as he went into the kitchen and made some breakfast for them.

“Sakura, come on get up.”

“Just 10 more minutes please?"

“Come on Sakura

“Do I have to get up?”

“Yes you do it is 12 o clock.”

“Ok,” she said reluctantly.

“Syaoran, this is really good how did you learn how to cook like this?”

“I have learned over the years and my sisters taught me."

“Do you miss your family?”

“A little, but I write to them all the time.”

“Were you lonely?”

“At first when Meilin-chan and Wei left I was, but after time I never got lonely. I had you and the rest of the gang.”

“But still staying all alone.”

“It is really not that bad as it sounds.”

“Thank you for breakfast.”

“Your welcome now lets go do the dishes.”

They did the dishes and then started on their math homework.

“Yes we are half done!” yelled Sakura.

“See math is not that hard.”

“Well, it is not hard when I have help for the best math student.”

“I am not that good at math.”

“You are compared to me.”

The finished there math and their other homework quickly, in silence.

“Do you want to go to the park, Syaoran?” asked Sakura breaking the silence between them.

“Sure lets go.”

They went to the park and then went for ice cream.

“Syaoran, what is your favorite favor of ice cream?”

“Chocolate, what is yours?”

“Hmm I don’t know I like a lot of flavors I could not just pick one. Hey look there is Eriol-kun and Tomoyo-chan I wonder what they are up to come on.”

Syaoran and Sakura spied behind a bush.

“Well, we have to come up with a plan and a very good one to,” Said Tomoyo-chan

“Hmm I have been thinking about it for days but I have not come up with anything,” Said Eriol-kun

“But they are so kawaii and prefect together and they both love each other but are two afraid to tell each other. And every one else knows that they love each other but them,” Said Tomoyo-chan

“Well, I am sure that we will come up with something, Tomoyo.”

~ Syaoran, Eriol-kun just called Tomoyo-chan by her first name I don’t even do that~

~ Yeah and what are those to up to? ~

~ But who are they trying to set up this time~

~ Who knows. thought Syaoran~

“Well, we have to think of something Eriol, but I have to go home.” “

Good-bye,” she kissed his cheek

Eriol blushed, tinting his cheeks slightly.

“Good-bye Tomoyo,” he said as she walked away.

Eriol put his hand to his cheek, “Man it is good to be loved by an evil and beautiful person.”

“Syaoran, Eriol-kun and Tomoyo-chan are in love!”

“Who would ever think and you know Sakura?”


“He said she was evil so there I told you they were both evil.”

“Syaoran,” she punched him in the shoulder lightly.

“Well, I got to go Syaoran I will see you at school tomorrow.”

“Ohh and Sakura remember to bring lunch we have a field trip.”

“Oh yeah thanks Syaoran I will see you later,” she ran home Syaoran turned and walked home ~good-bye Sakura~ he thought

Sakura heard him and smiled to her self.

Next day

“Sakura-chan get out of bed you are late for school!! Yelled Kero-chan

“Ohh no I am late!!” She got up and got dresses, ate breakfast and was running out the door.

Then she saw Syaoran, “Syaoran what are you doing here?”

“I knew you would be late so I got made lunch for you come on are going you be really late if we don’t hurry.”

They ran to school together, as Touya watched them go.

~I knew that this would happen~ he rode his bike to school quickly locked in his thoughts.

“Li-san, Kinomoto-san you are both late now since every one are ready has a partner you to will just have to work together now onto the bus.”

They went on the bus, and sat in the back.

~ Man, that lady is mean~

~ Yeah very mean~

~ Hoe Syaoran I forgot you were listening~

~Well it is hard not to, Sakura where are we going again? ~

~ We are going to the lake on the other side of town where we well see the museum. ~

~ Ohh yeah now I remember~

“Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan are you there? Syaoran-kun.”

“Huh,” they said together

“I have been trying to get you to out of that trance forever I was just wondering how come you to were late,” asked Tomoyo-chan

“Ohh well,” she looked at Syaoran. ~Help~

“Umm Sakura-chan forgot her math homework at my house because she asked me to help her with it and where were you Tomoyo-chan I thought you were suppose to help out Sakura-chan.”

“Well, I got umm a little busy and forgot I am sorry.”

Tomoyo-chan turned around fast blushing and she rememebered what she was doing that day.

~ You got her there Syaoran~

~ Yeah I knew that would get her of our case and you know what she was not suppose to met you any way. ~

~ Yeah look at her blushing~

They laughed.

“What so funny guys?” asked Eriol-kun.

“Nothing, Eriol-kun.”

“We were just wondering where Tomoyo-chan was yesterday but she would not tell us.”

“Ohh,” he blushed, “umm I thought she said she was doing homework.”

“Yea that is what I was doing.” Tomoyo-chan said quickly.

Syaoran and Sakura looked at each other and laughed.

~ They are making fools of each other thought Syaoran~

~ Yea they are both blushing really hard~

Eriol and Tomoyo looked at each other, wondering what the heck S+S were doing.

“What are they laughing at?” Asked Eriol who was still blushing.

“I have no clue,” said Tomoyo, “but I think that is the first time I ever heard Syaoran-kun laugh.”

“Yea, I think that is the every first time.”

Tomoyo took at her video camera as she was taping them.

~ You know I don’t think we should tell them that we know that they are together. ~

~ Yeah I think we should wait a little longer it is so funny!! Thought Sakura~

Tomoyo-chan looked around and every one was sleeping, but S+S and them. Sakura and Syaoran had their eyes closed and we putting their hands together and were letting out a powerful aurora.

“What are they doing, Eriol?”

“I have no idea but it looks like they are talking to each other or something.”

~ Do you think we should blackmail them since they do that to us all the time? Asked Sakura~

~ Yeah we could use one of Tomoyo-chan video cameras to do it. ~

~ Yeah you know they are going to be blushing really hard when we bring it up again thought Sakura~

They opened their eyes and said, “That is what we could do it is a prefect plan.”

“Now all we have to do is get it on tape,” said Syaoran

Tomoyo and Eriol acted like they were sleeping listening to the young couple.

“I think we should go to sleep Syaoran it is going to take a long time to get to the lake.”

“Yeah,” Sakura rested her head onSyaoran’s shoulder as they both fell asleep.

“What were they doing Eriol?”

“I don’t know but we should find out.”

“Don’t they look kawaii!!”

“Shhh we don’t wanna wake them up lets take a nap.” (Ohh they did not even remember that Sakura called Syaoran by his first name!!! I would have noticed big time!!! Well there is a reason for it!!!!)

“Sakura-chan wake up we are there,” said Tomoyo-chan.

“Really all ready?"

“Syaoran-kun, wake up.”

“Are we there?” he said opening his eyes, reveiling their deep amber color.

“Yeah,” said Sakura, “come on lets go.”
