I don’t own the title!! I got it off the TV show Card Captors so don’t sue! I don’t own the characters of CCS or CC either!!

Powers’ Ploy

By Raven



(Me talking)


Sakura’s point of view!!

I woke up thinking and the power card that I catpured earlier filled my memories.

^”Sakura-chan you did it! You caught the card!” yelled Tomoyo hugging me.

“I did it!” I said jumping around.

“Thank you,” I sincerly told the elephants, then I felt a magical power. I looked up at the tree... and there was Li-kun. ^

That is how I won, with his help. I did not do it on my own.

^Do you think she can do it Kero-chan?” asked Tomoyo-chan.

Kero nodded.

The next thing I knew power was on the ground. ^

I got out of bed, slowly walking toward the park.

He used the time card and saved me once again...

I sat on the swing, my mind filled with thoughts.

~If he hates me so much, why does he keep saving me? ~

I looked up at the night sky, secretly wishing I knew the answer to my question.

~Why was I even thinking about him? ~

He is my rival, and only that. But, was he more? I keep thinking about him ever since I met him. (When I was watching the show, I felt as if Sakura are ready knew about her feelings for Syaoran, but she just did not show them. She thought about him a lot. I know that for a fact. So maybe, she just put those thoughts in the back of her mind but when Yuki turned her down and Syaoran was there for her, she realized who she really loved.)

I felt like someone watching me and I towards a near by tree. And there he was...Syaoran. (Notice she said Syaoran, not Li-kun)

“Li-kun, what are you doing up there?” I asked feeling a little jumpy for soem reason.

He jumped down in front of me swiftly.

“The question is what are you doing here?”

I stepped back from him, not afraid, but shocked at his coldness towards me.

“I felt your aurora going here, so I decided to follow it,” He said glaring at me, with those deep, firery amber eyes.

“So what are you doing here?” he asked again.

“Umm taking a walk,” I said.

*Syaoran sweat drop*

“At two in the morning?” he said.

“Umm yeah,” I said sitting on the swing.

He sat down on the other one, still with the cold glare on his face. But, I swear I saw a little bit of a worried glint in them.

“I was thinking about the power card that’s all,” I said.

I looked at him, and saw that he was staring at the night sky.

“I wanted to say thanks for helping me catch the card.”

“You knew?” he asked looking at me.

“Yeah, but I did not want to admit that because, I thought I could catch a card by myself for once. But, I guess I needed your help again,” I said looking down.

“But, you can catch the cards on your own,” He said startling me.

I looked at him confused.

“You caught some card before I came didn’t you?” he asked.

“I guess, but they were weak. I’m sure anyone could have caught them,” I said getting teary eyed.

He put his hand under my face, and wiped my tears.

“A real card captor would never give up like that. Hey, without you who would be my rival?” He asked smiling.

I started to blush. I had never seen him smile before.

“Thanks Li-kun.”

“Hey, any time but, don’t go thinking I will be easy on you. I will capture the Clow Cards,” He said walking away.

I raised my hands to my cheek. I could still feel his hand caressing my face.

“Hey Li-kun, don’t go thinking I won’t stop you from catching those cards. You can count that I will put up a fight.”

He turned around, and smiled, then started to walk away till I could not see him any more.

~Maybe he is not so bad after all. ~

I slowly smiled to my self, and walked home.
